The beta is off to a strong start, and you may have already taken off in your Battlefrontesque career. Aide-de-camp allows you to access your stats and equipment, even when you are not logged in to the game.
So let's take a little tour of the Aide-de-camp and see the features available, we could well learn a little more about this game.
Note that this is all still in beta and does not necessarily represent the final content.
You can see your name, your avatar, the last time you were seen, the number of credits owned, as well as your in-game rank and the number of unlocked equipment.
Statistics and progress
By clicking on the Rank tab, you will access more detailed statistics about you:
- Rank and XP
- Score
- Number of kills, the ratio of kills / deaths (I still have work to do!) And the number of matches played, as well as the ratio of wins / losses
For the rest, let's see a little more in detail:
- Missions
- Challenges
- Accomplishments
- Detailed stats
This screen lists the missions played (Survival), as well as the number of stars earned in each mission.
The challenges are tasks to be completed, which will earn XP and credits, such as achieving a certain score, eliminating a certain weapon or destroying a certain number of vehicles.

Achievements are ultimately more or less the same as challenges. Maybe a little faster to do.

This screen simply contains even more statistics!
Star Cards
Star Cards are bonuses that you unlock as you progress.
- Collection
- feature
- Star Cards Hands
- Base Command Decks
This screen allows you to quickly see the Star Cards that you have unlocked.
Traits are bonuses granted in-game based on your performance. For example, the only trait available in the beta, "Sharpshooter", reduces the cooldown of your Star Cards depending on the number of headshots you do.
Here you can manage the Star Cards you have on hand (which you can use in battle). In total, three Star Cards can be selected:
- Two "classics"
- One working by "Charge", which you can reload by collecting in-game bonuses

The last tab allows you to compose your "Decks" for the "Staff" mode, which we will detail in a future article.
This screen allows you to see the weapons that you have unlocked and to have a short description of them.
For the moment not available in the beta, it is however possible to see a collection of images to unlock.
The other function of Aide de Camp is also to spy on your friends! Indeed, by clicking on their portrait at the top right, you can also access their statistics, what they have unlocked, etc ...
For example, I can go see what our chef Onidra has done and see that she is only Rank 2 (bouuuh):
So that concludes this overview of what will be our indispensable companion when Battlefront comes out. Keep in mind that the game is in beta, as is the app. Thus, the content presented is not at all representative of all of what will be offered at the output.