Today, it has been 9 years since World of Warcraft was released.
In a post on the official website, the team looks back on the incredible community that has been following the game since day one and all the iconic moments that make World of Warcraft the game we know. Do not hesitate to read this moving message, full of good memories, directly on the official website.
This is an opportunity to reflect on these days spent in Azeroth, several hundred hours for some (including me). The opportunity also to look at some old screenshots where we only had a few thousand health points and to go back 9 years ago ...
Souvenir album 2005-2007
First walk to Mount Hyjal long before the area is open.
The death of Ragnaros!
On the throne, at the end of BRD.
Zul'Gurub, a hell of a challenge for beginner raid players!
Maghtheridon, impressive!
The death of Gruul.
To you ! Share your best memories with us!