On the occasion of the upcoming release of the "Battle for Azeroth" expansion, Blizzard invited us to a small festive evening this Thursday, August 9, 2018. On this occasion, I therefore went to the basement of a hotel in the street from the University in Paris to meet fans of the Horde or the Alliance.

You have to choose: Horde or Alliance?
Upon entering the tone is set, we are given the choice between the Alliance stand or the Horde stand for our bracelet, but also for the events to follow. The Lore is respected, in this extension we return to the sources of the conflict between these 2 entities with Anduin on one side and Sylvanas on the other.
Despite my many characters on the Alliance side, I have a soft spot for Sylvanas' story, her journey since her transformation, her charisma, her many achievements in glory (and this is the only Horde side that I respect ...) I therefore have a little hesitation on which way to take. But hey, finally, we do not change and I still choose the Alliance to which I have all the same been faithful on the battlefields for many hours of games. Jaina is always there to do the job admirably and I like this young Anduin full of passion and courage.

A quest for today's adventurers
After this difficult choice, we are offered a quest allowing us to collect our adventurer kit before leaving. To succeed, it's quite simple, we will have to taste a beverage in the colors of our allegiance, so blue for the Alliance and red for the Horde. but also support our faction by taking pictures under our banner to help (virtually) our heroes by encouraging them.
So I found some lonely adventurers of the Alliance, alias Ida from L'info tout court and Sylvain (yes we were strangely in the minority) in order to constitute an effective group to overcome these quests. So we share these weird drinks, and then we're going to take a picture of ourselves to show our support. With my brave companions, we easily validate these quests.
festive evening
We can then go and celebrate at the tavern to discuss our past exploits and our latest video-game, film and television adventures.

The moment of farewell
But it's already time to say goodbye. So we get our well-deserved adventurer's kit and decide to meet again to share new adventures together on Azeroth or elsewhere. And you then, tempted by the adventure?