Every 2 hours now (instead of the 3 days previously) this big mushan appears in the Valley of the 4 Winds with 320M health points. It is more exactly on the teeming terrace, to the south-east of the area (the place is easily recognizable due to the absence of grass). Either way, you can't miss it, Chief Salyis warns of his arrival yelling: "Loot and plunder, bwahahaha!". Hunters can forget the idea of taming it: it cannot be trained (at the same time, given its size, it would fill the stable on its own).
We killed him with a group of 40 people, level 90 with 6 healers, 3 tanks and the rest of DPS (31) and we did not encounter any particular difficulties: he died on the first try, while we didn't know the mechanics and we rushed into the fight to avoid missing it.
His most violent ability is called Barrel Barrage which he throws every minute and does damage to all players near him (so be careful if you just watch the fight you might get hit) . Regularly, reinforcements arrive, they must be killed in order to avoid being overwhelmed and for the survival of our healers. Named Salyin fighter, these troops have 3.26M hit points each. On contact, it quickly becomes difficult to navigate:
Moreover, from my goblin height, I wanted to share with you my vision of this superb fight:
In addition to the achievement the first time (Mass Extinction), it is possible to obtain an epic item of quality 496 or, failing that, a Marauder's Shiny Gold Bag containing gold. As with all bosses, it is possible to play a token in order to obtain additional loot. It looks like he gives a mount (Galion's son saddle) but I didn't see anyone in our group pick it up.
Tell me about your fight against this big herbivore (not so herbivorous after all ...)!