We are finally there! Since 00:01 today, it is possible to tread the lands of Draenor. And for the occasion, Blizzard is releasing patch notes. We might expect something long, very long. But not really actually because most of the changes were made with the pre-expansion patch.
A New World: Draenor
- Draenor is now available to everyone! Characters can now face off against the Iron Horde by passing through the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands.
- Draenor is a land of magma, metal, stone, and steam. Blacksmiths veil its twin moons in smog, and huge wheels warp the earth. Dangerous sabrons, winged arakkoa, spiked-skinned gronn and other strange creatures rule its wilderness and feed on the flesh of anything they can kill.
- A small overview of the new areas available:
- Shadow Moon Valley
- Frostfire Ridge
- Nagrand
- Feller
- Gorgrond
- Spiers of Arak
- A'shran
Take control of your fiefdom
- Build a mighty stronghold, a lasting base that will represent your faction in this world. Conquer a mortal world and build an impregnable monument dedicated to victory.
- Customize it with specialized buildings like a farm, stables, armory, workshop, and more.
- Recruit loyal subjects and post them to your base, send them to loot dungeons, complete missions, and craft items, even when you're offline.
New dungeons
Bloodmaul Mine
- The Bloodmaul ogres carry out mining operations in the sweltering heat of volcanic caves. It is said that the real goal of these operations is to find an extremely powerful ancient relic.
- Level 90-92
- 4 boss
Iron Quays
- On the northern coast of Gorgrond, the Iron Docks are the heart of the Iron Horde's naval might. The huge port is filled with warships and artillery machines ready for war. Ground troops stand ready to land and break the will of anyone foolish enough to stand against the Iron Horde.
- Level 92-94
- 4 boss
- Auchindoun is the sacred mausoleum of the draenei, a sanctum of Light in which the spirits of the dead come to find rest. The Shadow Council sees this sacred place as a great opportunity ready to be seized, with Gul'dan and his minions seeking the favor of demonic masters.
- Level 94-97
- 4 boss
Edge of the Sky
- Overlooking the peaks of the spiers of Arak, Oree-du-Ciel is the seat of power for the adherents of Rukhmar. The arakkoa have gathered and tamed the apexis technology of their ancestors and are now ready to unleash the concentrated power of the sun on their enemies.
- Level 97-99
- 4 boss
Tristerail Depot
- The Grimail Depot is a strategic point for the Iron Horde war machine, allowing the transport of troops and material produced in the Blackrock Foundry to the front lines of the war on Draenor. The Grim Rail, a huge train, has been fitted with an electric cannon powerful enough to shatter the shield that protects Shattrath. And the departure is imminent ...
- 100 level
- 3 boss
Shadowmoon sacred lands
- The traditional sacred lands of the Shadowmoon clan. Fallen chieftain Ner'zhul, going ever deeper into perversion, sacrificed the soul of his clan in a desperate quest for power. The Ancestral Spirits are now restless, tormented, and they serve as energy in dark rituals that will plunge all Draenor into the Void if no one interrupts them.
- 100 level
- 4 boss
The Eternal Flora
- The Kirin Tor has created outposts throughout Draenor, magically connected to Azeroth, to serve as a supply line for reinforcements. But what appeared to be a prime strategic location, near the Blackrock Foundry, was known to the Botani as Eternal Flora, a sacred place in the woods of Gorgrond. The outpost was quickly overgrown, but it is still connected to the outskirts of Stormwind ...
- 100 level
- 5 boss
Blackrock peak revisited
- The Ironwalker avant-garde has taken up residence at the top of Blackrock Peak. As the summit is laid out to serve as the base for a full-scale invasion of Azeroth, the Iron Horde has a spine-chilling contingency plan: they've set up an apocalyptic weapon deep in the heart of Blackrock Mountain. .
- 100 level
- 5 boss
- Players whose character is propelled into Warlords of Draenor begin their adventures in the Tanaan jungle with a few basic spells and techniques in order to familiarize themselves with their new hero. New class mechanics and techniques are unlocked as the player participates in the counterattack to stop the Iron Horde invasion and close the Dark Portal.
Quest system
- Draenor's Quest Log and World Map now display quests that match the main story arc, as well as side quests. But keep in mind that some surprises await you along the way. Not everything is stated, we wouldn't want the Quest Log to spoil your discovery fun!
- Some areas of Draenor have bonus objectives, the progress of which is indicated on the world map. Completing these bonus objectives grants additional money and experience.
- Quest rewards on Draenor now have a small chance to be better than expected. Instead of an unusual (green) quality reward, there is now a chance to get a rare (blue), or even epic (purple) reward!
Changes to classes and characters
- The maximum level has been increased to level 100.
- Characters can now learn Draenor's perks, permanent bonuses to their skills, which are learned every two levels from 92 to 98.
- For a full list of class and character changes, please see the Patch 6.0.2: Iron Wave Notes.
- Hunters can now tame pets from three new families.
- Hydres
- Rylaks (exotic)
- Potamodontes
Mascot fights
- New battle pets can be found and tamed all over Draenor.
- New Grand Masters of Pet Tamers who have trained their pets in this wild world stand ready to challenge the most seasoned Pet Tamers.
Raids, dungeons and scenarios
- Characters level 91 or higher can now queue up on their own in the Raid Tool for Mists of Pandaria Raids and Scenarios. All they have to do is address chronicler Fu, chronicler Shin or chronicler Han at the Seat of Knowledge in the Vale of Eternal Spring.
- The Siege of Orgrimmar
- Garrosh Hellscream
- Garrosh Hellscream's Loot no longer contains Heirloom Weapons.
- The Kor'kron Juggernaut is now a rare drop in Mythic difficulty.
- Garrosh Hellscream
- Queuing for a random Warlords of Draenor Heroic Dungeon now requires at least one character on the account to have achieved a Silver rating or higher in the role the player signed up for.
- The character's item level is no longer scaled down in the Crucible. The creature level is now adjusted to the character's item level.
Challenge Mode
- A new season of Challenge mode is now available. Compete against the clock to complete a dungeon as fast as possible and earn all-new achievements, titles and rewards.
- PvP Season 16 begins December 2, 2014!
- Warlords PvP gear has a secondary item level that activates when the character enters a PvP area (arenas, battlegrounds, A'shran) or enters PvP combat with another player. . During this item level transition, the character's relative hit points remain the same.
- Did we talk about Ashran?
Battlefields and arenas
- The Battlegrounds Call to Arms has been removed and replaced with an all-new rewards structure. Level 100 players get a Reinforced Chest based on the final battleground score. There are reinforced chests of bronze, silver, and gold, each with increasing chances of containing better rewards.
- Arena Skirmishes for level 100 players grant a Steel Reinforced Chest to the winning team, which has a chance to contain Honor Points or Equipment purchasable as Honor Points.
- Characters can discover new blueprints and recipes that will allow them to craft powerful pieces of equipment and items from the crafting materials discovered on Draenor.
- Catch-up mechanics are available for characters to catch up in their chosen professions.
- Madame Goya has moved operations from her black market auction house to Draenor.
- Most items found on Draenor have a chance to contain tertiary characteristics granting additional bonuses:
- Avoidance: Reduces damage taken from AoE attacks.
- Indestructible: The item no longer suffers a loss of durability.
- Puncture: Converts a percentage of damage dealt or healing done to self-healing.
- Speed (Movement): Slightly increases the character's movement speed.
The Bastonneurs
- The Bastonneurs now accept into their ranks level 100 characters ready to do battle. Some fights will be similar to the previous fight circuit, but there will also be a surprise or two.