MMO-Champion has posted a few screenshots of the known UI changes for the expansion. Note that as the alpha has not yet started, these changes are known only from the customer's analysis. We will certainly discover other details once in play.
So now the Dungeon Codex summarizes the strategy for the roles in addition to the abilities of the bosses, giving more precise information on what we will have to do. Something to reassure the most anxious or assiduous players who learn about strategies before going to dungeons or raids!
La shortcut list is now presented as tabs. We forget the long list of undrinkable choices where we get lost!
Finally, we can now manage our extensions without having to disconnect or install an add-on for that (like Simple Addon Control or Addon Control Panel). Very practical if you have an add-on that causes the interface to crash or if you forgot to check the famous "Launch obsolete add-ons" box after a big update!
As a conclusion, here are the last images posted in the snapshot of the day from the official site.