The beta client is available for download from Battle.net. Once authenticated, you must go to the download games (Games & Codes> Download games) and click on Beta installation tool. This will allow you to download a client that will be added to the Battle.net app. This will allow you to recover Warlords of Draenor and be ready if you gain access!
Suddenly, the datamining (extraction of customer information) is going well and information has arrived en masse last night. You can find articles on this subject on Wow head et MMO-Champion. Do not hesitate to consult these sites if you wish to have all the information.
For those in a hurry, here are the main points I noticed.
- objects
- business
- mascots
- zones
- dungeons / scenarios
- creatures and rare
- factions
- strongholds
- all classes have between 3 and 9 glyphs. As a reminder, glyphs will be automatically learned (85 identified, or about 20%).
- many equipments are already present:
- Objects greens from iLvl 510 to 528
- objects of dungeons of iLvl 630
- some useful objects:
- a tome allowing to fly in Pandaria (linked to the account): Grimore of the Four Winds
- Darkmoon Faire tickets, Darkmoon Ticket Fanny Pack, should we expect changes on this side?
- lots of fun and unnecessary items: Neural Silencer, Deceptia's Smoldering Boots, Mysterious Flowers, Grommar Diving Suit, Megawatt Filament
- Alchemy
- Archeology
- Forge-Minage
- Enchantment
- Engineer
- Leather work
Of course, alchemists will be able to make potions and flasks (normal and large): agility, intelligence, strength, armor, mana, heal, regeneration, find treasure, critical chance, haste, mastery, multistrike, readiness, spirit , armor, stamina.
Du côté des plantes : Frostweed, Fireweed, Gorgrond Flytrap, Starflower, Nagrand Arrowbloom, Talador Orchid, Chameleon Lotus, Essence of the Shapers.
The Philosopher's Stone of the extension: Draenor Philosopher's Stone.
Non-life-restoring potions no longer share the same cooldowns as life-restoring potions. The latter, however, share the same cooldown as the healing stones.
3 new types have appeared in the files: Ogre, Shadowmoon Clan, and Warsong Clan (with related shards). Some excavation sites:
- Frozen Lake Digsite
- Wor'gol Ridge Digsite
- Daggermaw Flows Digsite
La Forge will make it possible to create equipment from 637 to 672.
- Draenic Steel items : iLvL 637 objects.
- Hardened Draenic Steel items : iLvL 656 objects.
- Peerless Draenic Steel items : iLvL 672 objects.
Here are 3 items that blacksmiths can create:
- Blacksmithing Daily Cooldown Targetting : Heats a Draenic Crucible to melt a Draenic Steel Bar.
- Blackrock Seaforium : explosive to open locked doors that require a lock pick of 475 and below.
- Harden Armor : Upgrades a Draenic Steel Chestpiece to a Tempered Draenic Steel Chestpiece.
It will always be possible to mount your mining in Draenor, there are nuggets for all materials as well as fragments (True Iron Nugget, Blackrock Fragment). The new materials are:
- True Iron Ore
- Blackrock Ore
- Blackrock Crucible
For the latter, it will be necessary to recover plans, Plans: Blackrock Crucibles and Their Uses , to learn how to create and use it.
The new enchantment components are:
- Draenic dust
- Rune shard
- Essence de Blackfire
Enchantments mainly concern locations that are not armor: weapons, rings, necklaces and cloaks. The affected stats are: armor, critical chance, haste, mastery, multistrike, readiness, spirit, armor.
A new Swiss army knife arrives: Ultimate Gnomish Army Knife. As well as a new letterbox: GUMM-E.
Hunters can build a super rifle: Shrediron's face shredder
I let you look on Wowhead for fishing, plants (herbalism) and dishes (Cooking). These are long lists of objects for the moment in English that are not of great interest. Herbalism and mining, as in Pandaria, can be mounted entirely in Draenor.
On the registration side, compared to glyphs that are learned automatically, this is about 20% of total glyphs.
Note that the developers have indicated that the professions would now be more a personal choice than an optimization choice. They will thus remove the direct benefits in combat of the professions.
sourceSome of our goals with Professions in Warlords of Draenor are to make them more of a personal choice, and less of a mandatory "min/max" selection. To that end, we're removing the direct combat benefits of Professions.
7 new pets have been found.
- Old Cooking Pot
- Tiny Iron Star
- Carrotus Maximus
- Weebomination
- Mechanical Toucan
- Mechanical Tallstrider
- Echo of Murmur
On Twitter, other mascots have been confirmed:
No pet battle patch notes? Baby hippos, baby gronn, carpnado, elite pet trainers, eggs, and leveling stones. Boom. Plus more. #tipsytweets
— Jonathan LeCraft (@TheCrafticus) April 4, 2014
Hunting pets is a dangerous business. You must not go out without your hat and Blizzard understood it well: Savage Safari Hat. The experience of the pets will be increased while wearing it.
Going over the list of exploits is not very interesting, but it allows to have the confirmation of the name of the zones :
- Nagrand
- Frostfire Ridge
- Gorgrond
- Jungle de Tanaan
- Feller
- Shadow Moon Valley
- Spiers of Abrak
In the ridge it will be possible to obtain temporary improvements:
- Shamanstone: Blessing of the Wolf
- Shamanstone: Buffeting Galefury
- Shamanstone: Ogrish Fortitude
- Shamanstone: Spirit of the Wolf
- Shamanstone: Spirit of the Wolf
- Shamanstone: Touched by Fire
- Shamanstone: Touched by Ice
List of cards
- Stromgarde Keep
- Halfhill Scenery
- Celestial Tournament
- Small Battleground A
- The Purge Of Grommar - Scenario
- Small Battleground B
- Small Battleground C
- Small Battleground D
- Transport: Siege of Orgrimmar (Alliance)
- Transport: Siege of Orgrimmar (Horde)
- Bloodmaul Slag Mines
- Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
- Warcraft Heroes
- PattyMack Test Garrison Bldg Map
- Draenor Auchindoun
- Blasted Lands Phase
- Ashran - World PvP
- Transport: Gorgrond Train
- Gorgrond Finale Scenario
- Bonetown Scenario
- Frostfire Finale Scenario
- Blackrock Foundry Raid
- Talador Iron Horde Finale Scenario
- Blackrock Foundry Train Depot
- Spiers of Arak
- Highmaul Ogre Raid
- Propland - Dev Only
- Tanaan Jungle Intro
- Circle of Blood Scenario
- Teron'gor's Confrontation
- Development Land 3
- Nagrand - Garrison Camp - Stable2
- Defense of Karabor
List of zones
- Zeb'tula
- Shaol'mara
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Frostfire Ridge
- Gorgrond
- Spiers of Arak
- Tanaan Jungle
- Backbreaker Bay
- Greymist Firth
- Wildvine Marsh
- Shadewood Thicket
- Isle of Giants
- Isle of Thunder
- Hidden Cell
- The Secrets of Ragefire
- The Tiger's Peak
- Vale of Eternal Blossoms
- Big Blossom Excavation
- Big Blossom Mine
- Deepwind throat
- Deepwind throat
- Siege of Orgrimmar
- The Swollen Vault
- Frostwind Dunes
- Throm'var
- Daggermaw Ravine
- The Savage Crag
- Siege of Orgrimmar (OLD DO NOT USE)
- Razor Hill Outskirts
- Sen'jin Village Outskirts
- Vault of Y'Shaarj
- Razor Hill Watchtower
- Big Blossom Excavation
- Big Blossom Mine
- Deepwind throat
- Deepwind throat
- Nagrand
- Faralohn
- Timeless Isle
- Icescar Boneyard
- Lashwind Cleft
- Stromgarde Keep
- Gul'rok
- Shattrath Metropolitan Area
- Theramore's Fall
- Brawnbelly Barracks
- Digger Flats
- The Pits
- Blightstone Quarry
- The Iron Tower
- Blackguard's Forgotten Cove
- Celestial Tournament
- The Tainted Woods
- Old Pi'jiu
- The Cracking Plains
- Grombolash
- The Boneslag
- Stonefang Outpost
- Icewind Drifts
- Grom'gar
- Cavern of Lost Spirits
- The First Anvil
- Ascent of Frostfire
- Refuse Pit
- The Ice Forge
- Akama's Scar
- The Iron March
- Grommar
- Gar'mak Quarry
- [PH] Alliance Bastion
- The Burial Fields
- Shaz'gul
- Light's Fall
- Teluuna Observatory
- Starfall Outpost
- Gul'var
- Scarred Vale
- Bladefist Bay
- Dranosh'ar Landing
- The Darkspear Offensive
- Before the Gates
- Valley of Strength
- The Drag
- The Forge Gates
- Dark Heart of Pandaria
- Watcher's Den
- Giant's Fall
- Secluded Glade
- Greenstone Village
- Lion's Landing
- Blood in the Snow
- Domination Point
- Stormwind
- Grimfrost Hill
- [PH] - SMV - Alliance Garrison
- South Seas
- Ruby Lake
- Ordon Sanctuary
- Croaking Hollow
- Firewalker Ruins
- The Celestial Court
- Mossgreen Lake
- The Timeless Shore
- Tushui Landing
- Huojin Landing
- The Misty Strand
- Three-Breeze Terrace
- Kukuru's Grotto
- Tsavo'ka's Den
- Mysterious Den
- Whispershade Hollow
- Red Stone Run
- Firewalkers' Path
- Shrine of the Black Flame
- The Blazing Way
- Time-Lost Waters
- West Camp
- Turgall's Den
- Sootstained Mines
- Sootstained Mining Camp
- Grommar
- Proving Grounds
- [UNUSED]Hidey-Hole
- Gloomshade Grove
- The Shadow Rise
- Indentation Landing
- Grulloc's Lair
- The Halfhill Market
- The Secret Ingredient
- Bladespire Fortress
- Explosion Town [NOT TEMP NAME]
- Twilight Glade
- Circle of Blood
- Hall of the Great Hunt
- Wor'gol
- Den of Despair
- Farseer's Rock
- Terrace of the Stars
- Shadowmoon Overlook
- Bloodmaul Slag Mines
- Bladespire Throne
- Bastion Rise
- Laughing Skull
- Tailthrasher Basin
- Skullchief's booth
- Prototype Proving Grounds
- Blackrock Station
- The Forgotten Caves
- Blackrock Pipeworks
- Dry Riverbed
- Belcher Cauldron
- Draenataur Cavern
- Stonemaul Slave Camp
- Stonemaul Slave Mine
- Spinebloom Spiers
- Gorgrond Garrison Area
- Smokebelcher Depot
- Blackrock Foundry
- Lake Oasis
- Gronn Cave
- Highland Pass
- Elemental Hollow
- Blackrock Shipyard
- Tankworks
- Shrubby Plateau
- Salt Flats
- Blackrock Foundry Base
- Reeg'ak's Nest
- Melted Burrow
- Mount Teluuna
- Gormaul Watch
- Eastwatch
- Mor'dul Tower
- [PH] Heroes Through Time
- Vindicator Ledge
- Darktide Roost
- Pit of the Devourer
- Draenor Auchindoun
- Gorgrond Pass
- The Iron Front
- The Screaming Geyser
- Court of Souls
- Liadrin's Watch
- Deathweb Hollow
- Telmor
- Plains of Serenity
- Moonflower Valley
- Embaari Village
- Aruuna
- Anchorite's Sojourn
- Veil shadar
- Duskfall Island
- The Pilgrim's Road
- Frostboar Drifts
- Karabor
- Path of the Light
- Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
- Terokkar Refuge
- Emberfall Lake
- Ulon Oasis
- Blasted Lands
- Sharptusk Lake
- Kuuros Farm
- Butcher's Rise
- The Binding Trench
- [PH] Ashran - World PvP Zone
- Spineling Crevice
- Gardens of Eternity
- Tranquil Court
- Amphitheater of Echoes
- Karabor Harbor
- [PH] Talador Beach
- [PH] Bluff Base
- Tuurem
- [PH] Logging Camp
- Blackrock Shipyard
- The Sulfic Refuge
- Shattered Beachhead
- Shattered Landing
- Bonetown Scenario
- Gronnstalkers' Cache
- Palemoon Village
- Pool of Visions
- Aruuna Crystal Mine
- Frostfire Ridge
- Canyon Pass
- Bladespire Ravine
- The Shattered Front
- Stonefang Ridge
- Thunder Pass
- Windswept Lowland
- Blackrock Foundry
- Bloodmaul Territory
- Bloodmaul Slag Mines
- The Shadow Tower
- Shadowmoon Grotto
- Grommar Hold
- Grommar Docks
- Pilgrim's Sojourn
- Bloodthorn Cave
- The verdant mire
- Light's Rest
- Tomb of Souls
- Feller
- Shattrath
- Throne of Stonemaul
- Iron Siegeworks
- Blackrock Train Depot
- Ancestor's Grotto
- Jorune Mine
- Waning Crescent
- Spiers of Arak
- Lower Quarter
- Grand Spire
- The Overlook
- Moonwillow Peak
- Bones of Agurak
- Agurak's Fall
- Highmaul Raid
- Ango'rosh Ruins
- [PH] Spires Coast
- Spires Garrison
- Seat of Depravity
- Sunsworn Camp
- The Broken Crater
- Frostwall
- Snowfall Alcove
- Coldsnap Bluffs
- Frost Den
- Thaelin's Retreat
- Frostbite Hollow
- Sleeper's Lair
- Bloodmaul Stronghold
- Thunder Pass
- [PH] Spires Dry Region
- [PH] SpiresThorny Region
- Blook's Overlook
- Ruins of Ata'gar
- The Gloomspire
- Retribution Point
- The Burning Front
- [PH] Test Zone
- [PH] Test Zone 2
- Iceblister Den
- Tanaan Jungle
- Okril'lon Hold
- The Forge Grounds
- Exarch's Refuge
- Dreadmaul Rise
- Lower Skettis
- Garden of K'ure
- Darkspear's Edge
- Dreadtalon Peak
- Ravenskar
- Veil Terokk
- The Dark Portal
- Heartblood Tangle
- The Bleeding Altar
- Kargathar Proving Grounds
- Heartblood
- Umbral Halls
- Blackrock Quarry
- The Path of Glory
- Iron Bastion
- Living Explosion [PH]
- Forbidden Glacier
- Bloodthorn Hill
- The Nightmarsh
- Dyvari Overgrowth
- Sabermaw
- Remains of Xandros
- Blade's Edge Mountain
- Southwind Cliffs
- Warsong Lookout
- Gol'gor
- The Bleeding Mountain
- Wor'var
- Prowler Ridge
- Yrel's Watch
- The Burning Glacier
- Riverside Post
- The Stones of Prophecy
- Lok-rath
- Nagrand Corral
- Kil'sorrow Fortress
- Grommashar
- Gates of Grommashar
- Ironfist Harbor
- Clowder Rise
- Ancestral Grounds
- Ring of Trials
- Telaar
- Wolf's booth
- Iron Waystation
- Sabermaw Den
- Glade of Shadows
- Lowland Cave
- Ashran - Center Lane
- Telaari Station
- Shadowmoon Mine
- Defense of Karabor
- Aruuna Desolation
- [PH] Alliance Bastion Lvl 1
- [PH] Alliance Bastion Lvl 2
- [PH] Alliance Bastion Lvl 3
- [PH] Ashran - The Arena
- Tomb of Lights
Dungeons / Scenarios
- Auchindoun
- Bloodmaul Slag Mines
- Defense of Karabor - 100
- Iron Depot
- Iron Docks
- Shadowmoon Burial Grounds - 100
- Shaper Dungeon
- Siege of Niuzao Temple
- Spiers of Arak - 100
- Upper Blackrock Spire
- Blackfathom Deeps: Rise of Aku'mai
- Bonetown Scenario - 100
- Dawson's Creek
- Gorgrond Finale
- Razorfen Kraul
- The Battle for Shattrath - 95
- The Battle of Thunder Pass - 95
- The Mines of Draenor - 90
- The Purge of Grommar - 92
- Thunderlord Invasion
Some bosses
- Charlga Razorflank - The leader (or "crone") of the Razorfen tribes is Charlga Razorflank, a quilboar whose experimental and powerful Geomancy practices are second to none. Her meteoric rise to power and the rapidly increasing violence between quilboar tribesmen can only lead
- Groyat, the Blind Hunter - After years of seclusion, a monsterous creature from deep inside the dark grotto emerged. This gargantuan bat continually feeds on the boar once named Agathelos the Raging, whose dark power was once fueled by continual consumption of bat guano.
- Warlord Ramtusk - The commander of the Razorfen military forces, Warlord Ramtusk is a massive aging Quilboar whose thick hide bears the scars of many battles with centaur, harpies, orcs, and even tauren. In his later years, Ramtusk has embraced the company of Quilboar spir
- Hunter Bonetusk - If a hunter's accomplishments are measured by the trophys they return with, Bonetusk would be regarded as one of the best. His cunning aim and animalistic instincts brought his hunting and tracking abilities to new heights, and only the strong stand a cha
- Roogug - Quilboar society regards the reading of stones and crystals as the highest form of shamanism. Roogug served the Quilboar people for many years, quietly honing his divinative arts. He now serves the Quilboar as the overseer of all geomancers and has amasse
Blackrock Foundry Raid
- Burning Blade Shaman
- Blast Furnace
- Gruul the Subjugated
- Trains
- Hans'gar & Franzok
- Darmac Breaker
- The Iron Maidens
- Oregorger the Devourer
- Blackhand
- Kromog, Legend of the Sleeping Mountain
Blackrock Foundry Train Depot
- Gar'tan
- Assault
Blackrock Spire
- Orebender Gor'ashan
- Ragewing the Untamed
Bloodmaul Slag Mines
- Rock Dude
- Crushto
- Gug'rokk
- Gog'duh
Draenor Auchindoun
- Azzakel, Vanguard of the Legion
- Soulbinder Nyami
- Auchindoun Defense Construct
- Teron'gor
Highmaul Ogre Raid
- Highmaul Sorcerer King
- The Butcher - Prepare to get Butchered.
- Twin Ogron
- Lord Krakkenspore
- Kargath Bladefist
- Tectus, The Living Mountain
- Fel Breaker
Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
- Sadana Bloodfury
- Bonemaw
- Ner'zhul
- Hhallish
Creatures and Rare
Many names of creatures have been found. As well as rare:
- Aarkos
- They are invited
- Amethor
- Ancient Saltsnap Turtle
- Aruumel's Mace
- Azika the Frostwitch
- Bergzoid
- Blademaster Zaruk
- Bloodbloom the Colossus
- Bloodthorn Cave
- Boarmother Kuu'rat
- Bonus Objective: Forbidden Glacier
- Borrok the Devourer
- Breathless
- Broodmother Reeg'ak
- Brotoculus
- Brotoculus
- Caldera Makrah
- Cannibalistic Squirrel
- Canyon Icemother
- Captured Draenei
- Champion Camp
- Chop 'Em Down
- Cindermaw
- Coldstomp the Griever
- Coldtusk
- Cro Fleshrender
- Cyclonic Fury
- Dark Emanation
- The Deadshot Girl
- Doomfang
- Dr. Gloom
- Dusty Chest
- Earth-Master Rogok
- Echo of Murmur
- Elementalist Utrah
- Executioner Nozil
- Farah Treasure Walker
- Firefury Giant
- Firefury Stone
- Foreling Worship Circle
- Foreman Fallow
- Forge Matron Targa
- Fowl Play
- A frenzied
- Frostbite Hollow
- Frozen Axe
- Frozen Treasure
- Future Vignette Placeholder
- Galzomar
- Gargantuan Frostbeak
- Garrison - Event - Danger - Bomb
- Giant Snake
- Giantslayer Hunting Party
- Giant-Slayer Kul
- Gigantic Insect
- Gigantic Mother Hippo
- Glimmerwing
- Gnarljaw
- Gorg'ak
- Gorum
- Grand Warlock Duress
- Grimfrost Hill
- Grizzled Frostwolf Veteran
- Gutstone of the Devourer
- Hammertooth
- Hygrocybe
- Iron Chain Treasure
- Iron Flail
- Iron Horde Caravan
- Iron Horde Gunman
- Iron Horde Hunter
- Iron Horde War Engine
- Iron-Bound Avalanche
- Iron-Bound Inferno
- Kalgor Foeslayer
- Kal'rak the Drunk
- Kharazos the Triumphant
- Killmaw
- King Slime
- Don't click
- Larva
- Line-Breaker Drugg
- Lo'marg Jawcrusher
- Lorgrun Ironfist
- Magmos the Mountain Breaker
- Marok doomhand
- Mysterious Void
- Nixxie the Goblin
- Obliterator Construction
- Ogron-B-Gone
- Pale Fishmonger
- Pathstalker Dear
- Primalist Mur'og
- Prophecy of Jerrikar
- Prophecy of Kraator
- Prophecy of the Warp-Watcher
- Pyrecaster Zindra
- Ra'kahn
- Roardan
- Rockhoof
- Rockhoof
- Rotbelcher
- Saving Anchorite's Sojourn
- Scarhide Kragor
- Scout Goreseeker
- Scoutmaster Hasark
- Shadow Mountain Treasure
- Shadowcaller Anga
- Shadowmoon Gronn
- Skull-Splitter Grun
- Snagglemaw
- Sooty
- Starcrusher Roghash
- Stone Matron Shula
- Stormwave
- Synodicus
- Talby
- Taskmaster Mugrah
- The Beater
- The Bone Crawler
- The Obliterator
- The Voidseer
- Thunderlord Cache
- Time-Warped Tower
- Ug'lok the Frozen
- Uraka
- Veloss
- Venomshade
- Viperlash
- Wandering Vindicator
- Warcaster Bargol
- Warmaster Blugthol
- Warmatron Okrilla
- Worgmaster Friend
- Yaga the Scarred
- Yazheera the Incinerator
- Frostfire Ogres
- Red Phantom
- Shadowmoon Orc
- The Pale
- Adherents of Arakk
- Arakkoa Outcasts
- Palemoon Orc
- Shadow Council
- Draenei, Draenor
We finally have a list of buildings !
- Siege weapon
- Armory
- Hostel
- Fishing hut
- barrack
- Recycling center
- Stable: mascots
- Stable: mounts
- Warehouse
- Barn
- Closed
- Forge
- Infirmary
- Herb garden
- Engineering lab
- Profession: alchemy building
- Profession: calligraphy building
- Profession: sewing building
- Profession: enchantment building
- Profession: jewelry building
- Profession: engineering building
- Trade: leatherworking building
- My
- Reminder stone
- Sawmill
- Tower of the Magi
But also NPCs who will live in our company:
- Alchemist
- Forgeron
- Women
- Guard
- Male nurse
- Joallier
- Plowman
- Men
- woodcutter
- Seller
Note that we will have a priori pets with a Cat and a Dog. as you can see above with the fishing hut there will be the possibility to fish in Warlords. This had previously been confirmed on Twitter.
@MatthewWRossi Alliance and Horde both have fishing spots built in. Planning to let players unlock a fishing building as well.
- Mumper (ummumper) April 3, 2014