We don't stop a winning team and the news continues to rain thanks to the incredible work of MMO-Champion, Wowhead and Adriacraft. Summary of some information to know and pages to consult! But before you start, don't hesitate to check out the 6.0 patch notes just released in FR:
Warlords of Draenor alpha patch notes
MMO-Champion found new hidden creatures, like Kargath, Killrogg or this strange machine (Gnome Tunneler).
There are weapons for everyone, axes, swords, bows, maces, secondary hands, staves, polearms, daggers and fist weapons ....

We were also entitled to shields.
And epaulettes.
Each time, I put a sample. For other models, go to MMO-Champion who did all the mining work.
We had some information about the new mascots via a Twitter message from Jonathon LeCraft. You can now find the entries in the Wowhead database:
- Carrotus Maximus
- Echo of Murmur
- Lil' Leftovers
- Mechanical Scorpid
- Mechanical Toucan
- Sphere of Ultimate Destruction
- Temporal Shard
- Weebomination
A carrot was recently retrieved from the customer by MMO-Champion. Would it be that famous Carrotus Maxiums?
New models
Adriacraft retrieved information about the new models. We have in particular the male tauren, as well as the dwarves and the gnomes (male and female) and the orc (male).
Chris Robinson posted on Twitter that the male tauren and his animations will be featured in the next issue of Artcraft.
Restore a character
WoW Insider noticed some intriguing strings in the long lists of data extracted by Wowhead.
- UNDELETE_TOOLTIP_DISABLED:: Restoring a deleted character is temporarily unavailable. Thank you try later.
- UNDELETE_SERVICE_TOOLTIP:: Restore his character.
- UNDELETE_FAILED_ERROR:: There was a problem restoring your deleted character. Thank you try later.
- UNDELETE_TOOLTIP:: Removed character restoration.
- UNDELETE_TOOLTIP_COOLDOWN:: You must wait before you can restore a new deleted character.
A priori, we could now recover a deleted character directly from the game interface, without having to go through Blizzard customer service. Good news for the undecided or the clumsy!
Change in spells
All spell changes have been referenced by Wow head : talents, specializations, glyphs and basic abilities. If you want to go into details and know exactly what awaits your character when the expansion (or pre-patch) arrives, I invite you to visit their site.
They also list changes to racial talents, hunter and warlock pets, as well as some mounts and pets.
In conclusion, I will only say one thing: strongly that we can test this!