Passing through the south of Talador, I arrived in the green land of Nagrand.
Immediately, I came across famous animals! Aren't our talbuk and hoof-hoof friends cute?
As well as a Venteroc.
Very quickly, we come across an area occupied by the Clan de la Lame-Ardente, Fort Vaillance.
Blade that can be found on their flags (we will disregard the flying decor elements in this image on the left) but also planted in the walls!
A rather classy boss (rare 93) in the lava. Not very practical for contact classes as it is not within range, unless you jump into the lava (ouch). He gave me a rather nice piece of jewelry: Smoldering Heart of Hyperious.
Continuing north, we come across an area that will make more than one smile. It's back as the name of the place suggests: hunting areaHemet Nesingwary. Not much more to say, except the presence of large monsters to kill for a bonus quest that activates when you arrive.
On the other hand, I did not go for a walk on this side, Wor'var... The Hordid Guards really don't like me!
A neutral camp is accessible a little further south, theArena of Trials. Guarded by elite level 99 big arms, I think the message is clear: we don't fight here!
All NPCs are neutral to me so I can't trade but I enjoy the welcoming sandwich terrace ... dodgy!
These goblins have always known how to welcome and celebrate!
He, on the other hand, does not seem very happy ...
Not much to say about the arena. I stepped forward cautiously, fearing to switch to PvP, nothing happened. Unless it's like in the old Nagrand arena where anyone could kill you (I remember discovering it at my expense back then!).
Last meeting in this place, members of the Nesingwary safari. Unfortunately, contrary to what I thought, it looks like Hemet is not around!
Le goulet d'Estevent held by the ogres.
To the northeast, there is a small contrast. We leave the rich grassy meadows to land in the Thicket of Vexefeuilles with trees and strange little flowers with teeth and spikes.
Below, we see large mushrooms, the rivages de Zangar.
If you are familiar with the Burning Crusade map, you can clearly see where I am and certainly already guess the atmosphere there. We find known monsters, such as this giant spores (you'll excuse my lure which appears in the photo)!
And, to complete the family photo, we say hello to the sporoptera and the bog trotter.
However, the area is not very large and you quickly come across a large lake, forcing you to turn around towards the center.
Even ogres know how to make themselves comfortable (I guess that's comfortable for an ogre?).
Le Celestial Lake, always so big and behind the recognizable among all Throne of the elements. The elementaries are already there by the way.
Just behind, a mysterious ramp that leads directly to the Elementary board.
From up there, I saw a strange city appearing in the trees.
After finding a way to descend without dying miserably (hard without a parachute cape ..), this turned out to be theOrdalie Gorienne, an area inhabited by ogres where we find thearena of blood !
And it is always our goblin friend Gurgthock who gives the quest for the fight (quest level 100 for 5 characters).
Still on the beach to the north, but on the west side, we find the same mushrooms characteristic of Zangarmarsh (the cerulean lagoon). As soon as we enter the area, a mist inflicts rather significant damage to us (3105 every second, while I have 143 points of life at level 940, which can kill me in about 100 seconds)
Le Broken precipice is an empty area at the beginning. We just find a goblin hanging from a tree (which must of course be helped).
Beyond that, there are ogres (again!).
And at the top, still a sort of arena.
When we reach the end of the ruins, we have a new vision of the beach in the far west.
What we see on the far left of the previous screenshot is a piece of wall of Cognefort where we find the entry of the instance.
If we go down along the west coast, we can still see mushrooms as well as in the distance from the boats.
The ancestral lands with the living dead (Hateful Echo).
The Guardhouse of Cradle-of-summer.
The ruines de Na'gwa.
Sanctuaries, Mok'gor on the left et Kag'ah bottom right.
Ironfist Port with orcs, full of orcs!
And boats. Sorry, I couldn't help but include the flying ladder!
Another city, Grommashar. Even when you open the doors, you can't go inside.
Going back down to the south, the Mar'gok Lookout.
Finally, by way of conclusion, some beautiful places that have no names, taken at random from my exploration.
As there are currently no cards, it is difficult to see what is missing. However, I hope to have made a rather complete tour of a Nagrand more beautiful than ever!