This weekend, the developers have been active on Twitter, including returning to the long article about the adjustment of care and the role of healer.
Care and healers
- Currently, healers can heal anyone very quickly, combat damage should practically kill players to keep healers' attention. It is a concept that will change.
- The goal is for each healer to have a set of effective abilities without all appearing to be the same.
- Shamans have too much intelligent care. But they have fewer instant spells than other healers.
- The crit changes mentioned in the cafe with devs are only relevant to PvP.
- These changes are intended for all healers. This is a first draft for the beta.
- Healers will be able to deal damage attacks during their cycle in this new way of approaching their role.
- The base mana regeneration will be higher, but the spirit will still allow it to be increased via equipment.
- Fights requiring a lot of instant healing (like Thok's) will be reviewed at the launch of 6.0.
- Healing over time remains valid, useful for healing players who will no longer take damage for a while. As care will be more spread out, care over time will be more likely to be useful.
- Mistweave will be studied.
- Recovery and Flower of Life will remain instant spells.
- The changes are intended to impact PvP and PvP, never either.
- The goal is also to balance absorption like other treatments
- Avoidable damage (like fire) will always kill if you don't avoid it. But the inevitable damage will deal less damage than at present.
- They hope that the more skilled players will distinguish themselves without simply backing down to return to Cataclysm.
- They don't want to make the care more difficult.
- When they tried to change the heal model to Cataclysm, there were concerns due to the large amounts of damage being dealt and the lack of regeneration in blue gear. It will not happen again.
Breed Models
- A future Artcraft will talk about the male Tauren and the female Draenei.
Nice little iron star!
PvP and PvE gear
- Like all gear, PvP gear should feel like it's progressing. While playing, we collect equipment, which makes it more powerful.
- The best PvP and PvE gear should come from PvP and PvE, respectively. But they want there to be crosses. WoW has a lot to offer all players.
- The gap between players new to PvP and players with the best gear should not be too large.
- Any system that makes PvP gear better for PvP should be easy to understand. Players should be able to easily compare PvP and PvE gear.
- They have a good solution that fulfills all of these goals. Twitter is not the most suitable place. But they will say more soon.
These posts were originally collected from WoW Insider and Wowhead.