With the Legion pre-expansion patch, major glyphs are gone, along with the dedicated interface, and cosmetic glyphs have arrived. The only limitation of these new glyphs is that you can only apply one to a particular spell.
With the removal of all of those glyphs, many fun effects are now toys that you can buy all over the place. Follow the guide to find out where!
Death Knight
- Necrophilic volume: Morbid explosion: sold by the Commander of the fright Thalanor to Acherus.
- Nature beacon
- Tome of Nature: Treant Form
- Tome of Nature: Deer Form
- Tome of the Wild: Track the Beasts
- Tome of Nature: Flapping Wings
- Tome of the Wild: Charm a Forest Creature
All of these items are sold by Lorelae Wintersong in Moonlight.
- Familiar Training Manual: Play dead
- Fireworks User Manual
- The Art of Camouflage (learns Aspect of the Chameleon)
- Familiar Training Manual: Go Get
- Call of the hunter
All of these items are sold by Mardan Thunderhoof in Sholazar Basin, except for the fireworks which are sold by Bryan Landers in Dalaran.
- Mystic Tome: Arcane Linguist
- Mystic Tome: Illusion
- Familiar Stone
- Dalaran Insider Pin
These items are sold by Endora Têtalingue in Dalaran.
- Meditation manual: Zen Flight: sold by Master Hwang to the Peak of Serenity (Kun-Lai Summit).
- Divine Tome: Contemplation: Sold by Quartermaster Miranda Coinceculasse of the Argent Crusade, which can be found at the Chapel of the Hope of Light in the Eastern Plaguelands.
- Thaumaturge Orb
- Scarlet confession book
All of these items are sold by Quartermaster Miranda Coinceculasse of the Argent Crusade, who can be found at the Chapel of the Light's Hope in the Eastern Plaguelands.
- Twisted Blows, Volume 1: Detection: Sold a priori by two sellers not yet properly listed by Legion, the goods named NPC # 106887 and NPC # 105986.
- Vol'jin's snake totem
- Cloud-laying tadpole
- Raging Elemental Stone
- L'eauracle totem
- Take Care of Maleficent: compie
All of these items are sold by Elementalist Sharvak who can be found in Nagrand at the Throne of the Elements.