Here is the loooong list of updates applied today (source). Good reading !
- General
- Classes
- General
- DK
- Druid
- Hunter
- Mage
- Moine
- Paladin
- Priest
- Voleur
- Chaman
- Warlock
- Guerrier
- quests
- Creatures
- Mascot fights
- Raids, dungeons and scenarios
- PvP
- Battlefield
- Services
- Objects
- Chant du Soleil farm
- User interface
- Bugfix
- General
- New daily quest area: The Isle of Tonnerre.
- Players can take part in the assault to conquer the fortified island of the Thunder King, unlock new quest lines and daily quest centers, participate in special events, gain the right to visit the legendary treasure room, appropriate an arsenal of powerful Mogu artifacts for their faction and more.
- Each faction's flagship is leading this assault: the Kirin Tor offensive is led by Jaina Proudmoore, while the Sunreaver assault is led by Lor'themar Theron. Reputation gains with these new factions grant heroes access to new quests and reputation rewards, including powerful items and an intimidating new mount.
- Once both factions have established a foothold on the island, players can choose to complete quests with PvE or PvP objectives. PvP quests pit players against opposing faction NPCs, but killing opposing players grants credit as well.
- As the heroes conquer the island, they unlock the Thunder Forge, which allows blacksmiths to forge powerful raid-useful items, as well as classic weapons from the past.
- Heroes can participate in the war effort and teleport to Isle of Thunder from the Shado-Pan garrison in the Townlong Steppes on the west coast of Pandaria. The Isle of Thunder will be gradually unlocked by each kingdom based on their participation in the war effort, and initially only a few features of the island will be unlocked. The next content unlocked will include the Sea of Storms Pier and the outdoor raid boss, Nalak, the Storm Lord.
- Heroes lucky enough to obtain a "Lei Shen's Palace Key" can take it to the Shado-Pan on the Isle of Thunder and use it to infiltrate the mythical treasure room of the First Emperor. The heroes then have five minutes to collect as much loot as possible. The biggest chests have the biggest loot, including special keys that can be used at the end of the rush for a chance at epic gear and other major rewards. Keys can be found on rare bosses, in chests hidden on the island, and in saddlebags obtained as rewards from daily quests.
- New Raid: Throne of Thunder
- Lei Shen, the Thunder King, has returned for revenge and wreaks havoc on Pandaria. It is up to the heroes of the Horde and Alliance to stop the resurrected tyrant and his Zandalari allies in a massive new raid: the Throne of Thunder.
- The Thunder Throne is a massive citadel that is home to 12 new raid encounters. Players who manage to defeat Lei Shen on Heroic Difficulty will also have the opportunity to face a thirteenth opponent.
- The version of Throne of Thunder in the Raid Finder is divided into 4 different parts: Zandalari Last Stand, Forgotten Depths, Flesh Sculpter Halls, and Peak of Storms.
- Join the onslaught of the Shado-Pan, whose sole objective is to see Thunder King Lei Shen defeated once and for all, and gain access to awesome new Valor rewards. Reputation points can only be earned with this faction within the Throne of Thunder raid.
- At Niuzao Temple in the Townlong Steppes, Ao Pye offers adventurers some Shado-Pan assault gear in exchange for Valor Points. Another NPC will also offer these items at or near the entrance to the Throne of Thunder on Isle of Thunder.
- The legendary quest continues:
- Irion is determined to know the origin and source of Mogu power, and the mighty heroes of Azeroth will help the Dark Prince find out what it is. Their search for information will lead players to the depths of the Thunder King's palace and confront them with tests of perseverance and talent. During their adventure, they will unveil the secrets of a legendary new meta-gem: the Crown of Heaven.
- Players who want to claim certain rewards from past Legendary quests (such as gems for Sha-hit weapons) can now turn to the Black Claw Steward, the scowling Pandaren we see in the area. tavern in the Mists.
- New Non-Instance Bosses: Nalak, the Storm Lord, and Oondasta
- Nalak, the storm lord
- Once the Isle of Thunder is conquered, the Guardian of the Thunder King's Citadel Gate appears: Nalak, the Stormlord. Players will frequently have the opportunity to test their skills against him.
- Oondasta
- Found in a place lost for ages, the great devillord Oondasta has been prepared for war, decked out in armor, and armed by the Zandalari. He waits for players who are brave (or crazy) enough to track him down on the mysterious Island of the Giants, in the waters north of Kun-Lai Summit.
- Nalak, the storm lord
- Take the farm back to your account
- Players who have become attached to their piece of land on Sunsong Farm can now acquire the land from Farmer Yoon through a quest. The farmhouse then becomes a rest stop like inns, to which the player can link his character and instantly disconnect. Orders begin to flow to the farm from various factions of Pandaria. Honoring these orders grants reputation gain with the client faction.
- The farm buyback option is available for characters who are exalted with the Tillers and have unlocked all 16 clods of topsoil.
- New non-instance boss system
- All non-instance bosses (the Sha of Wrath, Galleon, Nalak the Stormlord, and Oondasta) are now assigned to a faction. This new system allows all players of the same faction, who attacked the boss and who meet the required conditions, to have a chance to obtain the loot. With this new system, players can only pick up loot from each non-instance boss once per week.
- New daily quest area: The Isle of Tonnerre.
- Classes
- General
- Maximum Area Damage: Area damage can now hit up to 20 targets, down from 10. This means that the damage from area damage spells reaches its maximum amount when 20 targets are hit. If more than 20 targets are hit, the total damage is split evenly between the actual number of targets present.
- Death Knight
- Death Siphon healing now heals for 150% of the damage dealt, down from 100.
- Conversion now costs 5 runic power, and then 5 per second, down from 10 and 10 per second.
- Death Knights now maintain the same percentage of health when adopting Presence of Blood, or when exiting.
- Blood Plague now deals 15% more damage.
- Frost Fever now deals 15% more damage.
- Strangulation has a 60 second cooldown now, down from 2 minutes.
- Asphyxiate cooldown is now 30 seconds, down from 1 minute.
- Blood Parasite now summons Bloodworms with 15% of Death Knight health (was 18) and Bloody Eruption heals 25% per stack of Bloodthirsty (was 30%) per charge).
- Frosted
- Howling Blast now deals 8% more damage to primary target. Damage dealt to other enemies in the area of effect is not changed.
- Ice Talons now increases attack speed by 25%, down from 20.
- Might of the Frozen Lands now increases melee damage by 15%, down from 10.
- Impious
- Harvest now also applies to Ice Touch.
- Summoning a Gargoyle no longer costs runic power.
- Gargoyle Strike now deals Shadow damage as well, in addition to Nature damage.
- Ebony Plaguebringer now allows Plague Strike to inflict Frost Fever, in addition to its other effects.
- Scourge Strike now deals 3,8% more damage.
- The Tier 14 two-piece set bonuses for Frost and Unholy specializations have been reduced to 4% more damage, down from 10, for Frost Strike, Obliteration, and Scourge Strike.
- Druid
- Cyclone now has a 20 second cooldown for Wild Druids.
- Symbiosis
- Dispersion now has a 3 minute cooldown for Druids, down from 2.
- Shattering Blow now has a 1,5 second cast time, consistent with the Warrior's version of this skill.
- Beast Transfer Overhaul: This skill now triggers Cat Form and grants 50% movement speed increase for 4 seconds after teleporting, and no longer activates Prowl.
- Cenarion Protection now grants 100% healing increase when a target takes damage.
- Frenzied Regeneration's attack power weight is 10% more effective.
- Mutilate damage increased by 100%.
- All Claws Out's weighting by attack power is 10% more effective.
- Mastery: Guardian of the Wild now grants 20% more armor per Mastery rating.
- Recovery now costs approximately 9% less mana.
- Resurrect and Mark of the Wild now cost 55% less mana.
- Firefly Swarm can now slow more than one target at a time.
- Mass Entanglement now has a 30 second cooldown, down from 2 minutes.
- Typhoon now has a 30 second cooldown, down from 20.
- Force-of-Nature-summoned treants now deal more damage and healing, and the Force-of-Nature tooltip shows the skills of summoned pets.
- Soul of the Forest
- Balance: Now generates 40 points of lunar or solar energy when the druid is no longer under Eclipse.
- Fierce: no change.
- Guardian: generates 3 additional rage points per Mangle.
- Restoration: Now grants 75% haste to the next spell cast after the druid casts Swift Mend.
- Nature's Eve now has a 90 second cooldown, down from 3 minutes, and increases damage and healing done by 10%, down from 20.
- Glyph of Cyclone now increases Cyclone's range by 5 yards (was 4 yards).
- Wrath now deals 9% more damage.
- Balance
- Starfire now deals 9% more damage.
- Star Eruption now deals 9% more damage.
- Meteors no longer hits targets affected by a crowd control effect.
- guardian
- Thick Hide now reduces the chance that all attacks will critically strike the Guardian Druid, instead of just melee attacks.
- Restauration
- Naturalist: This new passive spell learned at level 10 by Restoration druids increases all healing done by 10%.
- Wild Mushrooms will now each gain 25% of the excess heal from Druid's Recovery effects as a bonus to healing, up to a maximum of 33% of Druid Health. In addition, the effect will make them grow taller. Whenever Wild Mushroom: Fruiting is cast, this healing bonus will be divided evenly among the targets in the area of effect.
- Wild Druid PvP Gloves now also increase the duration of the Bear's Embrace by 1 second.
- The 15% movement speed bonus in Bear, Cat, or Travel Form for two pieces from the Wild Druids PvP sets no longer stacks with the Feline Swiftness talent.
- The Wild Druids PvP set four-piece bonus now allows successful Skull Bash interrupts to reset the cooldown of Enrage.
- Hunter
- The aiming system of Glaive Throw and Mighty Shot has been improved. These abilities will now consistently hit the primary target, and the secondary target hit will be chosen more wisely.
- Aiming time cast duration reduced to 2,5 seconds, down from 2,9.
- Bestial Wrath can now be activated when the Hunter's pet is out of sight.
- Return pet now has a cast time of 3 seconds, down from 2.
- Mighty Shot now negates Stealth at the start of the cast.
- Gag Arrow now has a 24 second cooldown, down from 20.
- Rush's range is now 40 yards (was 30 yards).
- Steady Shot now deals 20% more damage.
- Binding Shot no longer costs Focus.
- Wyvern Sting no longer costs Focus and has a 45 second cooldown, down from 60.
- The glyph of designated to die has been removed. Its effects are now integrated into the base spell.
- The Go Find Glyph of the same name ability no longer requires a target. Upon activation, the familiar automatically chooses a nearby corpse to search.
- New glyph: glyph of liberation. This glyph allows the hunter to recover 5% of their maximum health when using Disengage.
- Beast mastery
- Bestial Chain now causes the pet to deal 50% damage (was 30) to all nearby targets.
- Precision
- Aimed Shot now deals 10% more damage and has had its cast time reduced by 2,5 seconds (was 2,9 seconds).
- Chimera Shot now deals 25% more damage and heals the hunter for 5% of their maximum health, down from 3.
- Survival
- Black Arrow now deals 10% more damage.
- Explosive Shot now deals 10% more damage.
- Mage
- Summon now removes Evocation's cooldown and reduces its channel time and duration by 50%. A full channel of Evocation grants, once the spell Evocation is channeled, a damage increase of 15% for 1 minute, instead of 25, for 40 seconds. Passive mana regeneration is only reduced by 50% while Summoner's Energy is active.
- Glyph of Evocation allows the Summon talent to heal for 10% (was 20) at the end of Evocation.
- Greater Invisibility now has a 90 second cooldown, down from 2,5 minutes.
- Frost Bolts cast from mirror images now deal 50% more damage.
- Glyph of Fire Bolt has been replaced with Glyph of Hellish Blast. Hellfire Blast Glyph causes Hellfire Blast damage over time effects to hit 1 additional target.
- Blazing Speed is now a level 15 talent, replacing Burning.
- The new Flame Glow talent is available at level 30 and replaces Blazing Speed. It is a passive technique that surrounds the mage with fiery energy and absorbs for each attack suffered an amount of damage equal to 20% of the mage's spell power, up to a maximum of 30% of the attack's damage. .
- Iceberg now has a 45 second cooldown, down from 1 minute, and its duration is now 15 seconds, down from 10.
- Caster's Protection can now be removed by dispelling magic.
- When Ring of Frost is instantaneously cast from Spirit Presence, there is now a 2 second delay before the frost effect hits targets in the area of effect. This delay can be reduced by haste.
- The Temporary Ripples effect of the Temporary Shield spell can no longer be dispelled.
- Freeze now stuns the target for 5 seconds, down from 4.
- Rune of Might increases the mage's mana regeneration by 75% (was 100) while standing inside the rune.
- Glyph of Freezing removes the spell from the global cooldown, but now also reduces the duration of the effect by 1 second.
- The Counterspell cooldown reduction from the Mage PvP 2-piece bonus now only applies when Counterspell actually interrupts an ongoing cast.
- Arcana
- For Arcane Mages, Evocation now restores 40% of total mana (was 60) over 6 seconds, and consumes all Arcane Charges. For each Arcane Charge consumed, the total amount of Mana regenerated increases by 10%, up to a maximum of 80% over 6 seconds. Evocation characteristics do not change for Fire and Frost mages.
- Arcane Blast mana cost has been increased to 1,66667% of base mana, down from 1,5, and damage reduced by 22,9%.
- Arcane Projectile damage has been reduced by 22,1%.
- Arcane Barrage damage reduced by 16,1%.
- Arcane Charges now stack up to 4 times, down from 6, damage increase is 50%, down from 25, and mana cost is increased to 150%, down from 75.
- Feu
- Direct damage from Pyrotechnic Blast has been reduced by 10%.
- Scorch is no longer a talent, and is now available to all Fire mages.
- Frosted
- Fingers of Frost now has a 15% chance (was 12 to be triggered by Frostbolt, Frostfire Bolt or Frozen Orb, and 5% instead of 4 chance to be triggered by Blizzard.
- Glyph of Ice Javelin now deals 50% damage to an additional target, down from 40.
- Frostbolt now deals 32% more damage.
- Water elemental
- Freeze no longer deals damage and only grants Fingers of Frost if Freeze is successful.
- Moine
- New Level 60 Talent: Ring of Peace
- Ring of Peace forms a shrine with a radius of 8 meters around a friendly target for 8 seconds, which has the effect of disabling the automatic attack of enemy players in PvP, and disarming all enemies (characters- players and non-players) in the area of effect for the duration of the spell. In addition, enemies who cast a damage spell in the area of effect are silenced for 3 seconds. The cooldown is 45 seconds.
- New skill added at level 30 for Windwalker and Brewmaster specializations: Brew of Vivacity.
- Brew of Quickness removes all stun, fear, and immobilization effects, and reduces the duration of these effects by 60% if reapplied for 6 seconds. This skill has a 2 minute cooldown.
- Chi Wave now deals 100% damage and heals for 14%. This skill no longer costs chi, but has a 15 second cooldown.
- Zen Sphere is now limited to 2 spheres instead of 1, explodes when the target reaches 35% health or when Zen Sphere is dispelled, no longer costs chi, and has a 10 second cooldown. Its periodic damage has been increased by 22%, its periodic healing reduced by 61%, and the healing of detonation has been reduced by 62%.
- Chi Blast now deals 380% more damage and heals for 69% more. This skill no longer costs chi, and has a 30 second cooldown.
- Deadly Reach has been removed.
- Way of the Flowers has been removed.
- Changed the glyph of Way of Flowers to the glyph of Paralysis. This glyph allows the Monk's Paralysis ability to remove all damage over time effects from the target.
- Paralysis now has a physical effect and no longer a magical one; it can no longer be dispelled, deflected or returned. Its base range has been increased to 20 yards. The paralysis effect lasts for 40 seconds instead of 30 seconds on NPC targets, 4 seconds on players, and 50% longer (down from 200) when cast from behind the target.
- When Hand Pike is used on a target facing the Monk, the target is silenced for 2 seconds (was 4 seconds).
- Tiger's Thirst and Touch of Karma no longer cost chi.
- Tiger's Thirst can no longer be used on targets that already have a temporary speed boost active.
- Buffalo's Charge Wave now has a 30 second cooldown, down from 60.
- Evil Mitigation can now be used while the player is stunned, and its cooldown begins when the skill is cast, not when its effect ends.
- Healing Elixirs now heal the monk for 15% of his maximum health, down from 10.
- Chi Torpedo now deals 15% more damage.
- The Healing Spheres skill now lasts 1 minute. Healing Spheres generated by Mastery: Gift of the Serpent last 30 seconds.
- Xuen will now set the first target for Brewmaster monks.
- Mistweaver
- Direct Hit now costs 8% of base mana, down from 4.
- The glyphed version of Elevation now costs 16% of base mana (was 6,6).
- Cocoon of Life can no longer be dispelled.
- Zen Focus, the 4 piece bonus from the Mistweave set is now more responsive.
- You can no longer use Tea of Thunderous Concentration while silenced.
- Renewal Mist's mana cost has been reduced by 10%.
- Soothing Mists generates chi more consistently and the average generation rate is slightly higher.
- Summoning a Jade Serpent Statue no longer costs mana.
- Healing spheres now restore 50% of their original value if they expire without being picked up. These heals are counted for the appropriate Mastery.
- Eminence now heals the target for 25% of the damage dealt, down from 50.
- Zeal of the Serpent can no longer stack and now heals targets for 25% of damage dealt.
- The Monastery Teachings passive grants additional benefits.
- Tiger Palm's damage has been increased by 100%.
- Crackling Jade Bolt damage increased by 100%.
- Black Veil Strike now deals 50% damage to 4 additional nearby targets.
- Muscle Memory is a new passive skill for the Mistweaver Monk. It is activated by a successful Direct Hit or by a Spinning Crane Hit, dealing damage to 3 or more enemies. Muscle Memory increases the damage of the next Tiger's Palm or Black Veil Strike worn by the Monk by 150% and restores 4% mana.
- Windwalker
- New skill level 75: Storm, Earth and Fire
- The Windwalker can summon up to 2 elemental clones that replicate the damage skills the Monk uses while these images are active. For each spirit summoned, the damage of the monk is reduced: for 1 spirit, the damage of the monk and the spirit increases to 60% of the normal damage of the monk. When 2 Spirits are active, the Monk and both Spirits deal 45% of the Monk's normal damage. Each spirit lasts until the skill is deactivated, the spirit target dies or is no longer available, or the spirit is slain (created spirits can be targeted and have 10% of the points life of the monk).
- Fists of Fury's stun effect is only applied by the monk (not the spirit).
- The Windwalker can summon up to 2 elemental clones that replicate the damage skills the Monk uses while these images are active. For each spirit summoned, the damage of the monk is reduced: for 1 spirit, the damage of the monk and the spirit increases to 60% of the normal damage of the monk. When 2 Spirits are active, the Monk and both Spirits deal 45% of the Monk's normal damage. Each spirit lasts until the skill is deactivated, the spirit target dies or is no longer available, or the spirit is slain (created spirits can be targeted and have 10% of the points life of the monk).
- The damage dealt by Spinning Blossom of Fire has been adjusted to be proportional to weapon damage rather than attack power.
- Combo Breaker is now a passive skill, granted at level 15, which grants a 12% chance that the next skill Blackout Strike or Tiger's Palm will not cost chi.
- New Mastery: Bottled Fury.
- Fury in a Bottle increases the damage bonus of Tiger's Eye Infusion by 0,2% per Mastery per stack.
- Fermentation: Tiger's Eye Infusion now gains 1 stack for every 3 chi points spent (was 4), increases damage by 1% per stack (was 2), and stacks up to 20 times but with a limit of 10 charges consumed on activation. In addition, an alert is displayed on the interface when 10 loads are reached. Tiger's Eye Infusion charges reset at the start of raid combat. Finally, the technique is improved by Fury in a Bottle.
- Rising Sun Kick no longer allows Monk abilities to deal an additional 10% damage (down from 15) to the target.
- New skill level 75: Storm, Earth and Fire
- Master brewer
- Black Ox Statue
- The amount of damage required to activate Buffalo Sanctuary is increased by 100%. The spell description has been updated.
- Elusive Brew's cooldown is now 6 seconds (was 9 seconds).
- Mastery: Elusive Fighter now grants an additional 25% carryover per Mastery score.
- Black Ox Statue
- The 2-piece bonus from the Windwalker PvP set now increases the range of Barrel Shatter.
- New Level 60 Talent: Ring of Peace
- Paladin
- Avenging Wrath now has a 2 minute cooldown for Retribution Paladins (was 3 minutes). Cooldown is not changed for Specialized Holy or Protection Paladins.
- Hammer of Light now applies a 50% Slow for 2 seconds to targets affected by the area of effect, in addition to its current effects.
- Hand of Purity now reduces all incoming damage by 10% in addition to its other effects.
- Eternal Flame's periodic healing is now increased by 100% when the spell is cast by the paladin on itself.
- Judgment now costs 5% of base mana.
- Repent now has a cast time of 1,7 seconds, down from 1,5.
- The periodic effect of Holy Shield can no longer be dispelled. However, each individual absorption effect can be dissipated.
- Seal of Righteousness now causes melee attacks to deal 9% more damage (was 6) to targets in the area of effect.
- Selfless Healer now improves Flash of Light by 20/40/60%, down from 33/66/100.
- Glyph of Blessed Life no longer requires Seal of Insight to be active.
- Templar's Glyph of Verdict can also be activated by Exorcism.
- Sacred
- Blinding Light now has a 1,8 second cast time for Holy Paladins. The incantation remains instantaneous for Retribution and Protection.
- The 4-piece PvP set bonus now grants Holy Power when casting Lightning Bolt, instead of Word of Glory.
- Protection
- Consecration's base damage has been increased by 789%, and its attack power weighting is approximately 11% less effective.
- Grand Crusader now has a chance to proc when the Paladin dodges or parries a melee attack. The Paladin also has a 12% chance (was 20) to trigger this ability using Crusader Strike or Hammer of the Righteous.
- Retribution
- Seal of Justice increases damage from melee attacks by 20% (was 16) as Holy damage.
- Sword of Light now increases the effect of Lightning Bolt by 100% (was 30), and increases the damage of Paladins carrying two-handed melee weapons by 15% (was 10).
- Absolution is a new passive ability for Retribution paladins. When a Retribution paladin casts Hand of Sacrifice on a party member, Absolution removes all harmful magical effects from the target.
- The Retribution 2-piece PvP set bonus grants 1000 PvP power (was 800).
- The Tier 4 14-piece set bonus for the Retribution specialization has been changed: Seal and Judgment damage increased by 10%.
- Priest
- The amount of healing granted by Quick Heal, Binding Heal, Renewal, and Prayer of Mending has been reduced by 20%.
- At 10th level, Discipline and Holy Priests gain a new passive skill, Spiritual Healing. This skill increases the amount of healing given by Quick Heal, Binding Heal, Renewal, and Prayer of Mending by 25%. The amount of healing for these four spells does not change for Holy and Discipline priests.
- The stacking effect of Evangelism now also increases the healing done by Penance.
- Halo no longer hits stealthed enemies.
- Angelic Bulwark can no longer be dispelled.
- Grip cast time is now 1,8 seconds, down from 2,5 seconds.
- Angelic Feather duration is now 6 seconds, down from 4.
- Focused Will is now a passive spell for Holy and Discipline priests.
- Power Word: Comfort is replaced with a new talent: Comfort and Insanity
- For sacred and discipline priests, Power Word: Comfort replaces Sacred Flames. It deals the same amount of damage and interacts with other spells and abilities in the same way, but does not trigger Atonement, its cast is instantaneous, it costs no mana, and restores 1% of maximum mana whenever it is. launched. The damage inflicted by Power Word: Comfort heals a friendly player within 40 yards of the target for 100% of the damage inflicted (50% when the priest is being healed) .
- For Shadow Priests, this skill allows Mind Flay to trigger the Insanity effect when cast on a target affected by Devouring Plague. Insanity increases Mind Flay damage by 33% per Shadow Orb consumed.
- Glyph of Mind Spike only activates with Mind Spikes that are not cast instantly by Wave of Darkness.
- Glyph of Despair has been replaced with Glyph of Binding Healing. It is now always possible to cast Pain Suppression and Guardian Spirit while stunned.
- New Glyph: Glyph of Binding Healing applies Binding Healing to a third friendly target, but costs 35% more mana.
- Glyph of Inner Focus has been replaced with Glyph of Weakened Soul. Casting Inner Focus now always grants 5 seconds immunity to silence, interrupt, and dispel effects.
- New Glyph: Glyph of Weakened Soul reduces the duration of Weakened Soul by 2 seconds.
- Holy Flames is now an instant cast skill.
- Redesigned Glyph of Holy Flames: This glyph now increases the range of Holy Flames, Smite, and Power Word: Comfort by 10 yards.
- Power Infusion increases damage dealt by the Priest by 5% in addition to its current effects.
- Phantasm no longer prevents the Priest from being targeted by ranged attacks, and immunity to movement impeding effects now lasts for 5 seconds, down from 3.
- Any Psychic Demon belonging to a particular Priest no longer casts Psychic Horror twice on the same target.
- Discipline
- Mastery: Shield Discipline also increases healing done by a smaller amount, but the bonus granted by Mastery has been reduced by 36%.
- Penance damage and healing has been increased by 20%. Penance now has a 9 second cooldown (down from 10), and a range of 40 yards to both friendly and enemy targets (down from 40 yards for friendly targets and 30 yards for hostile targets) .
- Focused Will now reduces damage taken by 15% per stack, limited to 2 stacks.
- Spirit Shell now grants absorption shield equivalent to the trigger spell's average healing and average absorption, including critical healing and Divine Aegis.
- Ecstasy now reduces the cost of Power Word: Shield by 25% and grants mana equal to 150% instead of 200 of the Priest's Spirit Rating, but no longer benefits from short-lived Spirit bonuses
- Divine Aegis now allows critical healing to apply an absorption shield to the target, amounting to 100% healing, instead of doubling the amount of healing. Additionally, this spell grants the shield of Power Word: Shield a chance equal to the priest's critical strike chance to absorb double the damage.
- Ombre
- Dispersion is now considered a Shadow School spell, instead of a physical skill.
- Shadowform now increases Priest's Shadow damage by 25% (was 20).
- The 2 piece bonus from the PvP set of the Holy / Discipline specialization has been replaced by the previously granted bonus for 4 set pieces.
- Redesigned the 4-piece bonus to the PvP set of the Sacred / Discipline specialization: It now reduces the cooldown of Chakra by 25 seconds. While Spirit Shell is active, the mana cost of Quick Heal is reduced by 50%.
- The 4-piece bonus from the Holy / Discipline Specialization Tier 14 set now reduces the cooldown of Penance by 3 seconds (was 4 seconds).
- Voleur
- Preparation is now a basic skill learned at level 68 and no longer resets the cooldown of Cloak of Shadow.
- Versatility has been removed.
- New Level 90 Talent: Nominated to Die
- Mark a target and instantly generate 5 combo points. When the target dies, Designated to Die's cooldown is reset. This talent has a 1 minute cooldown.
- New Level 60 Talent: Flying Daggers
- Ambush, Garrote, and Low Blow now have a range of 30 yards and allow the thief to teleport behind their target.
- Spike now costs 30 Energy instead of 50, can be used while stealthed, and still grants increased movement speed in addition to breaking slowing effects, but no longer breaks immobilization effects.
- Shuriken Throw now allows the Thief to ranged Shuriken covered in Deadly Poison, with an automatic attack at 75% normal damage (was 80), for up to 10 seconds if the enemy is over 10 meters.
- Death Casting can now interrupt spell casts when the skill is used with 3, 4, and 5 combo points and prevents any spell casting from the same school for 4,5 and 6 seconds, instead of 5 combo points and 6 seconds.
- Blindness now has a 2 minute cooldown, down from 1,5.
- Cloak of Shadows now has a 1 minute cooldown, down from 2.
- Smoke Bomb now reduces damage taken by allies in the area of effect by 20%, in addition to current effects.
- Hotspot now reduces the effectiveness of the target's healing by 10%, down from 25.
- Shadow Focus now reduces the energy cost of skills by 75% while stealthed, down from 100.
- PvP set bonuses have been changed:
- Stamina is now the 4 piece bonus of the set and increases maximum Energy by 30, down from 10.
- Deadly Brew is now the 2 piece bonus of the set. Its effect is not changed.
- Assassination
- Cleaver now deals 15% more damage.
- Envenom now deals 20% more damage.
- Fighting
- Vitality now increases attack power by 30%, down from 25.
- Rework of Blade Flurry: This skill now hits up to 4 additional targets for 40% of normal damage.
- Finesse
- Bloodthirsty Veins now increases damage taken by the target by 20%, down from 16.
- Chaman
- Chain Lightning now deals the same damage to secondary targets as it did to the first.
- Lava Beam damage now increases by 10% on each transmission.
- Elemental Mastery now has a 90 second cooldown, down from 2 minutes.
- Shaman's Rage is now available to Elemental Shamans and Enhancement Shamans.
- Conductivity no longer requires the target to be within Healing Rain's area of effect.
- Healing Rain's mana cost has been reduced by 15%.
- Ancient Swiftness now increases spell haste by 5% and melee haste by 10%, down from 5 for each type.
- Glyph of Purge now adds a 6 second cooldown to Purge.
- Stone Bulwark Totem now absorbs 25% more damage.
- Primal Earth Elemental and Primal Fire Elemental now deal 20% more damage.
- Elemental Blast now has a chance to increase caster agility for Enhancement Shamans.
- Glyph of Flame Shock Overhaul: This glyph allows the shaman to heal 30% of the damage inflicted by Flame Shock.
- The Unlocked Fury-enhanced version of Fire Tongue now increases Lightning Bolt damage by 20% (was 30) and Lava Blast damage by 10%.
- Flame Shock duration increased by 25%.
- Lava Blast base damage reduced by 33% but still deals critical damage. When this spell is cast on a target affected by Flame Shock, the damage is now increased by 50%.
- The Totemic Restoration talent no longer allows the shaman to instantly destroy a totem pole to regain 50% of its cooldown. All destroyed or replaced totems behave as if they had been active for at least 1 second.
- When it appears, the Stone Bulwark Totem has as many hit points as the shaman who creates it.
- The Guardian of the Wild talent now retains the player's health (in percentage) when its health bonus effect wears off.
- Ancestral Support now copies 60% (was 40) of the healing done.
- Conductivity shares 30% (was 20) of the healing done by Healing Wave, Greater Healing Wave, and Healing Surge.
- Elementary
- Elemental Focus now increases Shaman spell damage by 15% (was 10).
- Shamanism now increases Lightning Bolt damage by 70% (was 50).
- Improvement
- Mental Swiftness now reduces the cost of kills by 90% (and continues to reduce the cost of Bounty, Instant, Damage, and Totem spells by 75%).
- Spirit Walk now has a 1 minute cooldown (was 2).
- Warlock
- Fel Armor now reduces damage taken by 10%, instead of increasing Warlock Armor.
- Bloody Fear has been replaced by Bloody Horror. This ability costs 5% of health when cast, has 1 charge, and lasts 60 seconds with a 30 second cooldown. While Blood Horror is active, any character that hits the warlock with a melee attack is horrified for 4 seconds.
- Burning Rush now prevents movement affecting effects from reducing the Warlock's speed to less than 100% of normal, in addition to other effects.
- Blood Pact Imp ability has been removed.
- Dark Intent now increases stamina in addition to spell power.
- Immolate now deals 15% more damage.
- Shadow Bolt now deals 15% more damage.
- Soul Sucker now grants a damage absorption shield rather than healing.
- Sacrificial Pact now requires the sacrificed pet to have 25% of its health to activate, down from 50.
- Cunning of Kil'jaeden is now a passive talent and its active skill has been removed.
- Archimonde's Vengeance passive damage no longer has a visual effect.
- Grimoire of Sacrifice now increases skill damage by 15% (was 25) for the Destruction specialization and 25% (was 50) for the Affliction specialization. In addition, he now casts the Whiplash spell instead of Seduction when a succubus is sacrificed.
- Glyph of Burning Embers has been removed. Its effects are now base active for all Destruction Warlocks.
- Glyph of Soul Shards has been removed. Its effects are now base active for all Affliction Warlocks.
- New Glyph: Blazing Connection Glyph. This glyph increases the healing of Burning Connection by 33%, but healing is restored over 10 seconds.
- New Glyph: Life Drain Glyph. This glyph increases the healing granted by Life Drain by 30%.
- Reworked Glyph of Unstable Affliction: It now reduces the spell's casting time by 25%.
- Affliction
- Haunt now allows Warlock spells to deal 30% more damage (was 25) to the target.
- Unstable Affliction's backlash is now always critical and deals approximately 15% more damage.
- Demonology
- Wave of Chaos has a new visual effect.
- Hand of Gul'dan now deals 15% more damage.
- Shadowflame now deals 15% more damage.
- Soulfire now deals 22% more damage.
- Tear of Chaos now deals 15% more damage.
- Savage Imp's Firebolt now deals 15% more damage.
- Destruction
- Conflagrate now deals 15% more damage.
- Fire and Brimstone now has an effect radius of 10 yards, down from 15.
- Incinerating now deals 10% more damage.
- Guerrier
- Haste benefits from items and consumables are increased by 50% for all Warriors.
- While using Blade Storm, the Warrior can no longer be disarmed.
- Defensive Stance now reduces damage by 15%, down from 25.
- Execution now deals 15% less damage.
- Shockwave now has a 40 second cooldown, down from 20, and hitting 3 or more targets reduces the cooldown by 20 seconds.
- Second Wind now generates 15 rage points instead of 20 for 10 seconds.
- Warbringer now reduces the target's movement speed by 50% for 15 seconds (8 seconds in PvP) in addition to its other effects. The 3 second stun / knockdown is now in the diminishing performance category of stuns (like Shockwave and Storm Bolt), and no longer in triggered effects stuns.
- Weighting Protective Barrier by attack power is roughly 10% less effective.
- Storm Bolt now deals 125% weapon damage, down from 100.
- Enraged Regeneration now costs 30 rage points, down from 60.
- Deadly Calm has been removed.
- Glyph of Emulation is no longer triggered by Deadly Calm, but by Demoralizing Cry.
- Glyph of Lightning has become Glyph of Sword of the Sword. It increases the duration of By the Edge of the Sword with each use of Overpower or Savage Strike.
- Glyph of Death from Above no longer increases damage dealt by Heroic Leap.
- Impending Victory now heals the Warrior for 15% of his maximum health when not killing a target, down from 10.
- Arms
- Redesigned Taste of Blood: This skill now allows the Warrior to gain 2 stacks of Overpower (with a maximum of 5 stacks) when Deadly Strike deals damage, and 1 stack when the target dodges. Taste of Blood no longer interacts with Heroic Strike. It is now acquired at level 20, instead of level 50.
- Knocker now deals 220% weapon damage (was 190), and costs 20 rage (was 30).
- Deep Wounds damage increased by 100% for Armed Warriors.
- Whirlwind now costs 20 rage points, down from 30, for Arms Warriors. The rage cost does not change for Fury warriors.
- Overpower now costs 10 rage and reduces the remaining cooldown of Death Strike by 0,5 seconds.
- Sudden Death now has a 10% chance (was 20) to activate with Auto Attacks or Opportunistic Strike. Additionally, Execution allows Overwhelm to cost nothing for 10 seconds.
- Fury
- Rush of Blood now reduces the rage cost of Savage Strike by 30 (was 20), and its duration is increased to 15 seconds (was 10).
- Protection
- Shield Slam and Revenge's base damage has been increased by 150%, but their attack power weighting is roughly 10% less effective.
- Steadfast Sentinel now increases the damage reduction effect of Defensive Stance by 10% for Protection Warriors.
- General
- quests
- Warlocks can now undertake a solo adventure that ends with the ability to change the color of their fire spells to fel green. Warlocks determined (or lucky) enough to get their hands on the legendary Xerrath Codex will be able to begin this quest.
- When players reach level 20 and level 60, they will automatically receive a quest sending them to their race's Riding Instructor and Mount Vendor.
- Creatures
- Zandalari troops have begun to explore the shores of Pandaria, in search of the perfect invasion site. The Zandalari can be found in the Krasarang Wilds, Dread Lands, Townlong Steppes, Jade Forest, and Kun-Lai Summit. Zandalari Scouts can be eliminated by one to two players, but Zandalari Warbrands are tougher and it takes a party of five heroes to hope to defeat them. Kill the Warbrands for special loot, including crafting components, reputation gains, an achievement, and even a chance to get a rare new mount among three!
- Galleon respawns much more frequently, but players can only get her loot once per week.
- Spectral Porcupine, in battle! Three new beast spirits, spectral porcupines, have appeared in Pandaria. They can be trained, but could give you a hard time.
- Direhorns are now a tame species for hunters who have acquired the required skill. Those wishing to get one should look for clues about these promising beasts.
- Mascot fights
- Many battle pets and abilities have been added.
- Players can now participate in a Pet Duel in Throne of Thunder.
- Pet Tamers in Northrend, Cataclysm, and Yon the Courageous will no longer have pets with higher stats than intended.
- It is no longer possible to own multiple representatives of the following mascots: Brilliant Kaliri, Jade Tentacle, Tirisfal Bat, Firefly, Jade Gruon, Gilnean Raven, and Shore Crawler.
- Deflection has been replaced with Deflection, a skill that attempts to be cast first and allows the pet to evade all attacks this turn.
- Idol of Anubisath: Sandstorm and Deflection have been swapped.
- Thunder Bolt overhaul: Now a powerful team damage spell.
- Mr. Bigglesworth's Prowl skill has been changed to Ice Barrier, which blocks two attacks.
- The Flaming Cat's Ascent skill has been replaced with Flux, which deals damage to the enemy team.
- The Rohart Kite has new skills more suited to a kite.
- Pets that have undergone a Crowd Control skill now gain the Resilience effect, which makes them immune to Crowd Control for a short time.
- Damage dealt by Volcano is reduced by 15%.
- Tomb of Ice, Elementium Bolt, and Stun Seed damage reduced by 25%.
- Geyser damage reduced by 12,5%.
- Conflagration's base damage is increased by 20%, and its damage bonus by 60%.
- Life Siphon now heals for a fixed amount of health, instead of a percentage of damage dealt.
- The damage done by Arcane Blast to retreating pets has been increased by 20%.
- Supercharge now grants 125% damage bonus, down from 150, and lasts 1 turn.
- Frost Shock now properly targets targets for 2 turns, down from 4.
- Freeze now has a 4 turn cooldown, down from 3.
- Ghostly Bite's damage has been reduced by 20%.
- Ghostly Skull: The positions of the Ghostly Bite and Life Siphon abilities have been reversed.
- Call Darkness now lasts 5 turns, down from 9.
- Blocking abilities that last 2 turns, like Decoy, now have an 8-turn cooldown.
- Feign Death now has an 8 turn cooldown, down from 5.
- Prowling now lasts 2 turns (was 1).
- Crystal Overload now lasts 2 turns (was 1).
- Chi Focus now lasts for 1 turn.
- Darter Hatchling and Nether Faerie Dragon: Evanescence and Arcane Blast have been swapped.
- The Nether Cockroach is now a true cockroach, which can survive the Apocalypse.
- Bandages from battle pets can now stack by 25 and are account bound.
- Players now have a chance to earn Battle Stones after completing PvP pet battles.
- The pets whose color changes with each summon are back. The old pets that benefited from this behavior picked it up, as did some newcomers.
- The reward for the achievement Tamed World is correctly displayed in the dedicated tab.
- Max level players now have a chance to get a Lesser Good Fortune Charm by winning a pet fight that is up to 5 levels higher than the highest level pet on their team. Higher level pets have a better chance of getting a charm.
- Winning a pet battle against a team that is up to 5 levels different from the team's highest level pet grants the player experience.
- Fleeing a pet fight no longer causes the fought pet to disappear, but forfeiting deals damage to the pets of the quitting team.
- Disconnecting from a pet fight will respawn pets the player was fighting.
- Elite battle pets have been added to the game. These rare pets spawn alone against an entire team. The Beasts of Legend training quest will now be available from San the Gentle or Sara Finklecut after defeating Aki the Chosen.
- Raids, dungeons and scenarios
- Throne of Thunder raid bosses on Normal and Heroic difficulty have a chance to drop “Thundering” items into their loot. These Lightning Bolts are items six levels higher than their copies on Normal and Heroic Difficulties. They are more common in 25-a-side raids. For more information on these changes, check out this discussion thread.
- To encourage groups from the Raid Finder to persevere, each time a group formed in this way fails in a boss encounter, all players gain a stacking buff that increases health, damage dealt, and damage. care provided by 5% (up to 10 accumulations). This buff disappears as soon as the boss is killed.
- Saddlebags obtained by the Raiding Tool have a chance to contain additional rewards, including: Consumables, Spirits of Harmony, Rare Mounts and Pets, and Raid Tool versions of loot areas that were not found before that in normal or heroic mode!
- You can now earn additional reputation in your first dungeon and your first scenario of the day. You can choose which one on the reputation screen of the character window. When you register for a dungeon or scenario, the interface will remind you what reputation you represent, and allow you to change it. (It will no longer be possible to change it once in the dungeon or scenario.)
- On Normal and Heroic difficulty, AoE Auras have been activated in Mogu'shan Vaults, Heart of Fear, and Spring Terrace. These auras reduce the health and damage of all enemies in those areas by 10%. At the entrance of each zone stands an NPC who explains the situation and proposes to deactivate the bonus for the bravest (unconscious) adventurers.
- Any player who defeated the Emperor's Will, Grand Empress Shek'zeer, and / or the Sha of Fear before 5.2 will receive a feat, called A Head Start, in recognition of their achievements.
- Ancient Lin and ancient Liao, in the valley of the Eternal Spring, now offer runes of mogu destiny in exchange for inferior good fortune charms. The runes of mogu destiny grant an extra roll of the Throne of Thunder, on Nalak the storm lord and Oondasta.
- The maximum number of Ancient Good Fortune Charms a character can own has been increased to 20 (from 10).
- The chances of earning personal loot or making a bonus dice roll in the Raid Finder are greatly increased for the following raids: Mogu'shan Vaults, Heart of Fear, and Spring Terrace.
- Columnist Cho has two new stories to tell: A Dagger in the Night and A Little Patience. Thanks to its mystical story-weaving magic (and especially the Dungeons tool), Alliance and Horde players can now participate in these two scenarios that were previously reserved for a single faction.
- Level 90 players who use the Dungeons tool to participate in a Random Dungeon or Scenario will receive additional Valor points for completing specific instances.
- dungeons
- Siege of Niuzao Temple: 5 bonus Valor
- Scholomance: 10 bonus valor points
- Shado-Pan Monastery: 15 Bonus Valor Points
- Scenarios
- The Brasselune and Pierre-Verte festival, A little patience and The fall of Theramore will give 5 bonus points of valor.
- dungeons
- Pandaria Heroic Dungeons now grant 100 Justice Points per boss. The amount of gold available in the loot of these bosses is no longer set at 50 coins, but between 40 and 60. There will be less gold for groups of less than 5 players.
- Scenarios now award 50 justice points, down from 25.
- Sunwell Plateau
- The encounter with Kalecgos at the Sunwell can now be completed by a single player.
- PvP
- Season 13 has started! With the arrival of this new season, Tyrannical and Tyrannical Elite Gear pieces are now available for purchase.
- Tyrannical Primal Diamonds are now available for Conquest Points. This new PvP-oriented meta-gem grants PvP power and resilience.
- Players who earned 27000 Conquest Points in Season 13 will have access to new vendors who exchange PvP Conquest Gear for Honor Points. They can be found near current PvP vendors in Pandaria.
- Elite Tyrannical Items have been updated, their base PvP Power and Resilience is now the same as standard Tyrannical Items.
- Mists of Pandaria Season 12 Malevolent Gladiator PvP gear can now be purchased with Honor Points instead of Conquest, including weapons.
- Recently purchased Season 12 Malevolent Gladiator armor, left-handed items, and Shields will have an item level of 476 (was 483). Items already acquired are not affected.
- Balance, Feral, Windwalker, Retribution, Shadow, Enhancement, and Elemental specializations now benefit from 25% of the bonus healing from Might (PvP), down from 0. Specialized healers continue to receive 50% of the bonus. healing and 0% bonus to Potency damage (PvP).
- PvP trinkets that remove crowd control effects also remove crowd control effects from the player's pet.
- For spellcasters and healers, PvP power is now split evenly between right and left hand, similar to an ambidextrous melee class. This change is retroactive, and affects Season 12 Elite Malevolent Gladiator and Elite Malevolent Gladiator items. In total, there should be no changes for players who are already using a right hand / left hand combination. .
- Season 13 spellcasters now cost 2250 Conquest Points (down from 2500 in Season 12) and left-handed shields and items cost 1250 (down from 1000), to reflect the increase left hand power for classes that use it this way. This change is not retroactive and only applies to Season 13 items.
- Players who have leveled up for a title (Centurion, Knight Champion, Constable, High Warlord, etc.) through the Rated Battlegrounds system can now purchase old PvP items corresponding to those titles.
- Battlefield
- Players who participate in low level battlegrounds will have their effective level increased to the maximum allowed in their battleground category. Their base characteristics and spells will be adapted accordingly, and they will be treated at this level for the resolution of the chance to hit, miss and critical strike.
- Rated Battlegrounds now award Conquest Points to the losing team based on their final score. She can earn up to 200 for a hotly contested fight.
- Players can earn the new title of "Khan" by completing the following Battleground Achievements: Battle of Gilneas Mastery, Twin Peaks Mastery, Kotmogu Temple Mastery, Conqueror's Island Mastery, and Mastery mines of Silver.
- Services
- Archeology
- Added mantid archeology. Players will be able to discover common and rare mantid artifacts.
- Players can purchase a Mantid Artifact Sonic Detector to focus exclusively on Mantid Dig sites.
- The Chronicler's Map resets all of the Pandaria dig sites, instead of just one.
- Updates have been made to the “museum” at the Knowledge headquarters.
- Forge
- New Raid and PvP Forge Blueprints have been added and can be obtained by researching Lightning Steel Ingots daily.
- Seasoned blacksmiths will find a way to craft Lightning Steel Ingots once their kingdom unlocks the Thunder Forges on the Isle of Thunder. These ingots will allow blacksmiths to recreate powerful weapons from the past, upgraded for Mists of Pandaria. These powerful weapons will be Bind when equipped, but crafting them will take a lot of dedication.
- There is a way (not necessarily expensive) for blacksmiths who have fallen behind in their crafts (those who have not practiced since The Burning Crusade) to fill their gaps. Blacksmiths at each faction's shrines in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms will be able to teach those who wish to practice plans for crafting common items from Ghost Iron.
- Fishing
- Chances to catch a Flying Tiger Gourami, Alpha Hedgehogfish, or Chameleon Octopus are increased.
- Reputation gains for bringing Rare Pandaria Fish to Nat Pagle are increased.
- Players with a high fishing skill level have a chance to fish new pets. The mascot codex gives some clues as to where to find these elusive pets.
- Fish of the day: On any given day, a place in Pandaria will be teeming with a certain type of schools of fish.
- Ben of the Thunderous Voice, located near the Micolline Market, will brief players on the “Fish of the Day” and mark the location on their map.
- Jewellery
- Some jewelers might find the Serpent's Heart and Primal Diamond designs uncut during their adventures (world loot).
- Serpent's Heart has a daily cooldown and uses multiple Serpent's Eyes to create a rare and random quality Pandaria gem. Additionally, the player has a small chance to discover the Sapphire Tiger Hatchling and Jade Owl design.
- The design of the Uncut Primal Diamond requires Spirits of Harmony and large amounts of unusual gems.
- Leather work
- New bosses for raid and PvP have been added. Leatherworkers can discover them by using the Splendor of Leather or Splendor of Scale patterns daily.
- The Bosses of Leather Splendor and Scale Splendor can be found in World loot. These patterns allow the leatherworker to create Magnificent Hides more economically and share a common daily cooldown. In addition to producing a Magnificent Hide, the Leatherworker will learn a new raid or PvP boss from Patch 5.2.
- A new 36 slot Leather Bag (Magnificent Hide Bag) can now be crafted in Leatherworking.
- Couture
- New raid and PvP bosses have been added and can be obtained through the daily Imperial Silk research.
- Archeology
- Objects
- General
- The rules governing transmogrification have been broadened for several types of weapons.
- Axes, Maces, and Two-Handed Swords can be transmogrified into each other.
- One-handed axes, maces, and swords can be transmogrified into each other.
- Polearms and staves can be transmogrified into each other.
- Aether who offered to upgrade items for Valor or Justice have left Azeroth for now. They could come back in an upcoming update.
- The cost of Valor Gear introduced with Patch 5.0 has been reduced by 50%.
- The cost of Valor Gear introduced with Patch 5.1 has been reduced by 25%.
- Celestial Shards are now account bound.
- Adventurers can now upgrade their old Heirloom Items by returning them to exchange for their upgraded version for Justice Points or Darkmoon Faire Vouchers. The upgraded version of these items grants bonuses up to level 85, but the evolution process removes all changes present on the items.
- The rules governing transmogrification have been broadened for several types of weapons.
- Item improvement
- Dance of Steel now has a 15% increased chance to proc.
- General
- Chant du Soleil farm
- Seed bags allowing 4 plants to be planted at the same time have been added.
- Yoon's mailbox has been renamed to Sunsong Farm Mailbox.
- The yield of special crops has been improved to make their cultivation competitive with the harvest in the world.
- Rolling the master's plow over the buried virmen causes them to come out of the ground with 30% of their health and stun them.
- Wild crops are less frequent.
- User interface
- The reputation screen in the character window now lets players know which reputations they have purchased and used top recommendations for.
- There is now an option to show absorption effects (like Power Word: Shield) on a player, target, party, and raid. This option is enabled if you are using the Preventive Care option. Unlike Preventive Healing, absorption effects are displayed for enemy targets.
- Bugfix
- Classes
- Druid
- Seed of Life cannot be replaced with a less effective version of this effect.
- Paladin
- It is no longer possible to reset Inquisition with a lesser duration buff.
- Mage
- Cautery cooldown correctly resets when the mage enters the arena.
- Warlock
- Grimoire of Bondage's tooltip now describes its special skills.
- Demonic Circle: Teleport now has the same cooldown while under the influence of Shapeshifter.
- Druid
- Mascot fights
- The achievement "Tamed World" now correctly displays the reward it grants in the achievement table.
- Objects
- Teebu's Blazing Longsword once again illuminates all around him.
- The following jewelry effects should no longer activate out of combat: Spirits of the Sun, Polarizing Seal of Qin Xi, and Relic of Chi Ji.
- Poppy
- Fixed an issue where command-left-click could be interpreted as right-click when using the touchpad.
- The Logitech LCD applet for G19 / G15 keyboards now launches correctly with the 64-bit client.
- Classes