Thanks to the Trading Post, your garrison can begin with the inhabitants of Draenor.
This building requires an average location, a fief of at least level 2 and will be aimed at all craftsmen and traders!
1 level
A merchant shows up every day to sell craft supplies. Also allows you to exchange crafting components for garrison resources.
- Alliance
- Horde
A quick quest unlocks access to the vendor to start trading.

On the Horde side, she sleeps outside ... in the snow! On the Alliance side, it is much better installed in the grass.
A coffee cup to our sleepers and the quest is over. The sellers will allow, on 3 pages, to buy different resources against the resources of the fiefdom.

Level 2
Grants access to the Sha'tari Defense or Laughing Skull factions. Also opens the possibility of finding parts on Draenor to assemble an auctioneer.
To get the blueprint, you must first be level 98 or complete the Spiers of Arak outpost quest line. Blueprint costs 1000 gp or exchange for Assembly Notes for outpost construction.
- Alliance
- Horde
Lots of things for sale inside.
At the back, there is even the dog kennel!
Hope their goods are not afraid of the snow!
A new quest is available from a Broken Robot on the Ground, an ancient trading mechanism.
To repair it, you need to find 5 items: Arcane Crystal Module, Auction Control Module, Universal Language Module, Extreme Cooling Module, and Cyclic Power Module. If we hover the mouse over each object, we learn that the parts can be found on creatures of Frostfire Ridge, Gorgrond or Spiers of Arak. They can also be bought or sold at the auction house.
An NPC linked to the new reputations sells various items. Reputations are different for factions.
- Sha'tari-Alliance Defense
- Skull-Laughing Horde
- Animal Evacuation Crystal (honored): protect your soul from demons for 1 hour.
- Nether Spawning (revered): mascot
- Contract: Vindicator Hellun (revered): engage this topic
- Armored Iron Tusk (exalted): mount
- Tabard of the Sha'tari Defense (exalted)
- Face of the Sneering Skull / Frozen Face of the Sneering Skull / Bloody Face of the Sneering Skull - 1 gp and 000x Apexis Crystal.
- Golden Face of the Laughing Skull - 5 gp and 000x Apexis Crystal.
- Frenzied grimace : +138 Mastery / Equip: Your nefarious abilities have a chance to cause you to summon a Laughing Skull Berserker to fight alongside you for 12s - 500 gp.
- Iron Flank War Wolf : mount - 5 gp and 000x Apexis Crystal.
- Elixir of the Laughing Skull (friendly): Grants a chance to deal Shadow damage and increases movement speed by 0%. Lasts 30 min. Usable in Gorgrond only - 5 gp and 1 Apexis Crystal.
- Funny skull (friendly): Throw the funny skull at a friendly player. If he has a free space in one of his bags, he will catch it (1 sec cooldown).
- Tickling Totem (honored): place your tickle totem - 1 gp.
- Contract: Sneeringbone (revered): Engage this subject - 5 gp
- Bone wasp (revered): pet - 1 gp and 000x Apexis Crystal.
- Laughing Skull Orc Tabard (exalted) - 100 gp
3 level
Increases reputation gain in Draenor by 20%.
To purchase the blueprint, you must first have completed the achievement Wild Friends (Horde / Alliance) requiring exaltation with 3 factions of Draenor.
Feel free to send screenshots of your level 3 building!