This dungeon is only accessible in heroic mode for level 90 characters and has 4 bosses. I will show you some tracks so that the ballad takes place serenely. For the record, as with all dungeons and raids now, you can find the list of boss abilities in the Dungeon Codex (Shift-J) if you want more information on a particular spell.
The temple of Niuzao extends over two fortified islands, far behind an imposing wall called the Serpent's Spine. For years, the Pandaren have tenaciously defended the narrow bridges that connect the two islands, repelling all invasions. But the mantids used a gigantic tree root as a point to snatch one of the two by surprise. They are now attacking the last guards of Niuzao.

When we arrive in the instance, we find ourselves in the trunk of a gigantic tree, attacked by sik'thik. Guardians have the annoying habit of throwing a yellow shield (the spell is interruptible), preventing them from being killed properly.
Amberweaves, on the other hand, place an area on the ground, putting charges of Residue, each increasing the damage taken by Resin Snowflake by 10% but also increasing the damage inflicted by 10%. See if you trust your healer!
Vizier Jin'bak
Vizier Jin'bak prowls behind the edge of the natural mantid bridge and collects the tree's precious sap. Thanks to his immense knowledge of alchemy, he transforms it into weapons and tools that will be used in the siege of the temple of Niuzao.
The success of the fight depends on the management of the puddle of sap that the boss creates in the middle of the room. This puddle can only decrease thanks to courageous players who set foot in it. This is not without risk because, in doing so, they collect sap residue, inflicting regular damage. It is therefore necessary to go there, without staying there too much. Regularly, globules of sap will arrive and, if they are not killed quickly enough, merge with the puddle of sap.
The puddle must be kept to a reasonable size in anticipation of the Vizier's detonate spell, which inflicts damage proportional to the size of the puddle. Can you imagine if it is as big as the coin? Mortal !
Once the vizier is killed, you'll have to fight your way through puddles of sap, reducing displacement by 80%, annoyed by aggressive resin flakes! We also find our Sik'thik friends from the beginning.
Commander Vo'jak
Commander Vo'kaj makes up for his lack of strategic genius with sheer savagery. Its devastating clusters have been instrumental in the exploitation by the mantids of the bridge that allows them to infiltrate the island. But Vo'jak leaves the battle plans to the general. What he wants is blood.
The fight against this boss takes place in two phases. The objective is to hold the wall against the onslaught of Sik'thik troops until he finally deigns to come in person.
In the successive attacks of the first phase, pandas help, depositing explosives near the edge. Below you see the panda (bottom right), the bomb to be picked up (in front of me, left) and the wreckers coming in front. We can see orange under them, proof that they have already taken a few bombs:
Needless to say that you should not go down at this point, from memory the bomb also hurts the players. Smaller sik'thiks (wreckers and swarmers) die quickly while warriors are traditionally killed and tanked (they usually have too much life to die from bombs). To enhance this phase, an amber wing sometimes bombards the platform. No need to kill her, just dodge her areas of fire on the ground.
Once his reinforcements have been reduced to nothing, the Commander arrives. Finish all the sik'thiks well if ever there are 1 or 2 left, they can annoy the healer. This boss has two abilities to consider: it charges a random player, dealing damage on its run (daring strike), and it spins (thousand blades). As much as the first is not easy to avoid, the second is trivial. Once the commander is dead, the descent is now safe. He had a great view from below!
Where are the Air Reinforcements: Defeat the Commander after killing the Sil'thik Amberwing.
General Pa'valak
General Pa'valak is pragmatic. He does not fear Pandaren and their allies, and uses his own power or that of the Mantid armies indifferently to defeat his enemies. Victory is the only honor he seeks, and he will not tolerate any failure from his soldiers.
The fight with this boss takes place on a large grassy terrace, beware of the reach of your healer! In the first phase, you have to be careful with his volley of blades, damage randomly targeting a party member and nearby players. This is entirely preventable if you take care of the areas on the ground.
At 35 and 65%, he calls for reinforcements and protects himself under a barricade with 6M hit points (above). Needless to say, there is no point in typing it in this phase. There is something to do with the waves of sik'thiks anyway. In order to help, there are siege explosives on the ground, bombs to be picked up quickly before they go off and allowing area damage to be done to reinforcements. Avoid targeting your companions, they may not like it, and prefer sik'thiks! Below, a bomb (it is decorated with 3 exclamation points when armed):
Return to Sender: Defeat the general while under the effect of 20 Explosion charges.
Wing Commander Ner'onok
Wing Commander Ner'onok has won hundreds of battles through defensive actions. General Pa'valak's small victories are nothing compared to the triumph Ner'onok thinks he could achieve if he were to become a leader. Even though his airstrikes have already ravaged the temple guardians, he's still waiting for a chance to prove his superiority over the general.
This boss does not present a particular difficulty but has a fun mechanic. Indeed, twice during the fight, Nero'nok flies off and lands on the other side of the bridge. To reach it, you have to move forward as best you can against its gales, creating gusts that slow down. This spell is interruptible so a distant has every interest in interrupting it as soon as it has range.
The rest of the time, it deals classic damage, makes areas on the ground to get out of (caustic pitch), and attempts to trap players in amber with quick-drying resin. To counter the latter, jump in place: in addition to avoiding imprisonment, this provides a temporary increase in casting and movement speed!
Gone with the Wind: Defeat Ner'onok while under the effect of Tenwu's Resolve.
A new temple of freed from corruption. Well done !