This scenario, planned for 3 characters of level 90, proposes 3 phases with hozen to all the sauces, I hope that the monkeys do not scare you.
Phase 1
You have to escort Brewmaster Bo, not in a hurry, along the small path by the water. He explains the concern to us from the start: "Ah, perfect, there you are! The time has come to teach these hozen" pirates "why it is better not to attack our villages". And he insists, "No one can steal our beer. No one." Pandarens are pretty sweet, but there's one thing they aren't kidding about!
As we move forward we discover a real proliferation of hozen, little ones with 393k points of life, means like the two gladiators Gagoon and Okou Okou with 1.58M of points of life and strong ones like the unga mug-bird with 2.36M point of view. Once on the beach, we go to phase 2.
Phase 2
Bo places himself on his brewing cauldron, it will have to be filled while protecting it.
To protect it, there are cannonballs on the ground, which allow you to make small areas (inflicting 100k points of damage), we see them at the top left in the image above. At the top right, there is a cannon, very useful to prevent boats from docking.
To fill it, bring back barrels. There are some everywhere, small near houses and larger ones hidden away or well guarded like on the boat to the east. You can accumulate up to 25 charges (beyond that, it's too heavy). It is possible to take your mount to bring back the beer, but you have to get off to use it.
If you all go looking for barrels, beware of the brewing cauldron as thieving hozen regularly arrive. Hidden under a banana or plants, they will leave with a barrel under their arm!
To spoil is to sin: complete phase 2 without the beer being stolen from the cauldron.The barrel runner: complete phase 2 of Unga Ingou in less than four minutes.
Phase 3
Once the cauldron is full, Captain Ouk arrives.
His fight is funny, punctuated by oranges that must be hidden from the boss, suffering from scurvy (Catching scurvy!). You just have to get on it and run away from the boss who tries to catch it (Orange flight). If he does not succeed, he becomes very sensitive to damage (Scurvy attack!).
Not steal, not steal, not steal the orange: defeat Captain Ouk without having taken an orange.It's not an old monkey: defeat all the bosses of Unga Ingou
Once the boss is killed, you can go kill the other mini-bosses of the instance or just rest and have a little drink in the barrel next to Bo. It turns into Hozen!