This scenario, added to 5.1, is intended for 3 Alliance level 90 characters and takes place in 7 phases in the Citadel of Lion Territory. The Horde carries out the similar scenario, Domination's Point.
- Phase 1: the flight master
- Phase 2: death on the docks
- Phase 3: take back the court
- Phase 4: the high marshal
- Phase 5: field work
- Phase 6 and 7 (final): preparations and holding the front
Phase 1
When we arrive, Daggin Windbeard is grappling with Bloodguard Grunts. Of course, we hurry to help him and together we set off to make our way to the docks to join Admiral Taylor.
Grunts are not very strong and won't stop you for long.
Phase 2
The boats on the quays are in very poor condition and some are still burning. The Admiral is also in the middle of a fight and appreciates seeing you (although he seems to have the resources to get out of it).
Phase 3
Accompanied by Admiral Taylor and Daggin Barbe-du-Vent, we must retake the courtyard of the fort. Three groups of fiery attackers are to be killed, in the east, south and west.
Phase 4
The fight is still far from won! As soon as High Marshal Doublenattes is found, the assault commander arrives, the wolf rider Gaja, accompanied by her wolf, 2 wolf sisters, 2 skimmers and 2 wolves. This group of 8 is a bit long and stinging if it is a player who takes all the hits (do not hesitate to leave the NPCs in front by putting you back, behind the barricades).
Phase 5
Now we need to gather information and retrieve reports from SI members: 7, Amber, Mishka and Sully. These 3 NPCs are in the fort, fighting (the 3rd is in the middle of the dungeon courtyard):
Phase 6 and 7 (final)
At the head of a small army, it's time to prepare for the final battle by placing bombs (Reaver bombs), blunderbusses (lever-actuating blunderbuss) and rockets (rocket launcher) in the courtyard. . Barely all set, the horde charges in four waves with hammers (druids), grunts (warriors), ligelumières (priests). With the final wave arrives the Commander of the Horde, different each time. I had a magician, Thaumaturge Saresse, who uses an Arcane Blast ability on a loop. Do not hesitate to interrupt or stun him. There is also a tauren, Marche-Soleil Chagon.
Number 5 is alive: make the 5 non-player characters survive.Don't waste it: use all the weapons and bonuses
The Lion Territory is, for today, safe!