This is the latest addition to the "PvP Melee Choices" series. The last one because I preferred to take my time to write this guide, the monk not being the class that I mastered the best, for never having really played it at the maximum level, I did not know all the names spells and the inner workings of the class despite having faced a large number of them. It's now done, so make way for the class that celebrated its first anniversary last September: the windwalker monk.
Reclosed in the monasteries of Pandaria, the monks meditate, train to control their chi, the mist, to make beer and to practice martial arts. It is rather towards these last "types" of monks that we will orient ourselves today. In World of Warcraft, the Windwalker Monk is directly inspired by the tradition of the Shaolin monks, masters of Kung Fu, fighting with their bare hands, smashing the most solid surfaces with a flick of the palm, and hopping all over the place. If there is something on which Blizzard has succeeded perfectly, it is in the transcription of the image that we have of the characters, and that they wished to give them, in the way of playing their classes. As for the other characters, the monk is no exception to the rule, and we find here an extremely dynamic, fast and nervous class but also rather fragile.
Its strong points
Its mobility : it is an extremely pleasant aspect of the windwalker monk, this ability to "cross the map" in 3 techniques. Of course I am exaggerating, but it is clear that when a monk has all his movement techniques, he can cover an immense distance in a few seconds. First, it has two rolls with a 20 second cooldown. Also, at tier 15, he has the Tiger's Thirst talent, which is very useful in PvP, which allows him to remove immobilization and slowing effects every 30 seconds in addition to considerably increasing his speed! The monk is also able to teleport through transcendence. And on top of all that, the wind march features the blow of the flying snake which, if not interrupted, makes the character travel well over 40 meters in the space of a second. And this also for a low recharge time. The PvP gear glove bonus is not to be outdone, with its cancellation of slowing effects. Thanks to all these spells, it is clearly recognized that the Monk is the melee class with the most mobility.
Its controls : another area in which the monk excels is control. It's not that he has more control than other classes, it's mostly that his own have a very low cooldown. His first control spell is Paralysis. In addition, he has two other control spells. At talent level 60, Leg Sweep or Buffalo Charge that stuns multiple targets or Ring of Peace can be chosen and Fists of Fury which, every 25 sec, in addition to hitting multiple targets, cannot be dispelled by the PvP trinket! His Interrupt Hand Pike spell is accompanied by a two-second silence. We can also add his Spinning Fire Blossom and Handicap immobilization spells as well as Weapon Steal, but that will likely be removed for Warlords of Draenor.
Its weak point
His defensive spells : the sensitive point of the monk (yes he has one!) lies in his defensive spells. He does not have a particular posture to mitigate damage like the warrior or the death knight. Despite a very fun touch of karma against inexperienced players who don't know how it works, the cooldown is still quite long and it is almost the only damage reduction spell. There is also the fortifying drink, with an interminable recharge time and whose effectiveness is quite relative. Or the diffusion of magic, ineffective against classes with physical damage, and which involves sacrificing a regeneration spell. The monk's survival will lie in his ability to control his targets on their powerful offensive phases and in his mobility as well as his good regeneration, having a wave of chi, an extraction of evil, spheres of healing and often Elixir talent of healing.
The Windwalker Monk is currently the most autonomous and efficient solo class thanks to his freedom of movement, his "double pvp jewel" conferred on him by Brew of Vividness, his heals and his controls. This does not mean that it is useless in groups. Its dissipation of disease and poison, its controls, its healing also make it an effective class also in arena but which remains fragile. It offers a lot of possibilities and has a very interesting game development potential. It also has the advantage of delighting Kung fu Panda fans, if at all. ?