This is a new series of five articles that we are starting here. This series is intended for beginners, at least in World of Warcraft PvP, who would like to heal their little teammates. This series aims to help them choose the class they would like to fly. I am thinking of those who, for example, would like to use a sesame to start a new class, or those who have so far only practiced PvP very sporadically and want to tackle it more diligently. For those who already have a foothold in PvP, you may have a better understanding of which classes you don't play and how to face them more effectively.
These articles will not aim to expose the most powerful class of the moment, but to guide the neophytes, by explaining the style of play, of healing, of survival of each of the five healers, of describing their strengths and their points. weak. The peculiarity of this series compared to the two previous ones on melee and ranged classes, is that we will only talk about group PvP. A healer having no interest in being practiced in 1 against 1, each damage class having means of regeneration, it is impossible for him to kill an opponent alone, with equal equipment in any case.
The first class today in the spotlight is the druid restoration.
He is a troll, he is a worgen, he is a tauren or a night elf. The powers and resources of the druid are conferred on him by nature itself to whom he is devoted and to whom he devotes his life day after day. In its skincare specialization, plants, trees and vegetation come to its aid to promote their medicinal properties.
The peculiarity of the druid lies in the fact that his healing is mainly composed of several spells over time (also called HoT like Heal on Time). It also has metamorphoses that benefit its other specializations which makes it very versatile.
Its strong points
Its controls : the restoration druid has for him the very useful cyclone. Non-dissipable, non-breakable, no recharge time. It is a very effective means of pressure or delay. An opposing healer will have to constantly watch his positioning to try to avoid it. Additionally, it can be used after a Disorienting Roar or Powerful Throw, making it difficult to dodge. It is even more unpredictable if used in conjunction with the Soul of the Forest talent or preceded by Nature's Swiftness spell. The Restoration Druid also has the ability to transform from time to time into a feline when the pressure is low and to raise his combo points so as to inflict a Mutilate, To this we can add Typhon who can interrupt the casting of a spell, throw below or Mass Entanglement (as well as Roots and Nature's Grasp) or Ursol Vortex which will be really effective against melee teams especially those with low mobility, such as Death Knights for example. Additionally, his Druid opponents will also be under threat of hibernation if they are not responsive enough to shape shift.
Its mobility : like any druid, the different metamorphoses are a very important advantage available to the healer. Thus, the simple fact of changing shape frees it from any slowing down and immobilization, giving it an escape from melee. This is all the more appreciable when you know that he has two to three acceleration spells, haste, roaring rush and the necessary level 15 talent transfer of beast. In addition, thanks to its controls and immobilizations mentioned above, a well-mastered restoration druid will have the means to get rid of one to two melee classes by playing with the decor, to go casting to reassemble his life, allowing his healing spells over time to keep him alive while on the move. Some will even have fun with the savage charge to fly towards their mushrooms placed on a higher floor to escape their attackers, in battlefields like Twin Peaks and Warsong Goulets or in arena of the sharp edges for example.
Its weak point
His difficulties in the face of changing targets : the druid has some techniques to avoid large phases of damage to himself as to his allies. The tree of life form, if chosen is effective at medium and beginner levels, but very manavorous and very often countered at higher levels. Otherwise, Iron Bark to reduce damage and Cenarion Protection to boost healing, can be used on any friendly target. In addition, the healing spells over time that are recovery, flower of life, recovery, the seed of life passive, the area effect of quick healing, allow to keep the ally target alive while being controlled.
However, having all these spells requires preparation and some of these techniques have a cooldown, the druid will have difficulty facing opponents who will often change targets. Reapplying each of these spells is expensive in mana. In addition, for his personal survival, the restoration druid only has the bark (to be glyped absolutely) and the power of Ursoc (plus a spell conferred by the symbiosis probably). If the target of two opponents changes to a druid who has not previously placed healing spells on him, he can easily give up the ghost for a stun and silence. Likewise, in a 3v3 arena, if the druid suffers a control spell and cannot get out of it when his opponents start changing targets, the situation will become complicated especially if a shaman or a priest has previously dispelled healing spells applied to the target.
The Restoration Druid is a very versatile class, it has many facets that make it enjoyable to play, such as camouflage, fireflies to prevent stealth, instant flight and water forms outdoors. Lots of little things that, if used right, at the right time, can help you gain an advantage or get out of a difficult situation. The class is also excellent in terms of group healing, in rated battlegrounds for example, as it can place its HoTs all over the place and add wild growth to it. She can also every six minutes, take the role of a real damage class thanks to the wild heart talent which will make her devastating and allow her to finish a low opponent alive for example.
This versatility marks the difference between an average Druid and an excellent Restoration Druid. To play a restoration druid is not simply to land in a corner and initiate healing, it is to move, change shape to avoid a metamorphosis, to control, to anticipate the opponent's attacks. It is, as far as I am concerned, the care class that I prefer to practice and with which I take the most pleasure in evolving despite the many lumberjack vocations it arouses.
Finally, here are each of the spells that you will be able to obtain, in restoration specialization thanks to the symbiosis: Priest, Mage, Warrior, Hunter, Monk, Paladin, Shaman, Warlock, Thief, Death Knight.