The official website this week published a preview of the Shipyard, the new building added to the stronghold in 6.2.
- building accessible at level 100, with a level 3 fiefdom
- accessible after a quest at the Iron Docks
- Building level 2 unlocked by completing 25 naval missions, level 3 with 50 missions.

The management of the ships is carried out on the same principle as the subjects although the ships have different characteristics:
- Type:
- Carrier (first type recovered)
- Submarine (silently approaching)
- Destroyer (can counter submarines)
- Battleship (uses artillery, effective against destroyers)
- Carrier (drops bombs to counter battleships)
- Techniques:
- Experienced Crew (increases your chance of success by 10%)
- Unsinkable (protects the ship from deadly attack)
- Trained shark tank
- Equipment :
- Gyroscopic internal stabilizer (allows movement in chaotic vortices)
- Food storage compartment (allows you to go on extended naval missions)
- fuel to go on missions
- Crew of a particular race, each bringing its advantages
- Goblin (increases the amount of gold obtained)
- Night Elf (decrease travel time)
- Human (increases chances of success)
- Tauren (50% bonus to experience)