The moment until the fateful moment of the release of Warlords of Draenor is now counted in hours, it is high time to prepare to invade this new world!
Forget the longest companies, the hour is approaching! And to be ready on time, here are some tips for approaching Draenor with confidence.
Drive your character to Orgrimmar or Stormwind, it's time to take stock. Check that you have good or less a specialization to be able to start the adventure without too much worry. Make sure you know the mechanism and check your glyphs to be sure you have the best ones!
Empty your bags and sort it out, keep only the essentials such as your hearthstone for example. If you haven't already, buy some food from the innkeepers to regenerate health and mana. A few are enough, you will find much better in Draenor.
All that is useful to you but not essential (such as for example the resources for the trades), put it in the bank; If you have totally unnecessary things, sell them to a merchant, and also consider sorting them to avoid having to search for what you will earn by doing your quests and dungeons when the day comes.
Now take care of your personal banking in the same way. It is advisable to keep the components for the trades for a while. Indeed, the Guild Masters will take advantage of this moment of preparation to balance their components from the last expansion. It is therefore the perfect time to climb to the last levels of your trades if you go through the Auction House to collect the resources. However, unless you sell in very large quantities, you will lose out on giving away your components at a low price. It is preferable to wait a while, the price will have increased without, most certainly, reaching its maximum as before (except perhaps for certain resources which will be less harvested due to their scarcity or the arduous nature of their acquisition conditions) .
If you are on a PvP server (versus versus player) and you have arena or battleground gear, put it aside, the threat is also coming from the other faction.
Finally, always keep a little nest egg with you. You never know what life will be made of, especially in World of Warcraft!
Do this on all your characters, and if you have time, World of Warcraft is full of unnecessary activities that are essential to do, alone or with friends!
Preparing his departure for Draenor is ensuring his return to Azeroth!