You can find the list of fixes applied to the game since 5.0.5 at this address and in particular the last changes made yesterday Thursday, October 25. The most important is right from the start: Heroic dungeons in Pandaria now grant 80 Valor (up from 60) the first time of the day. Here is the entire list:
- General
- Valor rewards for Random Dungeons, Challenge Dungeons, and Scenarios have been increased.
- Creatures
- Yaungol on the Deathlap board will no longer sometimes cause player pets to attack unprovoked.
- Dilapidated Jade Warriors no longer earn reputation with the Dark Prince.
- Rippers, slayers, and mudscale shamans have become less prolific.
- In the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Alani is no longer available to other players while channeling the Sky Crystal.
- quests
- Players can now complete "Old Thistle's Treasure".
- Leven Blade of Dawn now offers the quest "Message from the Mogu".
- It is now easier for players to cooperate by completing the quest "Elbow grease".
- Sra'vess Island has become a more enjoyable quest destination. The roads are less congested, and all players who face an elite mantid are credited with a victory when they are killed.
- Dungeons and raids
- Disenchanting items gained by defeating bosses with the Raid Tool no longer grants Blood Spirits.
- Player item level for the Raid Finder should now always be calculated correctly.
- Mogu'shan vaults
- Jan Xi and Qin Xi are now immune to the Skull Bash druid ability.
- If the members of a raid all die while Gara'jal the Mindbinder is defeated at the same time, they should now have access to the loot.
- Bug fixes
- Players who previously failed to plant crops in the Valley of the Four Winds can now do so.
- Completing all the conditions for the Scénamedi on Saturday is now validated correctly in the achievements.
- Fixed an issue that could cause set gems to disappear.