As you can't ignore now, 5.4 is on the Test Server (PTS) and things are changing as testing and feedback goes on. In order to follow, Blizzard is offering us a new version of the patch notes tonight where all the additions are clearly indicated in red.
Of course, following that, all the sites extracting information from the client searched this new version, discovering many interesting things!
- Mounts
- Corgi
- Hearthstone
These two mounts are obtained in PvP by winning 100 3v3 Arena matches and 30 Side Battleground matches.
To come back to the patch notes, we have some targeted fixes for classes, but I won't go into detail. For everyone, there are some adjustments to the capabilities in dynamic raid mode:
Spells for players with different number of targets based on raid size now increase their capacity based on the number of players in dynamic raid mode.
And an important part about PvP battlegrounds:
- The number of Conquest Points received for winning a Random Battleground or during Call to Arms has been increased.
- The first victory of the day now grants 150 conquest points (was 100).
- Subsequent victories now grant 75 Conquest Points (was 50).
- Shore of the Ancients
- Bombs are no longer items placed in the player's inventory, and now deal much more damage (4500 instead of 1250).
- Players who carry a bomb now have a button to place them and a spell effect above their head.
- Placing a bomb takes 2 seconds. This action can be interrupted as the capture of a point in the battlefield.
- Disarming a bomb takes 2 seconds. This action can be interrupted like capturing a point in a battlefield.
- Wreckers no longer benefit from the Ram skill and there can only be one per stage.
Regarding PvP and as a conclusion, arena test sessions are planned:
- Thursday July 11 from 01 a.m. to 00 a.m.
- Saturday July 20 from 17 p.m. to 00 p.m.
And for all those wishing to follow these tests without getting tired, different streams are planned.
- Azael - http://Twitch.TV/Azaelx
- Cdew - http://Twitch.TV/Cdewx
- Khryl - http://Twitch.TV/Khryl
- Kisz - http://Twitch.TV/KiszTwo
- Sodah - http://Twitch.TV/Sodez
- Tosan - http://Twitch.TV/TosanTribe
- Vanguards - http://Twitch.TV/VanguardsTV
- Venruki - http://Twitch.TV/Venruki