You know him ! The Time-Lost Proto-Drake is one of the most hunted rare, but what follows will allow you to learn more about it to maximize the chances of making it your own!
Who is the Time-Lost Proto-Drake?
The Time-Lost Proto-Drake is a rare monster from the Storm Peaks region of Northrend that grants 100% a mount of the same name: The Reins of the Time-Lost Proto-Drake. This one has 18.900 points of life. It doesn't have any special attacks except every now and then it teleports behind your back.
The time-lost Proto-Drake shares its respawn time with another rare in the region: Vyragosa
The method to follow
There is a theory that seems to work. This is based on restarting servers and respawn times after killing Vyragosa or the Time-Lost Proto-Drake.
In practice, this is how it applies: you kill or see Vyragosa, come back 5 hours later and wait 2 hours. Example: Vyragosa killed at 12:00 p.m., come back at 17:00 p.m. and wait until 19:00 p.m.! If nothing happens, this is called an "empty pop".
In this case, resume 17:00 p.m. and add 5:00 a.m., so it will be 22 p.m. and wait for 00 hours, until midnight.
In the event that Vyragosa or the Proto-drake lost in time appears during the time slot, at 23:32 p.m. for example in this example, add another 5 hours, so it will be 4:32 and wait 2 hours, until 6:32 a.m.
And keep doing this until you get your precious!
Where to place
Here are the different hunting spots as well as the routes of the different rare ones in the region.
Tools to facilitate obtaining the frame
There are several existing add-ons to help you on your journey. These allow you to detect, target and indicate the path of the various rare that are in the region where you are.
- NPCscan: allows you to detect, target and place a sign on a rare one who is close to you.
- NPCscan Overlay: displays the paths of the rare ones in the zones.
- SilverDragon: allows you to detect and announce in the channel of your choice the detected rare and its coordinates, very practical when you are several of the same group to hunt the same rare.
Le mot de la fin!
It only remains for me to wish you good luck in your adventure! In the meantime, here is the video guide that I made in 2013 but which is still viable:
I am at your entire disposal if you have any questions!