With the arrival of 5.4, the legendary quest for Mists of Pandaria comes to an end. The opportunity to take stock of its progress.
- Chapter I: The Trial of the Black Prince
- Chapter II: The War of Irion
- Chapter III: the two Princes
- Chapter IV: Astral Blessings
- Chapter V: Judgment of the Black Prince
Chapter I: The Trial of the Black Prince
Once level 90, a quest (In Foreign Land) will take us to meet Irion, in the hidden staircase, this small area wedged between the Vale of Eternal Spring and the Jade Forest.
After a shared drink (Birth of a legend), the real fun begins:
- The trial of the black prince: pass honored to the black prince. This reputation is built in particular by killing Mantids and Mogu in the Steppes of Townlong, the Vale of Eternal Spring or the Lands of Dread. If not, I recommend Dao'Shanze Island to the northwest with the Shan'ze Illusionists. Note that thieves who have completed the legendary quest Parricide (Cataclysm) will automatically have the reputation.
- The Strength of His Enemies: These sigils drop in T14 raids, as well as the Throne of Thunder and the first 8 bosses in Siege of Orgrimmar. They can be picked up by anyone completing the quest, in any difficulty level.
Once these two steps are completed, you must return to the raid, kill the final boss of the Spring Terrace (Fear Incarnate) and recover the chimera of fear there. This chimera is available to any player with this quest. A final quest concludes this first chapter, The Breath of the Black Prince and rewards a legendary gem to choose from among 3:
- Crystallized anguish
- Crystallized terror
- Crystallized horror
If you make a mistake or change your weapon, don't panic. Legendary Gems can be purchased for 8000 gp from the Dark Prince's supplier.
This gem can be placed in a weapon with a Sha-touched gem slot that can be found on all of the Heart of Fear and Spring Terrace difficulties. Here are the weapons concerned (in their LFR version even if we therefore have 3 versions of each):
- Tsulong: Gao-Rei, Staff of the Legendary Protector (Agility Staff), Loshan, Terror Incarnate (Intelligence Sword)
- Lei Shi: Mindspring (Agility Dagger), Taoren, the Soulburner (Agility Firearm), Jin'ya, Oracle Orb (Intelligence Staff)
- Sha of Fear: Kilrak, Jaws of Terror (Sword Strength), Shin'ka, Execution of Empire (Ax Strength)
- High Empress Shek'zeer: Shek'zeer Claws (Agility Fist), Kri'tak, Imperial Swarm Scepter (Mind / Mind Mace)
At the end of Chapter I, you get the achievement Chapter I: Trial of the Black Prince.
Chapter II: The War of Irion
The process is similar although the objectives are slightly different between the Alliance and the Horde.
- Alliance
- Horde
To start this chapter, two quests are possible in parallel:
- A Valor Test: Complete the achievement a Valor test by earning 3000 Valor points. This is not retroactive, so it will take 3 weeks to accomplish this goal. You can spend points, it won't change a thing. And it is also useless to go beyond the daily limit, that will not change anything either.
- The prince's ambition: it is necessary to become revered by the faction of the Prince. Same instructions as above, it's very fast on Dao'Shanze Island in the northwest with the Shan'ze Illusionists.
Then, we will have to talk to Irion who will give us two following quests:
- The Lion's Roar: This quest will make more than one who is allergic to battlegrounds cry, as you have to go to PvP and win a fight in Kotmogu Temple and the Silver Shard Mines. It may be longer than it looks.
- Change of Command: This quest, requiring the slaying of the Bloodguard Warlord at Domination Point, is doable on its own for certain classes. All the same, plan for 1 or 2 friends per security.
The series ends with the call of the pack leader where we return to Irion who has some confidences to give us about our king.
To start this chapter, two quests are possible in parallel:
- A Valor Test: Complete the achievement a Valor test by earning 3000 Valor points. This is not retroactive, so it will take 3 weeks to accomplish this goal. You can spend points, it won't change a thing. And it is also useless to go beyond the daily limit, that will not change anything either.
- The prince's ambition: it is necessary to become revered by the faction of the Prince. There are different ways to build this reputation such as killing enemies in Krasarang and completing daily quests there.
Then, we will have to talk to Irion who will give us two following quests:
- Glory to the Horde: This quest will make more than one who is allergic to the battlefields cry, because you have to go to PvP and win a fight in the Temple of Kotmogu and the Silver Mines. It may be longer than it looks.
- Change of Command: This quest, requiring the slaying of the Bloodguard Warlord at Domination Point, is doable on its own for certain classes. All the same, plan for 1 or 2 friends per security.
The series ends with the Soul of the Horde where we return to Irion who has some secrets to tell us about Garrosh.
At the end of these quests, you get an Eye of the Black Prince which is added to a weapon. This works on all T14 and T15 weapons but not on Heroic versions of Siege of Orgrimmar weapons. Additional eyes can be purchased from the Quartermaster for 2000 gold.
At the end of Chapter II, we obtain the achievement Chapter II: The War of Irion.
Chapter III: the two Princes
After a short discussion, the tasks begin.
- Secrets of the First Empire: Trillium bars don't present a great challenge (just go through the auction house or have a miner) but the 20 secrets of the empire will take longer to obtain. They fall in the Throne of Thunder raid (100% on Lei Shi) and the first 8 bosses of Siege of Orgrimmar.
- I need a champion: to pass exalted to the faction of the Black Prince. The easiest way now is to take advantage of the Isle of Thunder.
The rest is more linear with different tasks that follow each other:
- The Thunder Forge: Single player scenario where we have to help Irion while he charges the Thunder Forge.
The first part of the event takes place in several waves, the final wave being a mogu with 10 million health points. The important thing here is to collect the blue balls that appear regularly (they are marked with an arrow), providing an improvement that increases damage and healing.
Next, Irion summons a Celestial Blacksmith to be defended against the Sha. To get out of this, the important thing is to correctly manage the anvils that are loading. As soon as an anvil is operational, you must click on it to cast your area spell. Green pillars also allow healing in case of ailments.
Once all the anvils are loaded, Irion does a little cleaning (a big AOE) before the arrival of a Sha amalgam with 30 million health points. It is imperative to interrupt his Insanity ability by activating the anvils. When he launches his meteor storm, it is imperative to be attentive and not stay in areas on the ground. Finally, the defender must stay alive, if ever he is too low alive, it is always possible to take the aggro and take the boss for a ride. Once the Sha is at 20%, the temporary capacity of the spear becomes activable, allowing the boss to be killed!
- Spirit of the Storm Lord: Go to the Isle of Thunder and confront Nalak on whom to use his Lightning Lance. This will spawn an Essence of Storm which must be wandered (kite). The gasoline will lose life with each meter traveled until it dies. The javelin will then be loaded and the quest completed.
The next step is to collect its reward, a legendary meta-gem to choose from among 4:
- Indomitable Primal Diamond
- Courageous Primal Diamond
- Capacitive primordial diamond
- Sinister Primal Diamond
These meta-gems can be redeemed for 5 Primal Diamonds from the Quartermaster. They can only be used on helmets with a minimum iLvl of 502. 2 quests are then still to be completed before the end of this chapter:
- Echoes of the Titans: Collect 12 titan runestones. These stones can be found on the last 6 bosses of the Throne of Thunder (Halls of Flesh-Sculpting and Halls of Lightning) as well as the first 8 bosses of Siege of Orgrimmar.
- The Heart of the Thunder King: Kill the Thunder King.
At the end of Chapter III, we obtain the achievement Chapter III: the two princes.
Chapter IV: Astral Blessings
After having collected the 12 runestones of the titans, we return to see Irion (Judgment) for a new series of quests.
- Astral Blessings: Win one of the Venerable Stars challenges.
Each aspect addresses a specialty. Not having reached this part yet, I leave you some player videos showing what these fights look like:
- Yu'lon
- Chi Ji
- Xuen
- Niuzao
Temple of the Jade Serpent - Ranged DPS
It is necessary to kite, control mobs and avoid damage areas. We find ourselves facing a blind Irion who uses various AoE attacks. Fire elementals will arrive during combat and reappear after being dead for 1 minute.
Temple of the Red Crane - Healer
The goal is to stay alive, along with Irion, throughout the encounter against a humanoid version of Deathwing. Note that Irion is not grouped, it is just a friendly target (you must therefore check which healing spells concern it. Some points to consider:
- the boss does more damage on Irion: don't hesitate to tank him
- it poses a debuff, arranging to lower the loads from time to time is a good idea
- small adds must be killed first
- a line of fire: easy to avoid because a shadow indicates where the fire will appear
- a frontal area: it is better to stay in contact to avoid it more easily
- peaks to be intercepted to prevent Irion from taking the damage
Temple of the White Tiger - Contact DPS
We find ourselves facing Irion with about 31M health points:
- no damage bonus for attacking it from behind
- do not hesitate to self-heal
- he does not deal melee damage but jumps to our position and begins to cast a cone attack in front of him (180 °).
- he summons vases which must be kited and placed away from the melee.
- it places puddles under our feet at regular intervals.
- after a time, he changes tactics and summons copies of himself (+ 10). You have to destroy as much as possible to avoid damage.
- once the boss is found in the pictures, it stops and resumes its normal abilities.
A 26 minutes
Temple de Niuzao-Tank
Defend Irion from a human version of Deathwing, Irion taking 300% damage from the boss. The boss has 10.5M hit points and heals around 30k per hit, so it's important to use CD clothing. It deals damage over time, stacking, inflicting 22k per stack.
Sometimes the boss turns around in front of Irion, you have to provoke him quickly! He also summons vases to kill as a supplement. Finally, around 30%, it separates into 4 and throws fireballs at Irion, it is imperative to intercept them to prevent the NPC from taking too much damage and dying.
A 17 minutes
At the end of his quests, we finally get the epic version of the cloak (The Cloak of Virtue) to choose from 6:
- Jadefire drape
- Crane Wing Cape
- Buffalo horn blade breaker
- Large buffalo hoof cloak
- Tiger Claw Cloak
- Tiger fang cloak
These cloaks can be purchased from the Quartermaster for 10 gp. At the end of Chapter IV, you get the achievement Chapter IV: Astral Blessings. One final quest, Preparing to Strike, Prepares the ground for the Siege of Orgrimmar.
Chapter V: Judgment of the Black Prince
This new chapter begins with the discovery of Timeless Island (A Timeless Discovery) where Irion asks us to collect 5000 Timeless Coins (Secrets of Timeless Island). This is rather quick when you see all the means that exist to collect it (rare, chests, treasures ...).
Once the coins have been collected, you must defeat the 4 venerable Pandarian Stars (The Emperor's Way) on the island of Frozen Time: Chi-Ji, Yu'lon, Niuzao and Xuen.
Once the 4 gods have been defeated, we return to Irion (A Pandaren Legend) to receive a timeless Draconic Essence of Black Flight, an item that will allow the legendary cloak to be modified to provide it with additional effects and capacity. In addition, our name will be shouted throughout the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and the last players to complete the quest have their status in Mogu'shan Palace.
- Qian-Le, Courage de Niuzao
- Qian-Ying, Robustesse de Niuzao
- Xing-Ho, Souffle de Yu'lon
- Jina-Kang, Kindness of Chi-Ji
- Fen-Yu, Fureur de Xuen
- Gong-Lu, Force de Xuen
A final quest asks to kill Garrosh in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid (Judgment of the Black Prince) concluding the questline with the achievement of the achievement: Chapter V: Judgment of the Black Prince.
And There you go ! A superb cloak to accompany you everywhere and access Ordos, the new outdoor boss accessible only to players with a cloak (on one of their characters). This guide is directly inspired by Wowhead.