Death Knight
Demon hunter

Main capacities
You can find the Thief's preview article on the official blog!
- Assassination
- Outlaw
- Finesse
- Tourniquet Garrots the enemy, dealing significant damage over 18 seconds and granting 1 combo point. When used from Stealth, it silences the target for 3 seconds.
- Estropier : Attack with both weapons, dealing high physical damage. Grants 2 combo points.
- Envenom Finishing move that plunges your poison blades deep into the target, dealing instant Nature damage and increasing your chance to apply poison by 30%. Damage and duration increase with the number of combo points.
- Out of stock : Finishing move that rips open the target, dealing bleed damage over time. Duration increases with the number of combo points.
- Seal Fate (Passive) : When you critically strike with a melee attack that generates combo points, you receive an additional combo point.
- Poisonous Wounds (Passive) : You regain 10 energy each time you inflict bleeding damage to a poisoned target.
- mastery : Violent poisons : Increases the damage of your poisons by 70% (with Mastery bonus from items).
Additionally, to show you how certain talents can build on these foundations, here is an example of a talent unique to Assassination Thieves:
- Plan developed (Passive) : Your finishing moves increase damage dealt by 20% for 4 seconds.
- Coup de sabre : A vicious slash, dealing moderate physical damage and granting 1 combo point. Saber Strike has a 35% chance to strike a second time, dealing additional damage, granting an additional Combo Point, and making your next Pistol Shot free.
- Pistol shot : Draws a concealed pistol and quickly fires at the enemy, dealing moderate physical damage and reducing target movement by 50% for 6 seconds. Grants 1 combo point.
- Debit Finishing move that consumes combo points to increase attack speed by 40%. Duration increases with the number of combo points.
- cross : Plunging Finishing move that deals damage based on the number of combo points and benefits from increased range.
- Almighty Combatant (Passive) : Your left hand attacks have a chance to generate 15 energy points. Slower weapons benefit from increased chance.
- Nemesis (Passive) : Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to grant you a combo point.
- mastery : Left hand : Your right-hand attacks have a 44% chance (with bonus in Mastery from Objects) to trigger an attack with your left hand, dealing minor Physical damage.
Additionally, to show you how certain talents can build upon these foundations, here is an example of Outlaw Thieves' unique talent:
- Fast shooter (Passive) : The Free Pistol Slash offered by Saber Slash now generates an additional Combo Point, and deals 50% more damage.
- Darkstrike : Strikes through shadows, spawning behind your target and dealing high Physical damage. Grants 2 combo points.
- Sneak attack : Stab the target, inflicting moderate physical damage. Damage is increased by 35% if you are behind your target. Grants 1 combo point.
- Lamenuit Finishing move that infects the target with dark energy, dealing Shadow damage over time and reducing their movement speed by 50%. Damage and duration increase with the number of combo points.
- Evisceration Finishing move that eviscerates the target, dealing increased damage based on the number of combo points.
- Shadow Dance (Passive) : Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to activate stealth. For 3 seconds, this camouflage will not disappear if you perform an auto attack or take damage. When this effect occurs, a Shadow Decoy spawns nearby, deceiving the enemy.
- Shadow Techniques (Passive) : Your auto attacks have a chance to generate a combo point.
- Mastery: Executioner : Increases the damage of your finishing moves by 55% (with Mastery bonus from items).
Additionally, to show you how certain talents can build on these foundations, here is an example of a talent unique to Finesse thieves:
- Relentless Strikes (Passive) : When you camouflage yourself, you gain 40 additional energy points.
Artifact weapons
Artifacts are among the most powerful weapons for classes. Appearing with the Legion expansion, they can be obtained through epic storylines specific to classes and specializations.
- Assassination
- Outlaw
- Finesse
Anguish and Sorrow
Dreadblades (Fate and Fortune)
Devourer's Fangs
Guide updated 21/11/2015 (Patch 6.2.3)