Well, despite this enticing title, I'm sorry to tell you, but the Full Legion expansion is still scheduled for August 30th. Despite everything, starting tomorrow, you will finally have something to take care of for this summer just to wait for this addition of content which has again been long overdue thanks to 7.0.3 or pre-extension.
For weeks now, the official site has been posting articles on what's to come, questions / answers are being organized with the developers ... that's a lot to follow and I'm sure you've lost track of what's to come. available tomorrow, or not. So for that, Blizzard released a survival guide :
For those who want all the details, you have the release notes which are already available.
Concretely, what will we have?
- The news
- Changes
- The last chances
- The disappearances
A new tab in the collections now brings together appearances. So remember to connect with all your characters so that the eligible items are added to them (you can then remove them from your bank or your void chamber)
- En PvP, Honor and Conquest points disappear, PvP level increases like experience, filling a bar as battlefields and arenas progress. PvP levels unlock special talents. More equipment on the other hand, everything is standardized according to the specialization. Equipment only provides a small normalized bonus (0.1% per average equipment level). In order to continue giving a goal beyond PvP level 50, the bar can be reset to 1 for Prestige, giving access to unique rewards (title, mount, pet ...)
- Loot from all monsters can be looted by up to 5 people.
- You no longer necessarily earn the same amount of gold in old dungeons (less for Cataclysm, more for Pandaria or WotLK).
- You can wear as many handcrafted pieces as you want!
- You can change specialization when you want out of combat, and change your talents for free in rest areas (calligraphers can always create items to change outside of rest areas).
- From level 1, Hunter and Shaman wear mail, and Paladin and Warrior wear plate armor.
- The interface has been changed: more information about characters and enemies, class resources, simplification of the character sheet, targeting with improved tab.
- Maximum amount of gold per character or in a guild bank: 9 gold
- Maximum characters per server: 12
- Graphics options: improved maximum display distance, new preset graphics levels, new rendering techniques
- It is still possible to complete the Legendary Ring quest even if it can no longer be taken. Hurry, because after August 30, the item will be permanently inaccessible.
- PvP Season 3
- Bastonneurs Guild
- Stranglethorn Fishing Contest
- Features: spirit, armor bonus, multiple strike
- Pre Warlords set bonus and Gladiator's Distinction set bonus
- Luck Potion and Superior Luck Potion
- Glyphs
- Benefits of Draenor
- Various sources of gold from the fiefdom, as well as equipable items from the sorting center
And beware, because in two weeks, on August 3, the world of Azeroth will face a new invader. Thepre-launch event will then be available!