Friday night for us (morning for Americans), the editors of Wowhead and MMO Central Events had the opportunity to interview the Senior Game Designer Jonathan LeCraftB on the occasion of DragonCon. Small summary of the information collected!
Demon hunters
- Demon Hunters will start the game at level 98 and the start of their adventure will be on the same format as Death Knights.
- This is a heroic class because it is consistent with History. Monks could start level 1.
- Warglaives are a type of weapon reserved for Demon Hunters.
- They will have some ranged abilities, like Eye Beam which has a range of 30 yards. On the other hand, the only way to generate energy / rage is to strike in melee.
- The double jump will allow you to reach unusual places but it will not be active everywhere.
- Illidan is ready to lead the Demon Hunters against the Burning Legion.
- Demon Hunters might be slightly more powerful than other classes at launch, time to calibrate.
- In tank specialization, Demon Hunters currently have damage mitigation tools, such as Blade dance.
- Demon Hunters will not be transformed permanently, but intermittently with various forms of demons.
- The developers will talk about the schedule for the expansion at BlizzCon.
- We will see Jaina and she will have a role!
- The Multiple Strike will disappear and the other characteristics will be changed.
- Stormwind will not change its face!
- Pet-related features will be added after the patch (the question was about pet breeding).
- The dungeons will be in total agreement with History.
- There was mentioned an "Adventure mode" but no more information.
- Warlords was an expansion to bridge several expansions, but it introduced features that will be used in Legion.
- The inventory might undergo changes (We might, we should).
Artifact weapons
- Artifacts aren't like Legendary Rings or Cloaks, they level up with us.
- The developers are considering adding Artifacts to the old content.
- There will be no weapon drops in Legion.
- Jonathan hasn't seen Warlock Artifacts yet, but BlizzCon will give you plenty of information!
- Artifact weapons can be transmo.
- For dual specialization, obtaining and leveling up the Artifact will be faster. It's still under development.
- A whole new team is taking care of the craft trades that will require a bit of exploration. There will also be quests that will help us climb our craft and through the dungeons.
- More crafting materials will drop in the dungeon.
- In Legion, we will be able to start a profession from level 1 but with the resources of the extension. If our trades are already advanced, we will have bonuses that will make the crafts "easier" to assemble.
- There will be no more reload time recipes, but we will be limited in quantity.
- As in Warlords of Draenor, we will be able to equip three pieces of crafting.
- There will no longer be items to increase the ilvl of parts made with crafting.
- To improve an item created by crafting, it will be necessary to sacrifice one in a forge in order to create a reagent called "Obliterium", to be applied to the part to be improved. Two items to upgrade one.
- Blacksmiths and Calligraphers will not have any weapons to craft.
- Archeology is going to be more developed than in Warlords of Draenor.
- There is a lot of work done on specializations. The majority will undergo changes and the developers want them to be quickly identifiable and stick to the Lore.
- Some are going to be renamed.
- Some resources will be renamed. For the Shadow Priest, this will be Insanity - Name to be confirmed.
- Rangari will not grant skills to thieves. But it will probably be history.
- DPS-only classes will not receive a new specialization!
- Thieves might go to Dalaran, the sewers seem great to them. But no Ravenholdt, the developers didn't expect gamers to like this place.
- On the other hand, it is not the sewers that we know of.
- Hunters playing Survival will go into melee and will have a harpoon ability, to attract enemies to them.
- The Hunter Gnomes are not for now. There is no particular reason but it could happen, it has to be logical!
- The starting level of Death Knights will not change.
- The Druid's Selenian form will be visually updated for the expansion.
Transmogrification and Collections
- Transmogrification will have an interface like Diablo's and space will be freed up in our bags. The transmog will be shared for the whole account.
- The Void Chamber will disappear as a result.
- The new transmogrification will also allow tabards to be stored in a "collection".
- There will be an additional character slot.
- No different armor sets per race. Artistic teams focus on Artifact Weapons.
- Legion reputations will relate to new factions. No more information.
- The flight will not activate region by region, but rather in a single update.
- Legion T-shirts are only available to developers.
- Jonathan LeCraft plays a Thief Gnome on a PvP server. He's one of those guys (ndlr: who kills you over and over again).
- There will be smaller frames!
- We'll see if Gamon is better!
- The few developers who saw the first version of the Warcraft movie are really excited and thrilled.
- No more major glyphs.