Death Knight
Demon hunter

Main capacities
You can find the Death Knight preview article on the official blog!
- Blood
- Frosted
- Impious
- Blood strike : Instantly strikes the enemy, dealing moderate physical damage and infecting the victim with Blood Plague. Generates a bonus of 10 points of runic power.
- Blood fish : A disease that inflicts minor Shadow damage and heals the caster for 1% of their maximum health every 3 seconds for 30 seconds.
- Shredder marrow : Hits the target hard, dealing heavy physical damage and generating 3 stacks of Bone Shield.
- Bone shield : Surroundes you with a barrier of swirling bones that reduces all damage you take by 25%. Each attack that deals damage consumes a charge. Lasts 30 seconds or until all charges are consumed.
- Death strike : Concentrates dark energy in a strike that deals heavy physical damage and heals you for 50% of all damage taken in the last 6 seconds (with a minimum of 7% of your health). If you are below 35% health on cast, all runic power is consumed, increasing the potency of the healing effect.
- mastery : Blood shield : Whenever you heal with Death Strike, you gain 40% (with Mastery from Items) of the base healing received as a shield that absorbs physical damage. Also increases your attack power by 20% (with Mastery from items).
- Death and decay : Corrupt the ground around the Death Knight, inflicting moderate Shadow damage over 10 seconds to targets in the area. As long as you stay in the targeted area, your Blood Strike will hit all nearby enemies.
- Crimson Bane (Passive) : Your successful auto attacks on targets infected with Blood Plague have a 25% chance to reset Death and Decay cooldown.
To give you an idea of how some talents can build on this base rotation, here is an example of a Blood-specific talent:
- Bone storm : A vortex of blood and bone swells nearby enemies 3 times per second, inflicting minor Shadow damage to them, healing you for 1% of your maximum health with each hit.
- Howling gust : Strikes the target with an icy wind, inflicting minor Frost damage to the target, and minor Frost damage to all enemies within 10m. All targets are infected with Frost Fever.
- Frost fever : A disease that inflicts minor Frost damage and has a chance to grant the Death Knight 5 Runic Power every 3 seconds for 30 seconds.
- Annihilation : A brutal attack with both weapons, inflicting massive physical damage.
- Frost Strike : Coat your weapons with icy power, and swiftly strike the enemy with both weapons, inflicting massive Frost damage.
- Frimas (Passive) : Your Obliteration has a 45% chance to cause your next Howling Blast to consume no runes, generate runic power, and deal 300% more damage.
- Machine to kill (Passive) : Your auto attacks have a chance to cause your next Obliteration to be an automatic critical success.
- Merciless winter : Irradicates extreme cold, inflicting moderate Frost damage to all enemies within 10 yards of you over 10 seconds.
- mastery : Frozen heart : Increases all Frost damage done by 40% (with bonus Mastery from items).
To give you an idea of how some talents can build on this base rotation, here is an example of a Frost-specific talent:
- Frozen Advance : Icy spikes spring from the ground and advance forward. All deal moderate Frost damage to enemies near the eruption point.
- Fever : Inflicts minor Shadow damage and surrounds the target with miasma that lasts 6 seconds and infects the target and all nearby enemies with Virulent Plague.
- Virulent fish : A disease that inflicts moderate Shadow damage every 3 seconds for 21 seconds. When the infected target dies, the disease erupts, dealing moderate Shadow damage, split evenly among nearby enemies. The disease also has a 30% chance to erupt whenever it deals damage.
- Purulent strike : Inflicts massive physical damage and infects the target with 1 to 3 Festering Wounds.
- Purulent wound : A pustule covered lesion that can be shattered with Scourge Strike, inflicting moderate Shadow damage and generating 3 points of runic power.
- Scourge Strike : An unholy strike that deals high Physical damage and high Shadow damage. Triggers a single Purulent Wound, if it is present on the target.
- Death veil : Blasts the target with unholy energy, inflicting heavy Shadow damage, and restoring 10 Energy to your ghoul.
- Sudden Curse (Passive) : Your auto attacks have a chance to cause your next Death Coil to cost no runic power.
- Dark transformation : Transform your ghoul into a powerful undead monstrosity for 20 seconds. As long as the transformation is active, the ghoul's abilities are increased and take on new functions.
- Death and decay : Corrupt the ground around the Death Knight, inflicting moderate Shadow damage over 10 seconds to targets in the area. As long as you stay in the targeted area, your Scourge Strike will hit all nearby enemies.
- Mastery: Dreadblade : Increases all Shadow damage done by 50% (with Mastery bonus from items).
To give you an idea of how some talent can build on this base rotation, here is an example of an Impie specific talent:
- All will serve (Passive) : Your Morbid Reanimate spell summons an additional Skeletal Minion, and its cooldown is removed.
Artifact weapons
Artifacts are among the most powerful weapons for classes. Appearing with the Legion expansion, they can be obtained through epic storylines specific to classes and specializations.
- Blood
- Frosted
- Impious
Maw of the damned
Frostbringer and Frostfallen (Blades of the Fallen Prince)
Guide updated 13/11/2015 (Patch 6.2.2)