Death Knight
Demon hunter

Main capacities
You can find the Shaman preview article on the official blog!
- Elementary
- Improvement
- Restauration
- lightning : Fires a bolt of lightning at the target, inflicting moderate Nature damage, and generating 15 Maelstrom points.
- Lava explosion : Hurls molten lava at the target, inflicting heavy Fire damage. If your Flame Shock is on target, Lava Blast deals 50% more damage. Generates 15 Maelstrom Points.
- Flame Shock Flames the target, inflicting minor Fire damage, then additional minor Fire damage every 2 seconds. Lasts 10 to 30 seconds depending on Maelstrom's expenditure.
- Earth shock : Sends a shock wave at the target, inflicting massive Nature damage, based on Maelstrom's expenditure.
- Lava Wave (Passive) : The damage over time of your next Flame Shock has a chance to reset the cooldown of Lava Blast and cause your next Lava Blast to be instantaneous.
- Mastery: Elemental Overload : Grants a 40% chance (with bonus in Mastery from items) to trigger an Elemental Overload. When casting a Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, or Lava Burst, Elemental Overload triggers a second identical spell to be cast on the same target. This deals 75% damage and ordinary Maelstrom generation, and does not generate a threat.
Additionally, to show you how certain talents can build on these foundations, here is an example of a talent unique to Elemental shamans:
- Maelstrom Totem : Summons a Maelstrom Totem near the target for 15 seconds. It repeatedly attacks an enemy within 30 yards and inflicts moderate Nature damage. With each attack, the Maelstrom Totem generates 5 Maelstrom points and grants them to you.
- Croque-roc : Attack your target with the might of earth, dealing moderate Nature damage, and generating 15 Maelstrom points.
- Tongue of fire Scorch your enemy with firepower, dealing moderate Fire damage and upgrading your weapons. Each attack of your weapon causes additional minor Fire damage, dependent on weapon speed. Lasts 16 seconds.
- Windfury (Passive) : Each of your Right Hand attacks has a 7% chance to proc three additional attacks, dealing minor Physical damage.
- Lava whip : Charges your weapon in the left hand with lava and strikes your enemy, inflicting heavy Fire damage.
- Stormstrike : Charges your weapon with lightning and deals a formidable blow to your target, dealing heavy physical damage.
- Maelstrom Weapon (Passive) : When you deal damage with a melee weapon, you generate 5 Maelstrom points.
- Furious Storm (Passive) : Each of your attacks has a 2% chance to cause Furious Storm, resetting Stormstrike's cooldown, causing your next Stormstrike to cost 50% less Maelstrom and not trigger a cooldown. .
- Mastery: Amplified Elements : Increases the proc chance of Furious Storm and Windfury by 2% (with Mastery from items) and increases all Fire and Nature damage done by 40% (with bonus to Mastery from items). ).
Additionally, to show you how certain talents can build on these foundations, here is an example of a skill specific to Enhancement shamans:
- Fracture : Shatters the land in front of you following a line, inflicts heavy physical damage, and knocks enemies to the side.
- Wave of care : A slow but effective wave of healing energy that heals a friendly target for a moderate amount.
- Influx of care : A fast but expensive wave of healing energy that heals a friendly target for a moderate amount.
- Salve of healing : Heals a friendly target for a moderate amount of health, then jumps to heal the most seriously injured party or raid member. Healing is reduced by 30% after each jump. Heals a total of 4 targets.
- Swirl Healing Waters flood a friendly target, healing them for a moderate amount of health and an additional moderate amount over 18 seconds.
- Healing rain : Causes a healing rain to fall in the target area, healing for up to 6 allies in the area for a moderate amount over 10 seconds.
- Healing totem : Summons a water totem at the shaman's feet. It heals a wounded party or raid member within 40m for reduced health every 2 seconds. Lasts 15 seconds.
- Tidal Wave (Passive) : The next time you cast Healing Bolt or Swirl, you gain the Tidal Wave effect, which either reduces the cast time of your next Healing Bolt by 40% or increases the critical effect chance of your next 40% healing burst. Stackable 2 times.
- Mastery: Deep Healing : Increases the power of your healing spells by 60% (with bonus in Mastery from Objects), based on the target's current health (targets with the lowest health are healed more).
In addition, to show you how certain talents can build on these foundations, here is an example of talent specific to Restoration shamans:
- Crowded : Creates a wave that flows forward and heals all friendly targets in a large arc in front of you for a significant amount of health.
Artifact weapons
Artifacts are among the most powerful weapons for classes. Appearing with the Legion expansion, they can be obtained through epic storylines specific to classes and specializations.
- Elementary
- Improvement
- Restauration
Fists of Ra Den
Hammer of Destiny
Scepter of Azshara
Guide updated 13/11/2015 (Patch 6.2.2)