Like everyone else, do you complete your daily quests every day, gazing in despair at the reputation gauge which is rising far too slowly towards the long awaited Cape of Exalted? For Klaxxi reputation there are 3 additional daily quests and today I'm highlighting the one that unlocks when the quests take place in the Gurthan Terrace area, northeast of the Dreadlands.
At the place indicated, you notice 2 circles, a red (representing the sun) and a green (representing the earth). Opposite, a tablet (in front of me below) which gives the solution to the riddle.
Warlord Gurthan, master of beasts and enslaver of humans, waits here.
He waits for the EARTH to FLAT before him, as the beasts did.
He waits for the SUN to KNEEL before him, as humans did.
To make Gurthan appear, you have to be 2, everyone will put themselves in one of the circles:
- in the red circle, corresponding to the fire, the character must kneel with the control / knee
- in the green circle, corresponding to the earth, the character must lie down with the command / sleep
Once done, two rays go towards the statue and the ghost of the lord, with 1.58M hit points arrives. Once dead, he grants a quest, his own ashes (Ashes of Warlord Gurthan) which travels to Klaxxi'vess for 1 Lesser Good Fortune Charm, 5 Valor Points, and 130 Klaxxi Reputation Points.
There are also 2 other "hidden" quests on two other quest areas that I will tell you about very soon!