Thanks to player investment, the Isle of Thunder has moved to Stage 3, unlocking a storyline, new quests as well as a new rare boss (Juggernaut God Ramuk) and a new weekly way to obtain a Ritual Stone. shan'ze.
In order to progress, you have to bring down the wall that blocks the passage and secure the lower town. Lei Shen is determined not to let it go and sends the warrior god Al'chukla to meet us to make "these invaders an example." The scenario is here carried out on the Horde side but the objectives are similar for the Alliance.
- Phase 1 : find the lost explosives.
As Scout Captain Elsia covers the flanks, we advance through the chaos to acquire the heavy explosives.
- Phase 2 : deliver the explosives.
On the way to the wall, we meet different enemies: Zandalari trolls (often in pairs), a Zandalari colossus (1.5M life points), a powerful Devilsaur (1.9M life points) or ancient carapardoises (turtles) . Only 2x2 trolls should be killed, the rest are avoidable and unnecessary (except for Black Prince reputation).
- Phase 3 : detonate the explosives.
As soon as we find Elsia, she rushes towards the wall with Lor'themar and drops a big bomb. No need to try to kill the enemies who arrive, click immediately on the bomb, they will all disappear when the final phase starts.
- Final phase : kill the warrior god Al'chukla
We must join the villain we saw at the beginning with Lei Shen. In the company of a small army (blood elf in my case), we cross the Terrace of the Conquerors, where there are mostly Zandalari trolls and spirit-bound sentries. Once there, this god-warrior is really not very strong and he should have negotiated with the Emperor more important powers! Her most annoying (and fun) ability is Lightning Well. It places an attractive area of thunder on the ground, quickly move your character in the other direction where you will be grabbed and receive 25k points of damage per second.
Daily quests
Every day, you can choose your quests thanks to the battle orders on the table, either PvP or PvP. You will notice that the gains are different according to the chosen assignments.
The PvP quests are similar to the quests in step 2 but there are some changes to the PvE quests even though the rewards are the same:
- 8 quests to obtain at the 3 initial quest locations (see step 2)
- 3 quests in one of the two new quest locations: the beast pens or the Conquerors' terrace
- a final elite quest
According to Wowhead, there are only 6 quests in the initial quest locations (2x3) then 2 in the central area of Morne Lande but for my part, I had 8 in the initial locations and none in Morne Lande. To be confirmed tomorrow!
- Morne lands
- Animal enclosure
- Terrace of the Conquerors
- Stand on Your Own Wings: Collect a Savage Lightning Hatchling.
- Enemies under the tower: kill 7 Mogu Shan'ze in Morne Moor.
- The Sleepless Legion: Kill 6 Animated Warriors.
- The Shivering Moor: Kill the Mighty Devilsaur.
- The Zandalari Colossus: Destroy the Zandalari Colossus.
- Compicide: Kill 5 Raptors and 10 Tame Compies.
- Dino Myth: Find and use Saurian Fetishes on 5 Raptors, Compies, Skyscraper or Direhorns.
- Nasty Critters: Kill 10 Zandalari Trolls.
- Direhorn or Devilsaur: Interrupt a Ritual of Binding.
- Loa-saure: to beat a Parle-loa.
- A Great Family: Collect the Mask of the Dark Mystic and the Mask of the Spiritcaller from Spiritbinder Tu'chek and Rituarcanist Ra'kul.
- Even Giants Fall: Destroy Guardian Tak'u.
- Sentinels of the Ages: Kill 5 Spiritbound Sentinels, then use the Resonating Crystal to capture the Zandalari Spirits trapped within.
- Keep It A Secret: Kill 8 Zandalari Trolls.
- The more you know: Collect 6 Ritual Artifacts.
- Out of the Enemy's Claws: Steal 7 Loa-Imbued Blades.
- Morne lands
- Animal enclosure
- Terrace of the Conquerors
- Stand on Your Own Wings: Collect a Savage Lightning Hatchling.
- Enemies under the tower: kill 7 Mogu Shan'ze in Morne Moor.
- The Sleepless Legion: Kill 6 Animated Warriors.
- The Shivering Moor: Kill the Mighty Devilsaur.
- The Zandalari Colossus: Destroy the Zandalari Colossus.
- Compicide: Kill 5 Raptors and 10 Tame Compies.
- Dino Myth: Find and use Saurian Fetishes on 5 Raptors, Compies, Skyscraper or Direhorns.
- Nasty Critters: Kill 10 Zandalari Trolls.
- Direhorn or Devilsaur: Interrupt a Ritual of Binding.
- Loa-saure: to beat a Parle-loa.
- Knowledge is Power: Collect 6 Ritual Artifacts.
- Downright Disarming: Steal 7 Loa Imbued Blades.
- Power Plays: Collect the Mask of the Dark Mystic and the Mask of the Spiritcaller from Spiritbinder Tu'chek and Rituarcanist Ra'kul
- This is not acceptable: kill 8 Zandalari Trolls.
- They all end up perishing: kill 5 Spirit Bound Sentry, then use the Resonating Crystal to capture the Zandalari Spirits trapped inside.
- It's what's inside that counts: destroying Guardian Tak'u.
Other quests
In addition to the Thunder King Champions weekly quest (horde / alliance), we get a new weekly quest (to be confirmed): Chamberlain Pieces. We have the head of the poor chamberlain broken but we have to find the other four ends:
- the staff: Za'tual
- shoulders: combe d'Ihgaluk
- the hair: animal enclosure and the Conquerors' terrace
- the torso: Court of Bones
As you can see, all these elements are dispatched across the island, sometimes at a height, which complicates the quest on a first come, first served basis. Consider using Zandalari potions or the Saurok transformation when possible. Once all the elements have been found, you must return the quest near the broken statue of Chambellan, in a cave under the Cour des Bones, the entrance to which is in 33.6, 63.1.
This quest rewards a Shan'ze Ritual Stone.
Do not hesitate to share your discoveries!