On the 5.2 test server, when you first visit the Isle of Thunder from the Shado-Pan garrison, you get a little introductory speech followed by a solo scenario. Update on this departure to the Isle of Tonnerre!
The speech is provided by the scout captain Elsia (who takes us along) and Lor'themar Theron (who welcomes us):
Pandaren legends tell the story of Lei Shen, the Thunder King. He violently founded the Mogu Empire over twelve thousand years ago. He united the mogu, triumphed over the other Pandarian races, and founded a glorious nation by enslaving the conquered peoples. The Thunder King built a fortified palace on the borders of his empire. We should see him soon. The ! Straight ahead: Île du Tonnerre. The pandaren are afraid that the former emperor will try to reclaim his empire and enslave them again. But we have our own reasons for wanting to help them. I'll let Lor'themar explain it to you. Ah! Warning ! It is almost impossible to fly around this island.
You have served the Horde nobly in several campaigns. I think I can get you up to speed. Our warchief's campaign between Kalimdor and Pandaria is tearing the Horde apart. We are here to fight the Thunder King. It's a matter of justice, but Hellscream is too busy at Domination Point to pay attention. But in addition to defeating him, we must seek out the source of his power and seize it, to have influence over our warlord. We must be prepared for a possible rebellion. Warning ! Enough talk, you know that our situation is precarious. Between the Alliance and the Thunder King, it is only with the help of heroes like you that we can succeed. Anar'alah belore. Good luck.
Upon arrival, you obtain an item, a Sunreaver beacon, which allows you to teleport to the Sunreavers on the Isle of Thunder, from the island, with a 30-minute cooldown. Two orbs allow you to teleport to the Bone Court and a portal leads back to the Shado-Pan garrison.
Lor'themar gives us two quests:
- allies in the shadows: talk to Taran Zhu at Morne Creux
- Zeb'tula Assault: Complete Zeb'tula Assault. Talk to Lor'themar Theron to start the attack.
Zeb'tula Assault
This scenario comes true on its own. Here are the steps ...
- Phase 1 : Meet with Scout Captain Elsia (ride the Sunreaver Bloodhawk and fly over the island with Scout Captain Elsia)
- Phase 2 : survive the ambush
- Phase 3 : destroy the barricades
- Phase 4 : kill Kresh the Ripper
- Final phase : Kill Rituarcanist Tula'chek and his Spirit Mask
The boss himself is not harsh, he casts Rituarcanist's Spark and Waves of Light, nothing deadly. The mask is more annoying with a ray that follows the players, inflicting damage where it hits the ground and especially the Hymn of Silence, inflicting 50k damage per second if you are not hiding behind a barrier (very quickly fatal therefore).

The end is for the moment abrupt: the NPC disappears and one finds oneself in the instance, alone .. More than to exit thanks to the eye of the dungeon tool.
You can now choose from two types of daily quests:
The quests are then similar to what I had been able to test previously (Isle of King Thunder (5.2 Horde)).
The speech is provided by Vereesa Coursevent, the general of the Forestiers of the Silver Concordat (who takes us along) and Jaina (who welcomes us):
Over twelve thousand years ago, the Mogu Empire was founded by Lei Shen, the Thunder King. He unified the mogu and conquered the other Pandarian races. He built an empire that lasted for thousands of years. Legend has it that the Thunder King possessed immense power and built a fortified palace for himself. We should see it soon ... Here it is! The Isle of Tonnerre. The Horde is already circling around like a hungry vulture. If the Thunder King is not defeated, Pandaria will suffer. Worse, if the Horde gets their hands on the source of their power, the WORLD will pay the price. Wow ... Watch out! We have to land. It's almost impossible to thief here!
I really had a horrible year: the destruction of Theramore, then the betrayal within the Kirin Tor. The lesson is crystal clear. From now on, I'm in charge. Along the shore, the Horde searches for a place to land their troops. Their only goal is to defeat the Thunder King, not to protect Pandaria. This is the power they are looking for. But this time, we have a head start. The Horde will not anchor on these shores. And when the Thunder King is defeated, the Pandaren will know that it was the Alliance heroes who stood by their side when they needed help. We will have to put all our strength into this fight. Hope you are good to go.
Alliance" src="/images/posts/d01fc0bdd7aee7df6fea5539d618ae00-8.jpg">
On arrival, you get an object, a Kirin Tor beacon, which allows you to teleport to the Kirin Tor on the Isle of Thunder, from the island, with a 30-minute cooldown. Two orbs allow you to teleport to the Za'tual and a portal leads back to the Shado-Pan garrison.
Jaina gives us two quests:
- allies in the shadows: talk to Taran Zhu at Morne Creux
- Assault on Shaol'mara: Complete Assault on Shaol'mara. Talk to Jaina Proudmoore to start the attack.
Assault on Shaol'mara
This scenario comes true on its own. Here are the steps ...
- Phase 1 : meeting with Foresters general Vereesa Windrunner (climb on the hippogriff of the Silver Concordat and fly over the island with Foresters general, Vereesa Windrunner).
Our mounts are struck down, we fall into the jungle.
- Phase 2 : survive the ambush.
2 trolls and a few raptors, nothing too bad.
- Phase 3 : destroy the barricades.
4 trolls (stone targe and spear bearer) and 3 barricades (destructible decoration).
- Phase 4 : kill Anki and the beastcaller Pakutesh.
- Final phase : Kill Rituarcanist Mara'kah and his Spirit Mask.
The boss himself is not harsh, he casts Rituarcanist's Spark and Waves of Light, nothing deadly. The mask is more annoying with a ray that follows the players, inflicting damage where it hits the ground and especially the Hymn of Silence, inflicting 50k damage per second if you are not hiding behind a barrier (very quickly fatal therefore).
Here, we witness a real final with the arrival of Jainaa and the start of the installation of Kirin Tor on the island.

You can now choose from two types of daily quests:
The quests are then similar to what I had been able to test previously (Isle of Thunder (5.2 Alliance)).