The Isle of Thunder continues to evolve and is now in the final phase! The whole map is unlocked:
As in the previous phases (step 1-2, step 3-4 and step 5), a solo scenario takes us to the front. We need to stop Shan Bu who is trying to resurrect Nalak, a storm dragon.
La chute de Shan Bu
- Phase 1 : Bloody cross. Unite with allied troops to attack the Bloodstained Crossroads.
We arrive in the Forges of Thunder where we find the captain of the scouts Elsia and Lor'themar Theron.
After a little discussion, they launch the assault. The door opens and we find the Alliance in the courtyard, along with Pandaren and Shan Bu. The latter behaves like any self-respecting villain: he taunts us, certain of his power. Then Zandalari attack, we must kill them all (14) for the objective of this phase. Each warlord orders his troops to ignore the other faction:
- Lor'themar Theron: one thing at a time, my friends. The Zandalari first!
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore: ignore the Horde, focus on the Zandalari guarding the entrance!
- Phase 2 : destroy the gate guards. Defeat the guardians of the palace gate to unlock the doors.
As soon as the Zandalari are killed, the large statues to the right and left of the door come to life (see them above?). They place a damage zone on the ground which you have to move and like all mogu statues, they trample the ground around them and hit the ground in front (thunderous impact).
- Phase 3 : the threshold of Lei Shen. Defeat the Mogu and Zandalari defenders of Shan Bu.
We continue the battle in the next room where we find Shan Bu finishing the ritual of invoking the dragon Nalak. He's almost finished and sends his last armed forces to hold us back (8 mogu and Zandalari), to be killed as the objective of the stage. It is of course necessary to avoid walking in lightning, it hurts! If needed, Yalia creates a healing light zone, to be used without moderation.
- Final phase : defeat Shan Bu. Help Taran Zhu and Yalia to overthrow Shan Bu.
The dragon is freed (our mission is therefore a failure in itself) and flies off to join the Emperor while Shan Bu attacks us. This boss uses various rather painful techniques:
- Attract the shadows where it attracts 6 shadow balls that it sends back just after: avoid being on the way back
- Shadow surge, a shadow zone (materialized by a purple zone) targeted at a player or an NPC, so you have to get out before the surge
- onyx grifforage, small dragons that he summons in pairs from time to time
Finally, areas of thunder appear randomly in the area. If needed, Yalia is always around and will be happy to heal you!
Once the boss is dead, things go wrong between the two leaders of the Alliance and the Horde! Fortunately, there is Taran Zhu who steps in with all Pandaren wisdom.
Confrontation Jaina/Lor'themar
- Taoshi : Lord Zhu! The Alliance ... the Horde ... It's going to be chaos here!
- Taran Zhu : real kids. Taoshi, give me my gun.
- Taoshi : my weapon ! You, with me. I want you to see this.
- Jaina : Deliver the Archmage to us and you might be able to survive, Lor'themar.
- Lor'themar : Proudmoore! You are going to free my people held in the Violet Hold, or I will kill you myself!
- Jaina : they are prisoners of war. They organized an attack on Darnassus from MY town ...
- Lor'themar : The Sunreavers were NOT aware of Garrosh's raid on Darnassus!
- Taran Zhu : ENOUGH !! No more bloodshed today. I now understand why your Horde and Alliance keep fighting. Any reprisal is an act of aggression, and any act of aggression leads to immediate reprisals.
- Lor'themar : I must protect the sovereignty of my people
- Taran Zhu : SILENCE! YOU have to break this cycle. It is here and NOW that it must end when you, Lord Regent, and you, Lady Proudmoore, let go. And that you will leave.
Lor'themar narrows his eyes. Jaina takes a deep breath
- Lor'themar : Foresters! Lower your guns.
- Elsia : My lord !
- Jaina : very good. We are withdrawing.
- Coursevent : they killed my husband!
- Jaina : that will not make him come back. But know this, blood elf: no peace will be possible while Hellscream is at the head of the Horde.
- Lor'themar : this is precisely why I want to preserve our strengths today.
Jaina softens
- Lor'themar : but dame
- Jaina: Lord
- Lor'themar : gather the wounded. We return to the port.
- Jaina : that everyone returns to the camp. We're done here.
- Taoshi : Lord Zhu!
- Taran Zhu : this ceasefire may not last, but remember that day.
- Taoshi : we must return to the monastery.
- Taran Zhu : the monstrosity of Shan Bu is still at the feet of the palace. It must be stopped before it wreaks havoc on Pandaria.
- Taoshi : Yalia, lead Lord Zhu to safety. You'll need to take charge of Nalak, the Storm Lord. You will have to go with a small army but after what I saw today I have faith in you. It has been an honor to fight alongside you. Thank you.