Since the deployment of 6.1, various fixes have been applied to the game. I remind you that you can find all the notes for update 6.1 at this address.
27 February
- Hunter
- Talents
- Focused Shot is now subject to a positioning restriction.
- Talents
- Moine
- Talents
- Chi Blast no longer procs Healing Elixirs when the Monk is already at full health.
- Talents
- Priest
- Talents
- Saving Grace's healing (Discipline, Holy) now decreases by 34% in PvP (was 25%).
- Talents
- Chaman
- Elementary
- Lava Wave no longer interacts with the Echo of the Elements talent to gain an additional charge of Lava Wave.
- Restauration
- Healing Blast should now heal the most seriously injured ally first.
- Elementary
- Warlock
- Talents
- Spirit Link healing now ignores effects that increase or decrease the amount of healing received.
- Talents
- Guerrier
- General
- Execution now deals 13% more damage to Protection and Fury warriors. This technique therefore regains the level of damage it had before update 6.1.
- Several issues related to rage consumption and Execution damage have been fixed for Arms Warriors.
- General
Strongholds, subjects and outposts
- General
- Merchants specializing in different trades now visit fiefdoms in a specific order, rather than randomly.
- Summoned Garrison Bosses should no longer reset or disappear after being summoned when in combat with pets or NPCs in the Garrison.
- High Lord Saurfang no longer offers Horde players to accompany them on patrol, lest he cut the garrison in half.
- Garrison quests
- Bounty quest targets can now be claimed by any player.
- Painful Learning: It is now possible to interact with the huge crate of weapons and complete the quest.
- Subject missions
- Bounty and Relic missions are no longer offered.
Creatures and NPCs
- Fixed the collision geometry data to prevent too many characters from crowding around the Horde PvP vendors in Spearhead.
Raids and dungeons
- Previous extensions
- Drak'Tharon Dungeon: The bug preventing Novos the Summoner from being killed on Heroic difficulty has been fixed.
- The Purge of Stratholme: The bug preventing loot from the Dark Rune Chest from being picked up after defeating Mal'Ganis on Heroic difficulty has been fixed.
- The formidable ring should no longer create unusable items.
- The Shadow Tome can no longer be upgraded by the Enchanted Tarot.
- The Shatterer no longer has the chance effect on hit.
- Crafting supplies and consumables should now be stored in the bags provided.
26 February
- Players can now send private messages or group invites to other players on any realm.
- Death Knight
- Blood
- Shadow of Death should no longer be incorrectly canceled by Changeliche.
- Blood
- Druid
- General
- Stag Form and Roaring Rush's movement speed bonuses should now add up (which was not the case before and resulted in a loss of movement speed when the two spells were combined).
- Balance
- The Meteors and Sunburst spells should correctly only hit enemies affected by the Lunar Shard or Solar Shard spells cast by the same druid without the Glyph of the Untamed Stars.
- Fierce
- The Lunar Shard spell granted by Lunar Inspiration (Savage Combat) now deals 20% more damage.
- Ratchet and Rosser's initial attacks should no longer incorrectly benefit Bloodclaws twice.
- Talents
- Fixed an issue that was preventing Savage Charge and Aquatic Form from working properly.
- General
- Hunter
- General
- Ice Trap's trigger area should now match the skill's visual effect.
- Precision
- Chimera Shot now deals 20% less damage in PvP combat.
- General
- Moine
- General
- Fixed an issue that prevented Amplified Roller from properly increasing Monk speed as much as intended.
- Mistweaver
- Mana Tea modified by the Mana Tea glyph should correctly benefit from Spirit.
- General
- Paladin
- General
- Fixed an issue with the Paladin Grimoire showing an additional tab for glyphs.
- General
- Priest
- Talents
- Saving Grace (Discipline, Holy) now heals for 25% less in PvP combat.
- Talents
- Voleur
- Talents
- The thief stealth with the Subterfuge talent is no longer interrupted by Prayer of Mending.
- Fixed an issue where Subterfuge and Vanish interacted, causing the wrong action bar to display for a short period of time.
- Talents
- Chaman
- Improvement
- Fire Nova visual effects should now be visible to the casting shaman.
- Restauration
- Restoration shamans no longer deal bonus damage with Lava Blast in PvP combat.
- Improvement
Strongholds, subjects and outposts
- General
- Music Roll: Grisemaw Totems should now correctly play Grizzly Hills music.
- Respawn speed of the chest containing the Music Roll: Isle of Shalandis, in Darnassus, increased.
- Garrison Campaign Quests
- Recon Missives can now be completed, even if the player has completed the daily version of those quests.
- Simple Galore: Completing this quest now grants 25 Primal Spirits (was 15).
- Mobile Portals (Horde): Fixed an issue that prevented Gez'la from offering this quest to eligible players.
- Garrison buildings
- Dwarf Fort / War Factory: Chance to get weapon and armor sets for subjects in Orders has been increased.
- Tower of Mages / Altar of Spirits, level 1: this building can now receive up to 7 orders (instead of just one).
- Gorgrond
- Mossy Fate: Players should now be able to complete this quest if they have subject Kaz the Howler.
Creatures and NPCs
- Heirloom sellers Estelle Gendry (Horde) and Krom Rudebras (Alliance) have more personal space.
- A'shran
- Being in a pre-defined party should no longer prevent players from entering A'shran.
- Fixed an issue affecting players in the same party or raid who were in different Ashran instances, but could still see other member's markers on the map.
Battlefields and arenas
- Battlefield
- [Requires Realm Restart] Low level items should no longer gain an excessive amount of bonus armor.
- Resurrection delay in war games is now 25 seconds.
- Kotmogu Temple: Paladins can no longer use Divine Shield or Hand of Protection on players holding an orb in Kotmogu Temple.
- Kotmogu Temple: Hunters can no longer use Concealment to drop an orb in Kotmogu Temple.
- New Inheritance tab
- [Requires Realm Restart] A Legacy Armor Upgrade Token must now be properly used to upgrade the Tome of the Moldy Lost (instead of a Weapon Upgrade Token).
- Combat mascots
- Battle pet healing skills should now heal closer to the values shown in the tooltip.
- Toy box
- The PROFILE camera can now be used when the player has a camouflage effect.
- Mounts
- The chauffeured bike can no longer be driven by party members visiting another player's stronghold.
- Increased the amount of Stamina granted by Draenor dishes.
- The first level of food increases Stamina by 112 points (was 75).
- The second tier has not been changed and still increases Stamina by 150 points.
- The third level of food increases Stamina by 187 (was 125).
- The following glyphs are no longer bound when picked up.
- Glyph of the Solstice (Druid)
- Glyph of Flying Fists (Monk)
- Glyph of Purification (Paladin)
- Glyph of Purification (Priest)
- Glyph of purifying the mind (shaman)
- The Primal Combatant's Medallion of Adaptation should now correctly count towards the Gladiator's Distinction set bonus from PvP Jewels.
- General
- Fixed an issue where the Touch of the Naaru visual effect would get hung up on character models.
- The Primal Combatant's Adaptation Medallion should now correctly convert to the correct faction version when a character receives a paid faction change.
- Highlights
- Stop Calling Me Junior: Master of Exploration Missions is no longer required to complete this achievement.
- [Realm restart required] Securing Draenor: Challenge to the Arena of Blood is no longer required to complete this achievement.
- Dimensional Travel: Players should complete the criteria for this achievement when they defeat Rukhmar with Grandpa on his head.
25 February
- Healing no longer generates a threat for tank specializations.
- Techniques that lower threat no longer remove crowd control effects.
- When re-summoned, images created by Spectral Semblance (Priest Talent) or Mirror Image (Mage) no longer retain the threat previously generated.
- Druid
- General
- When the druid assumes cat form and abandons it, the speed bonus granted by that form is correctly applied again while the Haste or Roaring Rush abilities are active.
- Some item effects that grant buff based on the player's best stat sometimes used the wrong stat for Balance and Restoration druids in bear or feline form. This problem has been solved.
- Ferocious Bite sometimes consumed more energy than intended when triggering multiple strikes. This problem has been solved.
- Talents
- The Blood Claws (Savage Combat) ability should no longer consume a charge when the attack misses its target, is dodged, or parried.
- General
- Mage
- Talents
- Prismatic Crystal should no longer be affected by friendly Auras reducing damage taken.
- Talents
- Moine
- General
- The Tiger Strikes ability should no longer trigger from failed auto-attacks, but from successful multiple strikes. Since fixing this bug will result in an overall damage increase for all monks, we will also be making some additional adjustments (see below). In addition, the chance to trigger Tiger Strikes is now 10% for Mistweaver Monks in Crane Stance with one item in one hand and another item in the left hand. To learn more about this change, please see the following discussion thread: Upcoming fixes for Tiger Strikes.
- Barrel Shatter (Brewmaster) now deals 20% less damage.
- Damage taken by targets affected by Kick of the Rising Sun (Windwalker, Mistweaver) and from Monk abilities is increased by 20% (was previously 10%).
- The description for Tiger Strikes also states that the proc chance is 6,25% with two one-handed weapons, which is not true. The rate is 5% since the release of Warlords of Draenor. The description will be corrected in a future update.
- The Tiger Strikes ability should no longer trigger from failed auto-attacks, but from successful multiple strikes. Since fixing this bug will result in an overall damage increase for all monks, we will also be making some additional adjustments (see below). In addition, the chance to trigger Tiger Strikes is now 10% for Mistweaver Monks in Crane Stance with one item in one hand and another item in the left hand. To learn more about this change, please see the following discussion thread: Upcoming fixes for Tiger Strikes.
- Talents
- Chi Torpedo didn't deal damage unless Glyph of Water Roll was activated. This problem has been solved.
- General
- Paladin
- Glyphs
- Glyph of Holy Shock now decreases the healing done by Holy Shock by 25% and increases its damage by 25% (instead of decreasing healing by 50% and increasing damage by 50%).
- Glyphs
- Priest
- Talents
- Saving Grace (Discipline, Sacred) should now reduce absorbs cast as intended, and no longer reduce absorbs received.
- Equipment sets
- The 2-piece bonus from the Shadow Priest PvP set now disappears at the start of a boss fight. The set bonus will still apply during the fight.
- Talents
- Voleur
- Equipment sets
- The 4-piece bonus from the Fighting Thief PvP set should now grant the set bonus intended for Cold Blood. Note: The description displays the old set bonus, but will be fixed in a future update.
- Bugfix
- Master of Stealth effects lasted longer than intended. This bug has been fixed.
- Attacking targets immediately after transitioning from Vanish to Stealth will now remove Stealth and trigger Subterfuge.
- Equipment sets
- Chaman
- Improvement
- Fire Nova now works as intended with Burst. Additionally, Fire Nova's global cooldown is now reduced by haste.
- Equipment sets
- The Elemental Shaman 2-piece PvP set bonus now grants immunity to silence and interrupt effects while Ancestry is active.
- Improvement
Strongholds, subjects and outposts
- Garrison Campaign Quests
- Deep down the bass! : Multiple players can now be credited for the death of the Shaky Elder. The creature's loot has been temporarily removed.
- New Goods (Alliance): Fixed an issue that prevented Lieutenant Thorn from offering this quest to eligible players.
- Garrison buildings
- Mine, level 2 (Horde): No more ore deposits should appear in the air.
- Frostfire Ridge
- The Battle of Thunder Pass: Some players who died during the battle were unable to complete the quest. This problem has been solved.
- Nagrand
- Shield neutralized! : Players' interaction with the arkonite crystal should now be recorded, allowing them to complete the quest.
Raids and dungeons
- Blackrock Foundry
- General
- Ogron Heat no longer strikes its targets while casting Crushing Strike. Additionally, this ability now increases physical damage taken by 100% (was 200%) in the Raid Finder version.
- Slag Workshop Brute now stops for 2 seconds after using Heavy Force.
- The blast furnace
- Phase 1
- Additional enemies should now react immediately to any threat generation upon entering the combat zone.
- The Furnace Engineers Repair ability now repairs heat regulators every 1,5 seconds (down from once per second). Additionally, Furnace Engineers can no longer instantly cast Repair if they are already casting Shock or Bomb.
- Phase 2
- The Volatile Fire ability of Firebrand now hits up to 2 targets in the Raid Finder version, and up to 3 targets in Normal and Heroic difficulty.
- Slag Elemental info bars no longer appear while dormant.
- The same player can no longer be simultaneously victim of the Fix ability of several slag elementals.
- Phase 1
- Ka'graz Flame Curve
- Combat should now reset when an ember wolf leaves the encounter area.
- The effects of Scorching Breath and Lava Slash from the Ka'graz Flame Curve should now disappear after resetting combat
- Kromog
- Players under the effects of Rune of the Hooked Hand should no longer take damage or be stunned by Rune of Crushing Earth.
- Beast Lord Darmac
- Beast Lord Darmac's Pin Down ability should now deal damage within 25 yards of spear impact points, not around Darmac itself. Additionally, attack visual effects should no longer be occasionally obscured by the ground.
- Rylak Spirit's Overheated Shrapnel AoE and Fearwing Hellbreath area visual effects should now be better displayed.
- Conducteur Thogar
- The door to driver Thogar might not open if the entire raid got slaughtered soon after the encounter began. This problem has been solved.
- Black Hand
- Blackhand should now create a crater of slag below the target of his Massive Shattering Strike ability.
- Blackhand's Shattering Strike and Massive Shattering Strike visual effects should now be visible despite disabling projected textures.
- General
- Pre-Warlords of Draenor
- Throne of the Four Winds, Wind Conclave: Some players did not receive any loot when the finishing blow was dealt to the Wind Conclave by a familiar. This problem has been solved.
- A'shran
- The Resplendent Ashdog Safe no longer contains Primal Aspirant's gear (item level 600). The Resplendent Ashdog Vault now only contains Primal Combatant's Gear (item level 620), and players also have a small chance to find Primal Gladiator's Gear (item level 660) here as well. object XNUMX) as well as a conquest flask.
Battlefields and arenas
- Battlefield
- Warsong Gulch: Players joining a game in progress had their health reduced to 1 and were marked as dead. This problem has been solved.
- Arena
- Two steel chests were awarded to players who completed a 3v3 or 5v5 skirmish. This bug has been fixed.
- Blackrock Ham's "well-fed" bonus should now grant critical strike bonus as intended.
- The Dread Pirate Ring should once again grant bonus Stamina, Critical Hit, and Haste (instead of Intellect, Stamina, and Critical Hit Rating).
- The PROFILE camera should now use the animations for male and female models.
- The Wild Feast 'Well Fed' bonus should now work as intended with the Pandaren Epicurean racial skill.
- General
- An “Instance Not Found” error could occur when a player attempted to teleport from a dungeon after recently upgrading their Garrison. This problem has been solved.
- A server crash when resetting daily quests has been fixed.
- Objects
- Alliance players should now be able to purchase the Mechagnon Battle Pet.