Perhaps you are, like me, endowed with a poor sense of direction and a memory of goldfish? Do you need a guide to take you around the various locations in Azeroth? Good thing, this series of guides is made for you!
If you like to do (or redo) old dungeons and raids but don't know where the entrances are, get on board and follow the guide! I take you to discover the entries of the instances of Cataclysm ! For classic instance entries, it's here, and BC here. And for WOTLK, it's there!
- dungeons
- Raids
Eastern Kingdoms
Blackrock Caverns
areas : Burning Steppes
Starter : in Mont Rochenoire. Enter, take the slope on the right and take the first entrance, as shown on the map.

Shadowfang Dungeon
areas : Silver pine forest
Starter : indicated on the map.

Grim Batol
areas : Twilight Highlands
Starter : indicated on the map.

The Deadmines
areas : West March
Starter : enter the large barn shown in the picture. Continue to advance in the mine, the entrance is indicated on the map.

areas : the Ghostlands
Starter : indicated on the map.

areas : Northern Stranglethorn
Starter : west of the area. Simply enter the portal.

To access this area, in the Eastern Kingdoms, take the quest "Hero's Call: Vashj'ir" from the Mission Board in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. Complete the short questline and you get the "Seafoot" buff, allowing you to breathe underwater and increasing swim speed by 60%. Yes, the area is completely aquatic!
Throne of the Tides
areas : Abyssal depths
Starter : Take the claw ... seahorse to Dark Shattering Cove. Then swim to the indicated area northeast of the Depths. You will see a huge whirlpool, just go into it. The dungeon door will then be straight ahead.

The end of time
areas : Tanaris, Cave of Time
Starter : indicated on the map.

The Hour of Twilight
areas : Tanaris, Cave of Time
Starter : indicated on the map.

Well of Eternity
areas : Tanaris, Cave of Time
Starter : indicated on the map.

Origin rooms
areas : Uldum
Starter : indicated on the map.

Lost City of the Tol'Vir
areas : Uldum
Starter : indicated on the map.

The Peak of the Vortex
areas : Uldum
Starter : at height, look for clouds and towers.

The Maelstrom
The Heart of Stone
areas : Deepholm
Starter : to access this area (if you have been through sesame in particular), go to Stormwind or Orgrimmar, in the area of the portals to the different areas. Pick up the quest "The Maelstrom", this will take you to the Deepholm area. To access the dungeons, take a little height, on the west side of the tower, you will find the entrance.
Eastern Kingdoms
Basdin de Baradin
areas : Twilight Highlands
Starter : Take the portal to Tol Barad available in Stormwind / Orgrimmar. From there you arrive on the island to the north. Cross the bridge to go to the island to the south. The instance is located right in the middle. Please note that entry is reserved for the faction controlling the area.

Descent of the Black Wing
areas : Burning Steppes
Starter : in Blackrock Mountain, take the small entrance as in the picture.

The Twilight Bastion
areas : Twilight Highlands
Starter : at the top of the high tower visible from far away.

Soul of the Dragons
areas : Tanaris, Cave of Time
Starter : indicated on the map.

Land of Fire
areas : Hyjal
Starter : indicated on the map.

Throne of the Four Winds
areas : Uldum
Starter : at height, look for clouds and towers.