Maybe you found yourself in the same situation as me when I reached the maximum level. I wanted to do lower level instances (dungeons and raids), just to pick up some nice items, and also to discover them.
But it is not necessarily always very easy to find the entries of these instances, it took me a lot of rummaging around each time to find how to get there. I therefore suggest that you explore in my company all these instances, and for some, what we can collect interesting (mounts, objects, etc.).
Small precision, the instances are not sorted by level, but grouped according to the zones, history not to make 50 round trips?
So let's go to Burning Crusade, with all the old instances.
Hellfire Peninsula
Hellfire Citadel: Hellfire Rampart
Outland, Hellfire Peninsula
Entrance :
Booty : nothing interesting.
Hellfire Citadel: The Blood Furnace
Outland, Hellfire Peninsula
Entrance :
Booty : nothing interesting.
Hellfire Citadel: The Shattered Halls
Outland, Hellfire Peninsula
Entrance :
Booty : nothing interesting.
Raid - Hellfire Citadel: Magtheridon's Lair
Outland, Hellfire Peninsula
Entrance at the bottom of the Citadel, on the west side.
Booty : nothing interesting.
Hookslide Tank
Outland, Zangarmarsh
Fangslide Reservoir: The Slave Pens
Entrance: underwater, below this structure:
Beware of drowning on the way. We then arrive in a cave, with several paths.
Glissecroc Reservoir: The Lower Bog
Entrance: underwater, below this structure:
Beware of drowning on the way. We then arrive in a cave, with several paths.
Slipfang Reservoir: The Vapor Vault
Entrance: underwater, below this structure:
Beware of drowning on the way. We then arrive in a cave, with several paths.
Raid - Fangslide Reservoir: Serpent Sanctuary Cavern
Entrance: underwater, below this structure:
Beware of drowning on the way. We then arrive in a cave, with several paths.
Terrokar Forest
1. Auchindoun: Mana Tombs
Booty : nothing interesting.
2. Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts
Booty : nothing interesting.
3. Auchindoun: The rooms of the Sethekk
Booty :
- Heroic:
- Reins of the Raven Lord
4. Auchindoun: Labyrinth of Shadows
Booty : nothing interesting.
Caves of time
Kalimdor, Tanaris
1. Caves of Time: Hillsbrad Foothills of Yesteryear / Escape from Fort-de-Durn
Booty : nothing interesting.
2. Caves of Time: The Black Marsh
Booty : nothing interesting.
3. Raid - Caves of Time: Hyjal Summit
Booty : nothing interesting.
Storm Dungeon
Outland, Netherstorm
1. Storm Dungeon: The Arcatraz
In height, compared to the middle ship.
Booty : nothing interesting.
2. Storm Keep: The Mechanar
The ship to the right of the middle one.
Booty : nothing interesting.
3. Tempest Dungeon: The Botanica
The ship to the left of the middle one.
Booty : nothing interesting.
4. Raid - Storm Dungeon: Storm Dungeon
The middle ship.
Booty :
- Shiny Hatchling Phoenix Feather
- Void crystal
- Tiny Fel Ignition Key
- Ashes of Al'ar
Quel'danas Island
Eastern Kingdoms
Terrace of the Magisters
Booty :
- Normal:
- Young phoenix
- Satchel touched by the sun
- Heroic:
- Young phoenix
- Swift White Hawkstrider
Raid - Sunwell Plateau
Booty :
- Rune d'activation Lamesoleil
- Void Necklace
- Servant's bell
Raid - Black Temple
Booty :
- Leviathan Egg
- Above the eclat
- Fragment of anger
- Fragment of suffering
- Fragment of desire
- Sensual grimoire
Raid - Karazhan
Eastern Kingdoms, Deuwind Pass
- Arcane Sanctum Instant Security Kit
- Spiked collar
- Satyr charm
- Netherspace Portal Stone
- Reins of the fiery warhorse
Raid - Gruul's Lair
Outland, The Edges
Booty : nothing interesting
For all our GPS guides:
- Classic instances
- BC instances
- Instances WoTK