The warehouse allows you to safely store your items and those of the entire Garrison.
This small building can be installed on his stronghold from level 1 and will certainly interest many players who are always looking for more amenities to manage their inventory (banks and ethereal services from the stronghold). Active controls can significantly improve efficiency, see if it will be worth it compared to other small craft buildings.
1 level
Provides access to your personal bank and increases the number of active orders by 5 for all buildings.
- Alliance
- Horde
The banker gives a quest asking to collect 5 boxes of surplus material.
These crates are scattered throughout the fiefdom.
Once the quest is completed and returned, you gain access to its bank (as well as the new component bank).
Level 2
Gives access to your guild bank.
To get the level 2 blueprint, you must be level 96 or complete the Talador Outpost questline. The boss costs 750 gp or is free with the Outpost Building Assembly Notes obtained from completing the Outpost Quest.
- Alliance
- Horde
3 level
Allows you to consult an Ethereal Soul Trader for Void Chamber and Transmogrification services, and increases the number of active orders for all buildings by 15.
To buy the blueprint, you must first have completed the achievement The Money is chic on Draenor which requires you to collect 10 gold in Draenor.
- Alliance
- Horde
Thank you Compass!
Feel free to send screenshots of your level 3 building!