Stables provide significant benefits to your mounts.
This building requires a large location, a fief of at least level 2 and will improve the exploration of Draenor by providing various bonuses when mounted. Harvesters will appreciate being able to mount while collecting ore and plant!
From level 1, NPCs in the courtyard give quests asking to tame animals. It all starts with a young pelargent thanks to a Talbuk Lasso then it will continue with all the other animal breeds. The principle is similar for all the quests and consists of using the object from our mount on the target animal and then following it without ever widening the gap as it tries to escape. If we succeed in the small race for 2 minutes, the quest is successful, the animal is tamed and we obtain resources from the fiefdom as a reward.
He is then found in the stable, allowing him to begin his training via a daily quest. Note that the object, the lasso, does not disappear from the bags, allowing to tame other animals if the mood takes us.
You can find on Wowhead the list of quests for each type of animal:
- Talbuk
- Elekk
- Wolf
- Forked hoof
- Potamodonte
- Sanglier
Objects can make training more difficult. A quest explains how it works and we learn that there are currently two such objects:
- Sethe Griffe noire : Increases damage by 25% and reduces movement speed by 25%.
- Garn tooth necklace : Increases damage by 50% and reduces movement speed by 50%.
The best trainers will be able to try the experiment by composing with it and try to win better rewards, including a mount (see below).
6 mounts are obtained with the quests:
- Tame Grumbler
- Tamed Pelargent
- Tame Mireflow
- Tamed stone brooch
- Tame Meadow Crowd
- Tamed Icehoof
Two more are obtained as achievement rewards:
- Armored Frostwolf: Via the achievement The Stable Master.
- Armored FrostHure: via the achievement Advanced Training (Horde) / Advanced Training (Alliance).
1 level
Allows the capture and training of special mounts on Draenor. Also allows you to stay on your mount while interacting with objects in areas outside of Draenor.
- Alliance
- Horde
The yard is initially completely empty. Add mounts from the favorite mounts interface up to a maximum of 5 and they will magically appear in the enclosure! My dromedary seems in any case very happy with this opportunity to walk.
Finally, there is a stable master capable of bringing pets back to life.
Level 2
You can no longer get stunned by enemies while riding your mount in areas outside of Draenor.
To get the Level 2 Blueprint, you must be Level 100 or complete the Nagrand Outpost questline. The boss costs 1500 gp or is free with the Detailed Guide to Outpost Building obtained from completing the Outpost Quest.
- Alliance
- Horde
Level 3
Increases the speed of mounts in Draenor by 20%.
To purchase the plan (1000 gp), you must first have completed the Master of Mounts achievement asking to complete the training of the six mounts in the stable.
- Alliance
- Horde
Thanks to Mioko-Archimonde
Please feel free to send screenshots of your level 3 building.