Like every year, around Halloween, Hallow's End returns to Azeroth with its pumpkins, jokes and disguises from October 18 (10 a.m.) to November 1 (10 a.m.).
- quests
- Items to buy
- Garrison decorations
- The Headless Horseman
- Highlights
The 2015 updates are numerous:- Mascots: Ghost Rat, Ghost Maggot and Spectral Weaver
- Toys: Coin with Many Faces and Bag of Spectral Spiders
- Wands for disguise: Necrophage, Gargoyle and Nerubian
- Quests: Kill the Crew, Foul Fertilizer, Mutiny on the Boneless, and Mashed Sprotchelins, which rewards Fearsome Supplies that can be used to decorate the Garrison.
- Costumes for players: Exquisite costume: "Deathwing"
- Costume for Pepe: Tiny Scarecrow Costume
- Heirloom Item Upgrades: Ancient Heirloom Armor Chest and Weathered Heirloom Armor Chest
- Garrison Decorations: Macabre Appearances, Hallow's End Lights, Seer's Invitation, Witch's Brew, and Swarming Beasts.
The 2016 additions:
- a new repeatable quest to get hats
- the headless horseman gives 835
- Exquisite costume: "Grommash" for 200 joke candies
- Disturbing Familiar Treat for 5 Tricky Treats
- Banshee for 2 joke candies
In 2017, here are the additions:
- Naxxie is a new undead mascot sold for 150 Trickster Candy.
- Exquisite Costume: "Xavius" is a new 200 Prankster Candy costume
- Horse Head Costume and Horse Rump Costume are two toys sold 150 Piece Joker Candy
- the headless rider gives 880. No need to be maximum level, you have to be 23 only!
- armor is now cosmetic and can only be transmogrified during Hallow's End event
- Weathered Heirloom Armor Chest sells for 450 Prankster Candy.
The 2018 additions are:
- The Horseman gives iLvl 335 items for level 120 characters.
- A new toy has been added, the Headless Horseman's Hearthstone which costs 150 Tricky Candy.
The quests are taken near the capitals of the two factions:
- Goldshire (Stormwind City), Azure Watch (Exodar) and Kharanos (Ironforge) for the Alliance
- Brill (Undercity), Razor Hill (Orgrimmar) and Silvermoon for the Horde
Some quests are repeatable, others unique and allow you to obtain joke candies used as currency for the purchase of many items (useless but essential). Here is the questline:
- Lost Legacies (Horde / Alliance)
- Ill-Gotten Gains (Horde / Alliance)
- Shopping spree (Horde / Alliance)
- Take Your Precautions (Horde / Alliance)
- The Collector's Agent (Horde / Alliance)
- And now ? (Horde / Alliance)
At the end, we get the mascot, creepy crate (Horde / Alliance).
In 2015, new quests reward Spooky Supplies that can be used to decorate the Garrison. The quests in question are Eliminate the Crew (1 supply), Foul Fertilizer (1 supply), Mutiny on the Boneless (2 supplies) and Sprotchelin Mash (1 supply). That gives you 5 supplies per day, each decoration costing just that price. Namely, the supplies can be converted into joke candies.
In 2016, a quest was added: Under the Crooked Tree. The objective is to kill Aria in order to retrieve the Shrew's Things. It contains five Trickster Candy and has a low chance of containing the following cosmetic items: First Sister's Hat, Second Sister's Hat, Third Sister's Hat, or Youngest Sister's Hat. You must be at least level 98 to be able to complete this quest.
In front of the two capitals of Undercity and Stormwind are the main event camps with vendors. Every four hours, Genn Greymane and Lady Sylvanas make their appearance there to light the fire in celebration of Hallow's End. There are 4 notable vendors, using event currency, prank candy:
- chopstick seller (Darla and Stymie): to dress up (2 joke candies)
- candy and toy seller (Poupin and Dorothy):
- various candies including pet candy (disturbing pet treat)
- items for achievements (Hallow's End helmet, BIGBANG candies and toothpicks: see below for details)
- the magnificent costume to transform into Arthas (Exquisite Costume: "The Lich King"), Deathwing (Exquisite Costume: "Deathwing"), Grommash (Exquisite Costume: "Grommash") and Xavius (Exquisite Costume: " Xavius') to 200 candies
- toys: Little Wicker Man, Horse Head Costume and Horse Rump Costume
- Heirloom Item Upgrades, Ancient Heirloom Armor Chest, Worn Heirloom Armor Chest, and Damaged Heirloom Armor Chest to 250 and 450 Candy
- mascot seller (Fifi and Woim)
- costumes for Groopy ("Mad Alchemist" Costume, "Starlet" Costume and "Yipp-Saron" Costume)
- pets (Grim Sprotchelin, Cursed Burmese, Matois the Gone, Feline Familiar, and Naxxia)
- Mask vendor (Tete-a-Claques and Farina): for achievements with 2 joke candy the playable races and 5 joke candy the non-playable races (naga, ogre, murloc and vrykul)
By killing undead in the daily quest area, you will be able to collect the Many Sided Coin (note the reference to Game of Thrones!)
Garrison Decorations
A new currency, Scary Supplies, can be earned by completing 4 new repeatable quests. You can buy with the following decorations:
- Macabre Appearances: Allows you to dress the guards in festive costumes.
- Hallow's End: post pumpkins, candles and other decorations in the fiefdom.
- Seer Invitation: Invite an Arakkoa Seer to the Garrison.
- Witch's Brew: A Pandaren Brewmagic brings cold drinks to the Garrison.
- Swarming Bugs: A macabre box containing spectral rats, maggots and spiders.
Of particular interest are the Swarming Critters! Once the item has been purchased for 5 supplies, activating it will spawn pets to be captured in the garrison: Ghost Rat, Ghost Maggot and Spectral Weaver. In addition, a boss will appear in any level 3 stronghold once per day, Arachnis, who has a chance to drop a Sac of Spectral Spiders. Note that a bug currently prevents you from recovering the object if you have the automatic search, remember to deactivate it first!
The Headless Horseman
Thanks to the group finder, if you are at least level 23, you can defeat the Headless Horseman. The latter gives epic rings, of iLvl 335 (if the character is level 120). In addition, once a day, the encounter gives a pumpkin filled with loot that can contain, in addition to masks, the following items:
- DPS Plate Helmet: The Horseman's Horrible Hood
- 1M Sword (Agi): The Cavalier's Sinister Slicer
- Frame: The Rider's Reins
- Temporary frame (14 days): flying broom
- Mascot: Grim Sprotchelin
- Unnecessary Helmet (for achievement): Hallow's End Helmet
If you complete all of the quests and visit the Headless Horseman, you must have already completed many of the achievements specific to the Hallow's End. Here is the list and a short description to help do it:
- Hallow's End *: Complete 4 Seasonal Quests
- The big masquerade *: to be disguised with disguise sticks (2 joke candies). You can only apply the disguise to a third so you have to group for this achievement.
- The Grim Call *: Obtain Hallow's End Helmet and Grim Sprotchelin either from the Headless Horseman's Loot-Filled Pumpkin or for 300 Tricky Candy.
- Go ahead, talk! *: Eat joke candy until you get sick (between 2 and 10).
- Bring me the head of..Oh, damn ... *: Kill the Headless Horseman at the Scarlet Monastery.
- Mind the Head *: Send a weighted Hallow's End Pumpkin at one member of each race, alliance, and horde. Pumpkins can be obtained by doing repeatable quests and participating in village events as well as the Headless Horseman.
- The mask in the harbor: get a mask (2 joke candies).
- BIGBANG *: Achieve 10 honorable victories after eating BIGBANG candies (2 joke candies).
- The Savior of Hallow's End *: complete one of the quests to save a village from the shadow of the Horseman
- A sparkling smile *: use a toothpick (2 joke candies).
- A candy or a joke *: collect candy in an inn.
- A mask for all occasions: masks can now be purchased for 2 joke candies from the mask vendors (Undercity / Stormwind).
In 2015, a new achievement calls for finding Pepe disguised as a scarecrow. For the Alliance, it is in the graveyard, on a grave while for the Horde, it is on a stone in 70,7-90,2. As a reward, you will complete A Scary Friend and earn Tiny Scarecrow Costume.
In addition, you must also discover the regions of all regions:
- Azeroth Candy and Jokes *
- Kalimdor Treats and Jokes: Horde and Alliance
- Eastern Kingdoms Sweets & Jokes: Horde and Alliance
- Outland Treats and Jokes: Horde and Alliance
- Northrend Treats and Jokes: Horde and Alliance
- Cataclysm Treats and Jokes: Horde and Alliance
- Pandaria Candy and Jokes: Horde and Alliance
Once all the achievements marked with a star have been completed, it validates a final achievement, May your name be holy, granting the title Hallow's End.
Pandaria candy

There are no sweets on the Broken Islands outside of Dalaran. You will find one in every faction hostel as well as in the neutral hostel.
It's your turn to send me your special Halloween screenshot!
Update of a guide originally published on October 19, 2012.