With 5.1, subtle changes are being made to the Darkmoon Faire, so this guide is in addition to the previous ones: Darkmoon Layout and Maps. Upon arrival, we notice 2 new mounts, made available by Brandom the dusty to go down to the Fair, beautiful purple and green trotters:

Do not get too close to the edges, the frame disappears immediately (the vertigo, surely). As we walk around, we also notice a new decoration with large hangings attached to the trees on the descent and here and there in the Fair itself. Here are the 4 designs I found:

Have fun on the moving merry-go-round!
On the right of the Fair, a new merry-go-round has just been set up for our greatest joy! In front, a Kae Ti pandaren carries a ticket book for the ride, a container that contains five tickets for the ride (bought 80 pa with my goblin). By making a turn on the merry-go-round, we obtain the improvement "WHOUHOU!" which increases experience and reputation gains by 10%.
4 new mascots are available on the island as you can see in my recent topic (here). I put them back here:
- 1 via Vendor: Darkmoon Strider. Darkmoon Strider sold by Lhara for 90 Darkmoon Bonds
- 2 via mascot battles on the island: Darkmoon Glow and Raven.
- 1 via quest: Darkmoon Eye from Jeremy Feasel
Compared to this last quest given by Jeremy Feasel: This is a repeatable pet battle quest, named Darkmoon Pet Battle, which rewards a Darkmoon Pet Supplies bag that the pet can be in. Note that these are approximately level 25 mascots, so plan an adequate team!
Continue reading on the topic:
- presentation
- darkmoon cards
- additions made to 5.3
- additions made to 5.4
- additions made to 6.0
- additions made to 6.1