Before talking about the beaters guild, you need to have access to it and collect a bloodstained invitation (Alliance / Horde). Update on the 3 means currently available.
Black market
Invitations are regularly put up for sale in the black market, at the backstage.
Wilds of Krasarang
It is also possible to recover it from enemy leaders, therefore depending on your faction. These commanders have a respawn time of around 40-50 minutes and can be killed on their own, depending on your class, gear, and awakening level (they often have a lethal ability to dodge). In order to be warned of their appearance, I advise you to use _NPCScan and add them:
Alliance :
- Shadows: Ubunti the Shade: / npcscan add 68320 Ubunti the Shade (in the south tower, 13.07/66.39, XNUMX)
- Weapons: Kar the Warlock: / npcscan add 68321 Kar the Warrior (at the east gate, 14.04, 56.99)
- Light: Muerta: / npcscan add 68322 Muerta (between mannequins and crates, west, 10.65, 56,72)
/ npcscan add 68320 Ubunti the Shade / npcscan add 68321 Kar the Warmonger / npcscan add 68322 Muerta
Horde :
- Shadows: Mavis Laruine: / npcscan add 68317 Mavis Laruine (on the docks, 84.26, 31.32)
- Weapons: Dalan Brisenuit: / npcscan add 68318 Dalan Brisenuit (near the small barricade in the middle of the courtyard, 84.10, 25.63)
- Light: Disha Gardepeur: / npcscan add 68319 Disha Gardepeur (near a small tent in the east, 87.39, 28.98)
/ npcscan add 68317 Mavis Laruine / npcscan add 68318 Dalan Brisenuit / npcscan add 68319 Disha Gardepeur
A few words about the strategies:
- shadow champions: his deadly technique only activates if you are more than 10m away. It is therefore necessary to get back into contact quickly when he leaps from a distance.
- Champions of Light: Her lethal ability is an uninterruptible area on the ground, Wrath of Light, which deals damage at the end of the cast. It is necessary to interrupt on the other hand chains of faith which stun (deadly in combination with the zone).
- Champions of Weapons: His lethal ability is a cleaving blow that inflicts damage on a path clearly identified by eddies on the ground. Sometimes he leaps at a target with heroic leap at players beyond his reach.
In addition to reputation (440 points for the black prince), you will be able to complete an achievement asking to kill all 3 (I am in your base) and have a chance to obtain epic jewels:
- Alliance Insignia of Conquest
- SI Agent Manual: 7
- Steadfast Footman's Medallion
- Horde Insignia of Conquest
- Precise of Kor'kron brutality
- Mark of the Hardened Grunt
We killed a dozen of them last night and we got 1 invitation and 1 jewel (the images come from Wowhead because I didn't take the time to take the portrait of them).
Have friends
Finally, it is possible to be invited by a friend once he reaches rank 7 within the guild .. well, for the moment, that will not advance us but in a few weeks, it will be a bit simpler !
And what to do once this invitation is in hand? Go to your capital:
- For the Horde, the portal is located at the arena, far north of Orgrimmar, in the Valley of Honor.
- For the Alliance, go to the depths tram on the Stormwind side, access is via the ramp on the left when entering
Happy hunting and don't poke my targets on Hyjal, I haven't nabbed my guest yet!