With update 6.2, Blizzard will add new quests and a new region for Ashran to explore , the PvP area of Warlords of Draenor. Below is a summary of the new features that will appear on this heated battlefield.
New quests
In 6.2, zone events and faction bosses will no longer allow players to obtain Conquest Points. To fill up on Conquest Points, we will need to complete the following new quests in the new region of Ashran:
- Kill them to the last! : a weekly quest offering 200 conquest points for 200 honorable victories.
- Domination d’A’shran : Defeat the boss of the enemy faction and win five events to get 500 conquest points. This is also a weekly quest.
- Constant domination: This replayable quest is unlocked by completing the Domination of Ashran quest. It also offers 500 Conquest Points for eliminating the enemy faction's boss and winning five events.
Belloc Brightblade and Harrison Jones both offer a new quest encouraging players to explore a new area ...
New zone
Once inside the Ashran Excavation, players will discover a huge underground area. A competitive event will then be triggered randomly. Your mission ? Collect Apexis Marks of Redemption as you defeat the Arakkoa Spirits that haunt the mines!
At the bottom of this excavation, you will find Rukmaz. The latter separates the factions in their fight for the excavation of Ashran: bring him 50 Marks of Redemption to control the area!
Who will control the excavation of Ashran first ... The Alliance ...? The horde... ? Let's start the bets!