A big update rolled out to Test Realms last night, Wowhead took stock and one can only be impressed with the list of additions. In particular, we must remember:
- Timewarped Badge is a time warp currency used to purchase toys, mounts, reputation tokens related to BC and Wrath dungeons, and gear that scales to the level of the purchasing character.
- Inflatable Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
- Lots of green 640 gear, possibly for characters boosted to level 100.
- Character strings have been added in connection with Sesame for level 100.
- New rewards for Timewalking including mounts.
- A new catch-up quest for the legendary quest (Abrogator Arbitrator).
- Reins of the Heavenly Azure Cloud Serpent: reward for having 300 mounts
- Reins of the Illidari Felstalker: Legion Collector's Edition
- Minion of Grumpus: Winter Veil event
- Grove Warden : boutique
- Reins of the Eclipse Dragonhawk et Bridle of the Ironbound Wraithcharger : excursions temporelles
- Murkidan/Murkidan : BlizzCon 2015
- Zeradar : édition collector Legacy of the Void
- Nibbles: Legion Collector's Edition
- Brightpaw : boutique
- Ghastly Rat, Ghost Maggot, Spectral Spinner: Hallow's End (Halloween)
- Grumpling: Winter Veil event (Christmas)
The mascots can be taken on this red sled: Red Wooden Sled!
- Crashin 'Thrashin' Flamer Controller: Winter Veil Event (Christmas)
- Achievement related to obtaining 5 toys from the "Iron Armada" set: Crashin 'Thrashin' Flamer Controller and Crashin 'Thrashin' Killdozer Controller (Winter Veil) and Crashin 'Thrashin' Roller Controller, Crashin 'Thrashin 'Cannon Controller and Crashin' Thrashin 'Mortar Controller (on rare ones in the Tanaan Jungle).
- Crashin 'Thrashin' Commander and Crashin 'Thrashin'% s: reward for 200 toys
- Hourglass of Eternity, Will of Northrend et Mark of the Ashtongue : excursions temporelles (a priori)
- Darkmoon Seesaw: Foire de Sombrelune
Throbbing Blood Orb and Cursed Feather of Ikzan are now toys.
Time excursions
A new vendor is offering many new rewards for the new currency, Timewarped Badge:
- Montures : Reins of the Eclipse Dragonhawk et Bridle of the Ironbound Wraithcharger
- WoTK and BC: Commendation of Lower City Dungeon Reputation Tokens
- Jouets : Hourglass of Eternity, Will of Northrend, Mark of the Ashtongue
- Hourglass of Eternity summons a "Future Us", like the Mystery of the Infinite quest
- Will of Northrend réplique l'effet d'activation des objets Deathbringer's Will : Will of the Vrykul, Will of the Iron Dwarves et Will of the Taunka
Finally, there are some popular items from WoTK and BC:
- Azure-Shield of Coldarra
- Blood Knight War Cloak
- Bloodlust Brooch
- Crossbow of Relentless Strikes
- Essence of the Martyr
- Gavel of Naaru Blessings
Seasonal events
Hallow's End
- Mascottes : Ghastly Rat, Ghost Maggot, Spectral Spinner
- Jouets : Coin of Many Faces, Sack of Spectral Spiders
- Bracelets : Hallowed Wand - Wight, Hallowed Wand - Gargoyle, Hallowed Wand - Nerubian
New quests: Culling the Crew, Foul Fertilizer, Mutiny on the Boneship, and Smashing Squashlings which reward Spooky Supplies that can be used as garrison decoration.
There are finally many new costumes, first two on the model of the one for The Lich King with Edwin VanCleef and Deathwing, but also costumes for Murloc, Gnoll, Necrophage, Gargoyle, Nerubien, Pirate, Ninja, Ghost, Leper Gnome, Skeleton, Bat.
Finally, decorations can be added to the stronghold: Festive Fighters, Hallow's Glow, Ghastly Guests, Witch's Brew and Creepy Crawlers.
Winter Veil
- Mascot: Grumpling
- Jouet : Red Wooden Sled
- Cadeaux : Crashin' Thrashin' Flamer Controller, Crashin' Thrashin' Killdozer Controller, Crashin' Thrashin' Flamer et également Savage Gift
- Frame: Minion of Grumpus
- Snow Blower: created a snowstorm
- Yellow Snowball : la pire boule de neige The worst snowball
- Illusion d'arme : Winter's Grasp
- Costume for Groopy: Merry Munchkin "Costume
- Consumables: Fizzy Apple Cider which increases the speed at which we pick up.
Different quests are added (What Horrible Presents !, Where Are the Children ?, Menacing Grumplings and Grumpus) that allow you to get Merry Supplies, allowing you to buy decorations for your stronghold. It is also possible to get a Savage Snowball.
Two vendors join this party: Glark Criswold and Tradurjo Jinglepocket. Among the decorations they sell we have Light 'er Up Party Package, Trees and Presents, Sleigh and Snowfighters, Guards and Criswold, and Mistletoe and Stockings.
Finally, different spells have been discovered:
- Savage Snowball: Throws a snowball with a small stone in the middle, dealing 1 point of damage.
- Snow Blower: throw snow at your friends and enemies with the fabulous Snow Blower!
- Snow Blast: Throws snow at your target!
- Yellow Snowball : lance-moi !
- Illusion: Winter's Grasp: Causes your melee or spellcasting weapon to appear as if it were drenched in the cold of winter.
- "Merry Munchkin": costume your Groopy.
- Spirit Bomb: Throws a bomb on Grumpus' unworthy gifts with a bomb filled with the spirit of celebration ... and destruction.
- Red Wooden Sled: Sit on a sled that can be pulled by other players, or put your pet on a sled that you can pull on your own.
You can find all the changes on Wow head !