A new version of 6.1 has been deployed on the test server! Let's take a look at what's new in this patch, along with some screenshots from the PTS.
Flight improvement
As promised, there is now the option to land at the next flight master.
New toys related to the Darkmoon Faire:
- Fire-Eater's Vial
- Attraction Sign
- Darkmoon Ring-Flinger
- Darkmoon Tonk Controller
- Gaze of the Darkmoon
There are also some new mascots: Young Talbuk, Slithershock Elver and Bone Serpent.
Queues are going to be improved for Ashran!
@JoeyGiggles_FTW In 6.1, we’re revamping the queuing system for Ashran to regional, similar to battlegrounds.
— WarcraftDevs (@WarcraftDevs) January 16, 2015
An NPC sells "rush orders" as well as items to change the traits and profiles of subjects. Finally, there is something to unlock the "Scout" missions which allow you to obtain apexis crystals (800) against fief resources (200).
- Alchimie : A Rare Flower, Herb Infused
- Forge : Battlefield Scavengers, Flux to Give
- Enchantement : Big Hands, Big Swords, Enchanted Weapons
- Ingénierie : The Wonder Gears, You're Fired
- Calligraphie : Spy Games, The Quill is Mighty
- Joaillerie : Jewels of Denial, Waste Not, Want Not
- Travail du cuir : Kill and Cut, That's Some Bull
- Couture : Hunting the Hunters, Nest Raid
Explorer's Notebook gives exploration missions (complete list on Wowhead). Some Garrison missions allow you to obtain Traits. Finally, a new Monk Subject has been found and new items are linked to the Garrison Music Box: Phonic Amplifier, Laz-tron Disc Reader, and Bass Blaster.
The alchemists will be able to make an epic jewel: Stone of Wind. It can be upgraded up to a 680 Stone of the Earth, Tone of the Waters, and Stone of Fire item. In addition, alchemists will now be able to transmute wild blood and other primordial:
- Savage Blood: 50x Alchemical Catalyst and 7x Crescent Saber Oil
- Fire to Earth: 50x Alchemical Catalyst and 10x Sorcerer Fire
- Water to Air: 50x Alchemical Catalyst and 10x Sorcerous Water
- Fire to Air: 50x Alchemical Catalyst and 10x Sorcerer Fire
- Water to Earth: 50x Alchemical Catalyst and 10x Sorcerous Water
- Earth to Water: 50x Alchemical Catalyst and 10x Sorcerous Earth
- Air to Water: 50x Alchemical Catalyst and 10x Sorcerer Air
- Air to Earth: 50x Alchemical Catalyst and 10x Sorcerer Air
- Fire to Water: 50x Alchemical Catalyst and and 10x Sorcerer Fire
- Earth to Air: 50x Alchemical Catalyst and 10x Sorcerous Earth
- Earth to Fire: 50x Alchemical Catalyst and 10x Sorcerous Earth
- Air to Fire: 50x Alchemical Catalyst and 10x Sorcerer Air
- Water to Fire: 50x Alchemical Catalyst and 10x Sorcerous Water
All other items can be upgraded a fourth time, increasing armor to 680 and weapons to 670. This requires 30x Savage Blood, 40 Primals and 200x Profession Item.
@Chaoticspork You can advance profession gear to Stage 4 in 6.1. It'll increase ilvl by 10, for a max 680 armor and 670 weapons.
— WarcraftDevs (@WarcraftDevs) January 16, 2015
Finally, recipes of 125 with characteristics were found: Recipe: Whiptail Fillet, Recipe: Salty Squid Roll, Recipe: Pickled Eel, Recipe: Jumbo Sea Dog, Recipe: Buttered Sturgeon and Recipe: Sleeper Sushi.
Here are for the main additions. Everything else is visible on my two sources:
- Wow head
- MMO-Champion