Currently on the test server, the management of fiefdoms has been adapted in order to improve, as they say, the quality of life of the players. Because it must be admitted, as it is, without extension, managing your fiefdom can be long and tedious ...
Already, most importantly, the stronghold has a music box where it is possible to play different pieces (well, I didn't find it in the stronghold ... but it must be there from what we see in customer files)!
My Orders
- items like Rush Order: Alchemy Lab allow you to finish 5 orders.
- it is possible to launch x number of commands at once, no longer requiring spamming the command launch button.
- there is a daily quest at the dwarf blockhouse / war factory to use excess subject buffs.
- subjects gain experience by completing orders as evidenced by a string: "GARRISON_FOLLOWER_XP_ADDED_SHIPMENT ::% s has earned% d XP for completing% d | 4Work Order: Work Orders;".
- Mission Completion Orders is an item found in the client to complete a mission instantly.
The mission table offers various improvements:
- when you hover the mouse over an available mission, a green check mark is displayed on each icon for which there is an available subject. We can also see the time during which the mission will be available.
- we can see in the current missions the level and the chances of success.
- the list of topics now allows you to sort topics by threat type. Here by group damage:
- to improve a subject, you have to click directly on its portrait after having right clicked on the object in its bags (we do not see my cursor but I clicked here on the epic improvement that we see in my bags) .
- If a subject has gone on a mission, you can see various information about their current mission, including the time remaining and the chance of success.
There are new missions related to the new raid, Blackrock Foundry. They ask for a minimum iLvl 660. Some rewards allow you to improve the subjects:
- Wanted: Nullifier Darkoor allows you to obtain a Tome of Knowledge to improve the subject's experience.
- Follower Ability Retraining (obtained via 3 missions): allows you to change techniques.
- Follower Trait Retraining (obtained via 2 missions): allows you to change the profiles of a subject.
- 2 new missions allow you to obtain Follower Retraining Certificate.
- Sun-touched Feather of Rukhmar grants Speed of Light which appears to shorten the duration of a mission.
There are also iLvl 630 missions identified as "Relic Hunter", possibly related to Harrison Jones. Finally, several missions giving experience have been modified:
- new mission giving 20 experience
- the mission requesting 630 from iLvl goes to 615
- missions with 4 threat styles now have fewer threats
- two missions currently at 630 increase to 600 but they only give 8000 experience (previously 15): Empty your caches and Wash on all floors.
2 new topics were found in the files:
- Garona Miorque (legendary subject).
- Harrison Jones
Subjects can now have equipment up to iLvL 670.
As promised, an NPC sells certain subjects that were not chosen during quests or in outposts. They cost 5000 gp.
Invasions now go up to Platinum rank (Bronze <Silver <Gold <Platinum).
A priori, it is possible to summon bosses in your stronghold: Master and Commander. A list of iLvl 660 items have been found in the files and appear to match loot from Garrison Invasions.
Several missions grant 15x Primordial Spirit. Another mission allows you to have wild blood.
Various missions should be related to professions, allowing to have craft components through this, such as The Philosopher's Stone for alchemy.
So much for the visible improvements of 6.1!