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Among the 4 vocations that you can choose at the beginning of your WildStar adventure, the colonist (or Settler) is the one that is most oriented towards the others. The objective of Carbine is to make this vocation the most social activity of the game by allowing the colonist to change the world around him through different constructions, transformations and repairs. Suddenly, I took my tools and I went on an adventure.
First discovery of the activities of a Settler
The discovery of this vocation begins in the tutorial area, where I receive a call from the authority of the settlers asking me to get to the Cathedral of Light as quickly as possible.
That's good, it's also the location of my quest continuation, so I go there immediately by following the little triangle on the map that indicates the location of a settler depot.
Arrived there, I discover a simple deposit of colon with which I can interact.
The first quest is to collect "participation cards" lying around and pass them on to the depot.
I validate the quest without really seeing any consequences for my actions. A priori, the interest is only to make understand the operation of the repository and the associated objects. Indeed, thereafter each deposit works in the same way.
- Collecting objects from the map
- Search for the associated repository (s)
- Creation from the deposit of various elements
Finally concrete
So, and this is my second quest for the initiation area that really suggests it to me, each depot gives the possibility of building or bringing different things nearby. When I click on the deposit, a choice is offered to me.
I can therefore, depending on the number of materials I have collected, obtain 2 things: either a personal bonus allowing me to knock out my next enemies (there will be training holograms representing the different races of the Exiles faction) and a second choice allowing me to build a Run Boost station that looks after construction like this:
This beautiful build allows all other players in the area to gain a temporary 20 minute speed boost by clicking on it. It is in the first zone of the planet Nexus that I discover a new application to these deposits and I hope to discover others as a result of my leveling up. This new depot, which accepts items collected in the area, offers me 2 choices: a sales module that allows the same as a merchant and comes in the form of a drink dispenser and a mysterious Invasion point.
Obviously, curious, I validate the second choice and I see a drill arrive from which come out 3 Dominion individuals, one of which offers a quest consisting quite simply of recovering objects from nearby enemies and bringing them back to Corporal Deerakh.
Like the modules, the quest is available for a certain time (which can be extended by an additional 2 minutes if you drop materials back into the depot) for all players in the area.
In summary, from what I could see, here is what the colonist can bring to an area:
- Speed, attack, defense bonus modules or specifically linked to the enemy that we will meet in a given area.
- Merchant modules
- New quests
The settler can also repair items that deteriorate over time like the standard you can see in this screenshot.
I was also able to discover a bag of objects with 3 pieces of a settler costume by digging in a hole and skinning a corpse:
Class not?
Each of these actions will increase the level of safety and economy of an area, providing each level crossing in the area (a priori 3 thirds available) new possibilities for improvement. Moreover, by performing these actions, I also personally leveled up in my vocation to reach level 3. Each level reached gives gifts. At first they are bags but of course the value of the reward increases more and more.
You can find in the codex a page dedicated to the vocation (Path) which indicates the level, the experience bar, the quests already completed and the quests still to be discovered.
To conclude, I validate the social aspect of the colonist who interacts enormously with the elements of scenery throughout his progression and makes the universe which surrounds him evolve according to his constructions. The promises concerning the contributions of settlers in war zones, dungeons and in housing make it a very interesting vocation. I really hesitate now between scientist or colonist, the choice will be hard!