Runes are essential elements for the creation of your build. The rune system offers a wide range of runes, but some are used very lightly while some, on the contrary, are used a lot.
To correct this and balance it out, big changes are coming soon. Here are all the details!
- Statistics by element
- Sets of rubble
- Weakened runes
- Name d'emplacements de rune
- Change item in a location
- Add a rune slot
Statistics by element
Des additional statistics have been added to the different element types of the runes. Here is a detailed table of the statistics that there will be for each element with the statistics added in bold.
Sets of rubble
Statistics have been added in the set bonuses.
- Basic sets
- Class sets
- Advanced sets
- PvP sets
Protect your neck
Fire - Breakthrough
Water - Deviation
Air - Shield Ability
Logic- DC deviation
Team player
Air - Regeneration
Earth - Acuity
Earth - Support Power
Focus on regeneration
Earth - Support Power
Fire - base health
Shield Specialist
Water - Breakthrough
Life - Vitality
Air - Assault Power
Earth - Brutality
Water - Finesse
Air - Assault Power
Air - Finesse
Earth - Brutality
Weapons specialist
Air - Assault Power
Water - Brutality
Life - Finesse
Air - Assault Power
Earth - Mojo
Water - Vitality
Persistent load
Air - Assault Power
Water - Brutality
Repercussion (or Resonate?)
Water - Support Power
Life - CC deviation
Logic - Deviation
Sturdy frame
Fire - Assault Power
Earth - Finesse
In the zone
Fire - Armor
Water - Support Power
Full charge
Air - Assault Power
Earth - Mojo
Earth - Support Power
Explosion d'echo
Air - Regeneration
Earth - Mojo
Water - Support Power
Fire - Breakthrough
Water - Support Power
Life - Shield Ability
sucker Punch (Suction cup hit?)
Air - Assault Power
Earth - Mojo
Water - Brutality
Surge bank
Air - Mojo
Earth - Support Power
Fire - base health
Targeted thrust
Earth - Finesse
Fire - Assault Power
Logic - Mojo
Air - Sharpness
Fire - Mojo
Water - Support Power
Concentrated assault
Air - Assault Power
Earth - Mojo
Water - Finesse
Air - Deviation
Fire - Armor
Technological fire starter
Air - Finesse
Water - Brutality
Fusion - Assault Power
Magic fire starter
Air - Mojo
Earth - Brutality
Fusion - Assault Power
Wind head (?)
Earth - Finesse
Fire - Mojo
Water - Brutality
Life - Vitality
Hard rock
Air - Finesse
Water - Brutality
Logic bomb
Earth - Deviation
Fire - Breakthrough
Water - Support Power
Life giver
Air - Finesse
Earth - Support Power
Fire - Mojo
Fusion explosion
Earth - Mojo
Water - Brutality
Life - Finesse
Logic - Base VP
Fusion Guard
Air - DC deviation
Fire - Breakthrough
Water - Support Power
Life - Shield Ability
Fusion throat
Air - CC Chance
Earth - Finesse
Fire - Mojo
Logic - Base VP
Water - Finesse
Life - Vitality
Supercharged exosuit
Logic - PvP Attack
Fire - Brutality
Life - Vitality
Shield flow
Life - PvP Attack
Air - Regeneration
Logic - Base VP
Unfair advantage
Water - Finesse
Life - Vitality
Scatter shoes
Life - PvP Attack
Fire - Brutality
Logic - Base VP
Front view view
Earth - Brutality
Logic - Base VP
Weakened runes
One of the problems with the rune system is that it is quite expensive. During leveling, parts are changed very frequently, so it is not always very profitable to systematically add runes to your equipment.
A solution to this project will be the weakened runes. What is it about ? Well, these will be runes that will offer 60% of the bonus a normal rune would offer created. Each rune will offer primary stats, plus the "Logic" element that will grant Shield Ability and base HP.
The weakened runes will be these:
Air : Finesse - Mojo - Technology - Vitality
Earth : Brutality - Finesse - Mojo - Sharpness - Technology - Vitality
Feu : Brutality - Mojo - Sharpness - Technology
Water : Brutality - Finesse - Sharpness - Vitality
Fri : Brutality - Finesse - Sharpness - Vitality
Logic : Mojo - Shield Ability - Technology - Base Health
Fusion : Brutality - Mojo - Finesse - Sharpness - Technology - Vitality
There will also be weakened PvP runes, purchasable from PvP vendors (to make room, I'm going the other way around:
PvP Attack : Air - Fire - Life - Logic - Fusion
PvP Defense : Earth - Water - Life - Logic - Fusion
Name d'emplacements de rune
To address the concern of a too random number of rune slots and the type of elements of these, this system will be reworked to have less variance in the number of rune slots.
This new system will apply a default value for objects of the same quality. It will always be possible to do some exceptions to this system to make certain rooms more interesting, in particular those recovered in dungeon.
Here the default number of rune slots :
Namely: Solo = vendors, quests and crafts // Group = all group content
Green quality: 0 or maximum 1
Blue quality: Solo: 2 // Group: 3
Violet quality: Solo: 3 // Group: 4
Orange quality: Solo: 4 // Group: 5
Pink quality: 6
It remains however one exception: Gadgets. These will keep the current system which is 0 slot for green quality gadgets and 2 slots from blue quality.
This new system will not be not applied to existing parts, only to those recovered following its application. So as not to disadvantage rooms with a lower number of slots than the corresponding one above, it will be possible to add the missing locations via the system for adding a location (a priori free of charge).
Finally, the maximum number of locations that we can have on a part is as follows:
Green quality: we cannot add more
Blue quality: Solo: 3 // Group: 4
Violet quality: Solo: 4 // Group: 5
Orange quality: Solo: 6 // Group: 7
Pink quality: 8
Change item in a location
A new feature will appear, it will offer the possibility to change the element of a location.
In the runes management interface, it will be possible to choose and edit item of an individual rune once only. It will not be possible to change the item in the same location more than once, but it will be possible to change all locations of one piece.
This transformation will require an item : an elemental runic flux. This object will be created by the profession of Chemist.
Add a rune slot
As seen previously, it will be possible to add rune slots to a piece depending on its quality. To be able to add locations, you will have to use an object, the runic Eldan Flux (NDT: as before, in English: Eldan runic Flux). Depending on the quality of the piece, you will need more or less Runic Eldans Flux.
Here is an example of the number of Streams needed depending on the quality
Green quality: we cannot add more
Blue quality: 1
Purple quality: 3
Orange quality: 9
Pink quality: 27
The Runic Eldan Streams will be recoverable by different means : loot by killing a creature, dungeons, adventures, raids, PvP, reward bags.
This adding system can be done via the runes management interface.
So here is a very important number of modifications concerning the system of runes. There is no scheduled date for its deployment yet, but we can still predict this for the next big update, the details of this new system being quite precise.
What do you think of all these changes?