This week, we continue with the rest of the story of the Exiles and their discovery of the legendary planet Nexus. The article is not yet translated, I give you my version:
Dark hours
Following the daring rescue mission that saved Queen Myala Everstar and most of the Aurine population of Arboria, the exile fleet found itself in dire straits. Many of its ships were in dire need of repair after clashes with the Dominion Army, including the aging flagship, the Gambler's Ruin, a massive dilapidated arch. To make matters better, the already short supply of food and water was now becoming dangerously thin with the arrival of the Aurins in the fleet and a growing number of refugees who had escaped the blockade of Grismaran.
More worryingly, although the exiles had successfully escaped the Dominion after the events on Arboria, the Empire had tripled search patrols in the border systems. If the fleet was not back up and running within days the Dominion would find them and even with the support of the Granok Free Societies they could not survive another attack.
Hours passed and engineers worked desperately to repair the struck hulls and engines. During this time, a growing sense of desperation spread within the fleet. A muffled silence permeated the crowded mess rooms and dormitories, as if the slightest sound could lead the Dominion stalkers to their hiding place. Families and groups of friends gathered on the observation decks, watching anxiously in the deep silence as they silently prayed to their respective deities. Many believed the situation to be hopeless. Indeed, even if the ships were repaired and water and food resources found, it was a matter of time before the life support systems of the aging ships in the fleet began to fail. They desperately needed a new world, a place to put down roots before they succumb to death or destruction in the cold of endless space.
The Fleet of Exiles could have suffered such a fate if it hadn't been for a human named Dorian Walker. Obsessed with the idea of finding the legendary planet Nexus forever, Walker was considered a madman among his colleagues and friends. Just before the rescue mission to Arboria, he had left the fleet with the desperate gamble of finding the legendary world of Nexus to make it home to the exiles. After weeks of fruitless searching, as his ship's life support systems began to fail, Walker finally found Nexus and soon after landed on its surface. He immediately sent the providential message to the fleet of exiles that he had finally found their new home.
Word of Walker's discovery spread like wildfire through the fleet. Despair turned to exhilaration at the idea of this future awaiting the fleet. The glasses were lifted and the worries forgotten. Salvation seemed at hand.
The Exile Agreements
Within hours of the announcement, leaders of all races in the fleet gathered aboard the Gambler's Ruin to discuss what would happen next. They all had one thing in common, they had been driven from their lives as a result of the Dominion's aggressive expansion, and the planet Nexus represented a place of refuge where they could rebuild their shattered lives. Despite this miraculous news, they soon realized that this last trip was going to be extremely difficult. Aside from the unknown mysteries and dangers that awaited them on the planet, a thousand other challenges were going to have to be addressed and overcome if they were to build a community strong enough to survive.
Their discussions lasted for days, with fiery arguments on everything from merchant rights to military law enforcement. Eventually, they agreed on the basic principles of an agreement that would soon be known as the Exile Accords. Signed by all the leaders present, the Accords represented a pledge to build a free society on the planet Nexus and a pledge that they would make a united front against anyone or anything that came to threaten their new home.
The return trip
While the ink still dried on the Exile Accords, the engineers completed their repairs and the order was sent to the entire fleet to prepare for a hyperspace jump. The remaining resources were stored, hatches closed, and all non-essential crew members were directed to cryo-pods for the long journey beyond the rim. As the Gambler's Ruin's hyperdrive rumbled with life, the exhausted and hopeful exiles closed their eyes and quietly surrendered to the warm embrace of cryo-sleep, full of dreams of the new life that awaited them on the Nexus.
There is no doubt that we will soon have the rest of the story with the establishment of the Exiles on Nexus and the arrival of the Dominion.
Small addition: it is now in spanish on the official site here.