Like World of WarCraft, WildStar offers you the possibility of using add-ons to add new features to the game. They are mostly found on the Curse site. If you want to find out what an add-on is and how to install it, we have already made a guide on it.
In this article, I offer you a selection of add-ons that I was able to find, that I find useful and that I use myself. As always, I made a video for those who prefer this format:
And for fans of the written word, here are the add-ons that I offer:
- Bijiplates :
This add-on allows a better display of the health bar / shield player characters and enemies, the default bar not being very showy.
- BetterQuestLog :
BetterQuestLog changes the display of the quest list which can be found via Codex (L key by default) with a simpler display.
- JunkIt:
This added functionality is now part of the base game client, it is no longer necessary to take this add-on.
JunkIt Info
If you don't have this add-on, I think you might feel the need to have it! It consists of the automatic sale all the unnecessary items in your inventory (you can decide through the interface of the add-on what you want to remove, whether they are gray or rarer items), all in one click (see the red icon at the top of the window in the image below).
- MailHelper :
MailHelper offers automatic retrieval of the content of all your couriers. Very practical add-on even essential if you are a fan of the auction house.
- DefaultMount :
If, like me, you have a problem with the mount being located in the mount shortcut to the W key by default, with an automatic delivery of your first mount in the box, and well this add-on is made for you! By entering the "/ dm" command in-game, you will be able to choose your main mount which will automatically put itself in the shortcut and which will remain so!
- Grid :
If you are a healer, this add-on is for you and you may already know it from other games! And if you're not, it shouldn't be too much, in fact ...
In short, this add-on is really very practical, it displays the list of all the members of your group in a very simple way, which allows to have a global vision of the players and their life. But it also offers a practical feature: the presence of an arrow that indicates where the player is in relation to you, essential for a game as dynamic as WildStar.
- AutoScan :
AutoScan is an add-on exclusively for players who have taken Scientist for vocation. It simply allows you to automatically launch your scanbot when something to scan is nearby.
So much for my add-ons, they are all the ones I use. I hope they will be of interest to more than one, and feel free to share any add-ons that you too use and that may be of interest to others! Personally, I am a taker!