Maybe that was to be expected, and it was really about time it happened: the official WildStar site got a good graphic overhaul!
The reception is quite similar to the previous one, but there is no longer a menu bar at the top, just a link in the upper right corner which leaves room for a window that will be able to redirect visitors to the desired page among several categories :

Finally, the last major graphic change is the news feed which offers 4 tabs:
- All
- New Arrivals : the latest official articles
- Twitter : list of the last tweets that have been bookmarked
- Twitch : a selection of 3 current livestreams which do not necessarily seem to be the most viewed at the moment

In addition, regarding the Twitch promotion, the game page highlights other pages when it is offline:
No sign of YouTube promotion, on the other hand ...
The information has also been updated, there are no more missing or outdated items like the previous version of the site. It was high time!
What do you think of this redesign?